Altered States of Consciousness

19 May 2016

It’s not that difficult to alter your consciousness. You might start your day with a stimulating cup of coffee, or end it with a relaxing cocktail. Even without imbibing any substances, you can alter your consciousness by doing various activities, like yoga, meditation, or with a simple walk in the woods. But if you really want a powerful, fast, and direct way to get into aradicallyaltered state, try taking a mind-altering drug, like LSD, peyote, or ayahuasca.


Of course, back in the early sixties, when those substances were still legal, Timothy Leary and friends did some research on psychedelics. While some of their work focused on how psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) might be used to rehabilitate prisoners, what Leary and his cohorts were really interested in was the spiritual or mystical states that psychedelics could induce, and the insights about the nature of self, consciousness, and the universe that these “higher states” of consciousness were thought to provide.

Nixon once described Leary as “the most dangerous man in America.” It was a view many people at the time shared. Leary ended up being fired from his position at Harvard, he became a fugitive on the run from the law, and was eventually arrested and imprisoned for several years.

While the scientific work Leary and his colleagues did on psychedelics was important and pioneering, many think that his extra-curricular, proselytizing activities—including leading the “turn on, tune in, and drop out” countercultural movement of the late sixties (which involved many young people supposedly “frying” their brains on acid)—were ultimately to blame for these substances being outlawed. Regardless, once psychedelics became illegal, scientific research became virtually impossible. Until very recently.

We’re now entering into an exciting time for the study of psychedelics. Some new research is focused on the mind expanding aspects of psychedelic experiences, and what that tells us about the nature of consciousness. But some is investigating how psychedelics can treat various psychological conditions, like depression, addiction, and PTSD. And the results, while just preliminary, are very promising!

Now I imagine there are many skeptics out there, especially when it comes to claims about how psychedelics provide deep “insights” into the nature of reality. If you've never tried psychedelics, you might be especially skeptical. After all, there is something odd about taking a substance that messes with your brain chemistry and causes you to hallucinate, and then thinking you learned something about the world as a result. How exactly dohallucinationsgive rise to genuine insights aboutthe nature of reality?


You might wonder how that fact explains the possibility of genuine insight resulting from a psychedelic experience. How does havinglessfocus andlesscontrol lead togreaterinsight?


By adulthood, this flexibility in the mind gives rise to more fixed habits of thought. What psychedelics do is bring you back to this childlike state of mental flexibility. Your attention has a much wider focus, your vision expands, and you become aware of many more things than you would if you were sober and narrowly focused. Aldous Huxley, who experimented with the with drug mescaline, described psychedelics as a "valve" that opened "the doors of perception."


This broadening of focus also suggests a way in which psychedelics could help alleviate depression and addiction, conditions which might be described as involving an overly rigid or fixed focus.




mirugai's picture


Saturday, May 21, 2016 -- 5:00 PM


心理呓语;应该有哲学呓语,?今天吗?S show就是一个很好的例子。通过对比婴儿扫描时熄灭的红、绿、蓝灯来理解意识?他的大脑,还是服用了迷幻药的人的大脑?饶了我吧!我吗?“作为一名科学家,我们至少需要密西根州30平方英里的菌丝体(地球上最大的生物)的扫描图,以及一只小猎犬、一罐鲔鱼和StoveTop填料混合物来进行比较。我怀疑同样颜色的灯可能会熄灭。
Don?t look for consciousness in the brain. It isn?t there; it isn?t alongside anything else. It isn?t matter, the subject of science. Those who are so desperate for explanations (mostly to confirm their beliefs (non-provables) and more nefariously their wants) make up the stuff that they think is good science to justify them.
But don?t make up some b.s. about understanding consciousness (of real interest to, statistically, no one) to justify using LSD. Philosobabble. You will never ?understand? consciousness by using science; you can only explore what consciousness is through philosophy (and poetry and comedy).

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Sunday, May 22, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

Leary was a hooligan, not a

Leary was a hooligan, not a researcher. He dispensed LSD to unsuspecting victims in an innocent social setting. That's a crime, not research. But the whole question is poisoned by misapprehension of what consciousness is. It is not a state at all and is therefore not altered. It is, rather, a mode of alteration. Most modes of its being "altered" are really modes of its being crippled in the mode of altering itself it is. The most philosophically interesting drug effect is not hallucinogens, but sodium pentothal, the effects of which bring up much more troubling issues. But consciousness is a constantly recurring realization of error and an effort at correction that cannot establish any stable state of anything. It is like balance, which does not set up a stable stance, but is constantly correcting for instabilities. A drug which causes us to stumble could hardly be called an "altered state" of balance. The point is, if you don't know what you're talking about the question is of limited avail. AI, for instance, since it relies on systems of established stability, is not consciousness and cannot be, it is much more properly associated with unconsciousness. If we appreciate that difference we might be in a position to ask more pertinent questions

MJA's picture


Monday, May 23, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

The highest mind is the

The highest mind is the clearest mind, drug free. =

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, May 23, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

I had never heard the Nixon

I had never heard the Nixon pronouncement concerning Tim Leary. Calling him a "houligan" seems extreme, but everyone has their take on most everything. I've read what some of the experts have said about consciousness (i.e., Dennett's Consciousness Explained and Combs' Consciousness Explained Better) and the signature semblence between the two was that neither man explained consciousness and neither explanation was in any way better than the other. For my own part, I have opined that consciousness (in humans) is a representation of an advanced state of awareness which cannot (to my knowledge) be equaled in any other known species. It is said that animals "learn", inasmuch as they can development reactions to repetitive stimuli. My cat "knows" the sound of the treat bag and can (it appears) distinguish the rustle of that particular plastic material from a similar rustling of other plastic bags. All of this might lead us to believe that said cat possesses a rudimentary consciousness. But, she does not now know that she will age, weaken and one day die. Or, if she does know this, there is no way she can tell us what she knows.
我们知道什么是有意识的,什么不是。但我们无法测量或以任何方式量化意识。正如Mirugai恰当地指出的那样,它不在大脑中。不是在大脑里,不是,而是有一个比它自己的一团灰色肉更大的大脑的能力的表征。说诸如哲学、诗歌和喜剧之类的东西是认识意识或探索意识是什么的方式,部分是正确的。也许大部分是真实的。因为如果是机器里的幽灵,我们似乎不太可能真正了解它。但是,有时候追影子也很有趣。如果你对动物“意识”的概念感兴趣,可以去读Rupert Sheldrake。他特立独行,但很有趣。

mirugai's picture


Monday, May 23, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

The one thing we can say

The one thing we can say safely and certainly about animal conscience is that we can say nothing at all about animal consciousness. It is almost as difficult to say something about another person's consciousness.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

When we say we know the

I have had first-hand accounts of what Leary got up to, by one of his students.

MJA's picture


Tuesday, May 24, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

"Animal consciousness", that

"Animal consciousness", that would most certainly include us as well.
I wonder...
Einstein said something like: if he could be a member of any group he would like most to be among the true searchers, for which there are only a few living at one time. For me, I would most like to be with everyone and that everyone at One time could see.
Be One,

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

Descartes was establishing

Descartes was establishing the anchor of antecedence for his progression of inference, taking the continuity of that progression between that antecedence and its conclusion as a priori or self-evident. But it ain't neither! Actually, if the issue is the anatomy of consciousness, EEG evidence shows that there is a discontinuity between brain activity and awareness of it. That is, it is proven there is brain activity before the event is reported conscious. Though there is, perhaps, effective contrary evidence in our ability to hit a baseball. After all, if it's a matter of timing, we are clearly better at effectuating it than we are at reporting it. In any case, even continuity between termini, like beginning and end, antecedence and consequence, premise and conclusion, does not result in oneness. And that continuity is probably the most dubious concept in all philosophy, East or West.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, May 28, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

I'm not sure of Alison's

I'm not sure if Alison's child centered focus helped or hurt this show.