Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

14 April 2016

Sunday we consider whether ancient wisdom -- namely that of the Greeks -- can be applied to modern problems. Most Greeks thought the earth was flat, that slavery was OK, and that women were second-class people. Plato thought democracy sucked, that poetry and drama were bad things, and that freedom of speech is a sort of joke. He even thought that Philosophers, of all people, should be Kings. So, one might ask, where’s the wisdom in all that?


Modern philosophy sort of lost track of that understanding somewhere along the way, under the influence of Kant, Bentham, and Mill. They were more focused on the right than the good.


Perhaps, with our focus on rules, we’ve lost something that the Greeks understood. Hypothesis: A lot of our problems are due to an excess of vice and a shortage virtue. So claims, Melissa Lane, Professor of Politics, Princeton University, our guest for Sunday's program. She's the author ofEco-Republic: What the Ancients Can Teach Us about Ethics, Virtue, and Sustainable Living.

Consumerism and greed — what the Greeks think of as appetites run wild — have led us into a series of financial debacles, and have propelled us into a huge ecological crisis. Only willful ignorance about the future, what vice the greeks called hubris, can make us feel good about modern society.

We'll examine this hypothesis with Professor Lane on Sunday.

Photo byDouglas OonUnsplash


MJA's picture


Friday, July 5, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

A modern philosophy:

A modern philosophy:
If philosophy is truth and the truth is equal, and equal is Nature, and Nature is One, then One has no rules as equality is freedom and the good of One is the true beauty or light of All.
Be One,

Guest's picture


Saturday, July 6, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Plato's epistemology is truly

His literary style, however, and wit, which received wisdom assigns not to him but to Socrates, has never faded in my experience, and pieces like Protagoras and Euthyphro and Phaedo grow only more entertaining, moving, and powerful wtih each reading.
But his political philosophy, I believe, is absolutely pernicious and not deserving of respect. If implemented, his Republic would look like Afghanistan under the Taliban. I cannot off hand give you the reference, but Aristotle called the Republic unfit for human beings.
Now, having given full disclosure, I want to come to the wisdom of Plato. Your guest, and you guys, too, failed even to mention the extravagant and ridiculous invention Plato had to make in order to ground, as it were, his "bizarre"(as one of you called it) theory of knowledge: the soul, an immaterial something that has neither location nor dimension. Plato seems to me to me to have expropriated Euclid's geometric point, and assigned one of them to each of us. With the possible exception of the neutrino, there is nothing like it in the real world that we inhabit, and even the neutrino falls far short, for it interacts, barely, with the real world as far as any of us, including Plato, understands it, yet he blithely ignores the contradiction: we are not geometric abstactions nor do we carry them within us. Non-interaction with the material world seem to me as good a definition of non existence as we're going to get. Somehow Plato got away with that slight of hand, rather like Citizen Kane's famous last word, "Rosebud," which no one could have heard because the old fellow died alone, yet the search for the meaning of "Rosebud", as Kane understood it, informs the entire film that follwed, only to produce only a cliche unworthy of even a cocktail party: we really love what we most loved in childhood (along with some good stuff along the way, even so.)
柏拉图对几何学的滥用不仅使他否定了诗歌(除了他喜欢的诗歌,比如品达花钱买的布道书,否定了运动员的歌曲,必须承认,运动员可能需要这些歌曲),而且使他允许哲学家国王说谎。我甚至读过一些史德斯坦学派(Staussites)的书,他们借用了一点古老的智慧来为乔治·w·布什(G. W. Bush)在公共场合的恶行开脱。但请给施特劳斯派一个评价:他们一眼就能认出哲学家国王。
然而,最糟糕的是,柏拉图认为我们不可能既知道什么是对的/正义的/好的,同时又做什么是愚蠢的/邪恶的/坏的想法,这一想法既诱人又荒谬,真的让他陷入了困境。然而,他一定知道菲德拉在这个问题上的巨大挣扎,以及她在欧里庇得斯的《希波吕忒斯》第一集(176-524行)中可怕而可悲的失败,以及她在这一集的中途对特罗伊森的女人的演讲(373 - 430行)。如果你读一下前后的合唱颂歌,就能更好地理解这一集。读一读,你就会明白我的意思,它既适用于相关的古人,也适用于当时的大众戏剧观众。
I agree that we have much to learn from the Greek experience in many areas of life, from both their successes and even more from their failures, but most of all from coming to understand how unlike us they were and yet how dependent our own is existence is on their .surviving legacy. They challenged the gods. We, as we slowly acquire god-like powers, quake and tremble. As Sir John Beazley put it, "They were young. We are old. In our decrepitude, they mock us." They challenged the gods. We, as we slowly acquire god-like powers of destruction and creation, quake and tremble.

Guest's picture


Monday, July 8, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

The democratic history of

The Athenians next turned to a merchant, Solon, who wrote poems to virtue but softened the law. Even so, Solon's greatest achievement was to established a centrally-planned and centrally-controlled economy which allowing a great deal of personal and economic freedom. His insight and pragmatism was to bring prosperity to Athens as it evolved democracy until the time of Plato. Then came the deluge.
柏拉图在通往进步的道路上是一个灾难性的人物(这是哲学家马克斯·奥托(Max Otto)和作家阿瑟·凯斯特勒(Arthur Koestler)的说法)。古典学者c·m·鲍拉写道:“(柏拉图)准备为永恒和安全牺牲几乎一切,最后很明显,让他感动的是恐惧。正因为如此,他才如此不信任人性及其野心和欲望,不信任任何一种个人或政治自由,不信任多样性和变化,不信任整个生活的丰富多彩...."
The ancient Greeks were ingenious, energetic and insightful but limited by their time and knowledge. As long as we remember this, not only philosophers, but we all can still benefit much from studying their struggle to understand and master the workings of the world.

Guest's picture


Friday, July 12, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I found Arvo's comments lucid

I found Arvo's comments lucid and insightful. His(?) last sentence was most instructive. How old do we wish to go? The Chinese appear to pre-date almost everyone else, and a recent finding seems to show they wrote things down---long before the first Greek was ever born. Ancient wisdom? Indeed. The bigger question might be:

Guest's picture


Sunday, July 14, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

So---please tell me, if you


MJA's picture


Thursday, July 18, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Wisdom is realization of

Be real, be true,
Or just be,

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, July 18, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I enjoy reading works by


columbus.cooper's picture


Friday, April 15, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

If you take away the parts

If you take away the parts about wisdom and philosophers should be kings, the positions seem consistent with some of todays politicians. Denial of science, war on women, anti-voting, etc, etc.
When the world has been divided up between a few powerful groups and/or individuals, everyone born without resources has less opportunity than an animal in a forest. Our current economic and organizational structures are primitive at best and have rationalized the criminality of the past in reality. It is a good thing that water drops out of the sky and no one can prevent the poor from breathing. The owners of the worlds resources would certainly like to take and sale air and water as well.
I would guess that in ancient times ethics and morality were pretty tough topics for philosophers. Professor Lane's hypothesis seems to be the type of contribution philosophers should be expected to make today. Some ideas need to change and thought leaders are needed. The problems are obvious but the solutions are much more complex.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Saturday, April 16, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

Mr. Cooper,

Mr. Cooper,
Slandering Plato, however, seems to have become a parlor game, even a team sport. Make what you will of the "conclusions" drawn in the Republic, the methodology is exquisitely democratic. That is, it values the right to have and to express one's views as highly as it does responsibility to respond to reasonable critiques of them. More democratic, in fact, than any text to date, or many of the views expressed on these web-pages.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

I have thought more about

I have thought more about ancient wisdom in the three years since first commenting upon your blog topic. Well, many things have transpired in the interim. I have less and less disposable income, and with only one exception, that situation has led me and mine to an evermore frugal lifestyle, much like my grandparents' generation. I am, unofficially, a minimalist now, one, because it is the sustainability of a minimalist credo which makes life bearable, and two, the minimalist stance (if it is nominally correct to call it that) has actually deepened my spirit and enriched my creativity. Several new developments have also grabbed my attention of late: the Japanese car company caught cheating on its mileage claims and the hydrogen fuel cell bus that produces allegedly drinkable water as its combustion product.
这些事情告诉我们,人类永远都是有独创性的。他们会不由自主地进步和改善自己的命运,无论是通过努力工作和技术进步,还是通过历史悠久的作弊来赚取额外的收入。与此同时,我可以满足于拥有一台割草机,它明年就会有40岁了;自己种点吃的;享受我自己的孙子孙女;看着世界上其他的人走过。我和我的家人不怎么消费,也不是特别贪婪。作弊的人会被抓住,所以不值得为此付出努力。古老的智慧可能不像以前那么适用了,但它最初的实用性仍然默默地回报着人们,并带有一定的尊严。If you have read any of my recent comments, you may have seen the following couplet:
Complexity compounds chaos:::Simplicity supports serenity. That's one take on the ancient wisdom notion.
It works for me. And that's just all right.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Thursday, April 21, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

The wisdom of....., Kim

The wisdom of....., Kim Williams (Harry, look her up, you'll like her!). Trouble is, voluntary austerity may be wise, involuntary, it is deprivation.

Pedestrian's picture


Saturday, May 14, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

This study of Greek

This study of Greek philosophy, is the real birth of sociology. This Greek philosophy thus discussed what was the ideal formation of modern, prosperous, peaceful, civil society. Simply put, their philosophies over estimated man's virtue and under estimated man's vice. The resulting codification to address the power of wealth and govt. power, failed to address man's vices.

Guest's picture


Tuesday, September 20, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

I love your standpoint. I am

I love your standpoint. I am just college student and it is genuinely of great help for me.