On Awesomeness

27 August 2021

“棒极了”是否只是我们真正喜欢的东西的一个过度使用的词?或者它指的是一种特殊的卓越?如果我们都努力变得更牛逼,而不是那么糟糕,这个世界会变得更好吗?This week, we’re thinking aboutawesomeness.

As an immigrant to this country, it seems to me that Americans love to call everything and anything “awesome.” Once upon a time, it used to mean inspiring fear or awe, but now it seems it’s just a word that tech bros and valley girls use for things they like.

Of course, just because a word once meant something in particular, it doesn’t follow that its meaning must remain static for all time. The meaning of words can and do change over time, and one word can have multiple meanings at the same time.


Take Elon Musk. No, please, take him!! Lots of people seem to think he and his space program are awesome. And they mean it in this new-fangled sense, as in very cool or most excellent. Going into space might inspire awe and so be awesome in the traditional sense. But is Musk awesome in this other sense for trying to [checks notes] colonize Mars? I personally don’t think so. But that’s not to say anyone who disagrees is confused or wrong about the meaning of the word. We just have different opinions.

Now if Musk were to spend some of his billions to end world hunger on Earth, instead of blowing it all on some narcissistic pipe dream on Mars, then Imightconsider calling him awesome. Certainly, ending world hunger would be awesome. It would be an extraordinary act that would benefit humanity.

这让我想知道,要变得“了不起”,我们是否必须帮助别人,或者在某种程度上亲社会。我最近看了一段视频,是印度的一些人在救一条被塑料网捆得太紧的蛇,它开始窒息。他们不顾自己的危险,靠近了这条嘶嘶作响、不断咬人的蛇,切开每一块塑料,直到最后把蛇放出来。Now,thatseemed like an awesome act to me, and anyone who would do such a thing deserves to be called awesome.

But if we reserve “awesome” for acts that benefit others in some significant way, then that would rule out a lot of other contemporary uses of the word. For example, could I make an awesome sandwich that I enjoyed all by myself? Imagine, a sandwich with the freshest bread, tomatoes sliced and salted to perfection, avocado at exactly the right moment of ripeness, crisp green lettuce. Is that just a very tasty, well-made sandwich, perhaps even an excellent sandwich, or could it be an awesome sandwich?

Our show this week is called “The Ethics of Awesomeness,” which does suggest that we should reserve the term for things that have some kind of ethical or social dimension. Our guest, Nick Riggle, author ofOn Being Awesome: A Unified Theory of How Not to Suck, argues that to be awesome is to create “social openings,” opportunities for others to express their own individuality.

One of Nick’s favorite examples of awesomeness isthe guy in the video above, Jeremy Fry当体育场的摄像机恰好落在他身上时,他自发地对口型唱歌和跳舞。尼克认为,杰里米之所以成为一种了不起的行为,是因为他以这种创造性的方式打破了通常的社会习俗,吸引了其他人,并让他们有机会参与其中,享受乐趣。



Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, August 27, 2021 -- 11:00 AM

The root of awesome is fear.

The root of awesome is fear. It had godlike intonations that might have transmuted to the awe of nature. Awe can still mean this. It can also mean awful, which might be said of my thought.

Must awesomeness involve others? No. Not in the sense above or in the original meaning, whatever that may be for you.


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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, August 28, 2021 -- 8:16 AM

I agree with Mr. Smith on

I agree with Mr. Smith on this one. The whole experience of awesome arises from just how unique or heart-stopping a thing may be....heart-stopping being metaphor, not literal. Meanings or words and/or expressions take on different lives generation to generation. This does not require nor entail a change in the original or usual meaning. Mass and pop culture seem to drive much of this trait. I have never seen the usefulness of misuse or over-use of such terms. But, my opinion does not matter, in the grand scheme of things. I have probably offended servers at several eateries here when they have said 'awesome' after I placed my order, and I replied:'really?' Or maybe they only thought: oh, another old person. Much of current hipness is predicated on excess and extremity; nuance and speed. Some of us are not there,nor care to be. Things that are awesome will always and in all ways be. Those that are not never were. Keep us thinking PT.

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jasondiazgerdts's picture


Sunday, August 29, 2021 -- 1:03 PM

When I think of awesomeness,

When I think of awesomeness, I think about Rudolf Otto's "The Idea of the Holy" and the "numinous experience". Which is a lot like what Tim Smith describes above--that is, an experience of awe and wonder in the face of human nothingness when faced with a holy and powerful being.

My parents have had experiences like that and I have to. Its this kind of this strange sensation but without drugs. Um... Maybe one can point to synesthesia as real life example of this kind of experience in order to ground the discussion.

But my thing though is that maybe a person, you know, can do little things everyday that can manifest awesomeness. Like a piece of driftwood whose shadow shows the shape of a hand at only a certain time of the day. Or giving a buddy half of your sandwich cause its an awesome sandwich.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, September 4, 2021 -- 8:44 AM


I think your comments are germain. Even small occurrences may be awe-inspiring. But, as suggested at the beginning of the post, the big word is over used, in my humble opinion. Jung's notion about what he called synchronicity seemed far-fetched to me years ago. Time passed. Things happened I could not explain in a rational way. These are, to me, awesome. And yes, I too have shared a sandwich or two...

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, October 4, 2021 -- 7:28 AM

I have corresponded with my

I have corresponded with my older sibling on this awesomeness thing. Quite a bit. We are pretty much in agreement on the subject. Not everyone sees this in the same way. Nor should they need to. PT allows us to express our differences---within reason, of course. I like that open forum approach. Nothing more to offer on this topic.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 -- 5:57 AM



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