Celebrating Our 500th Episode

22 June 2020

中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播just celebrated our500th episode. Quite an accomplishment from the point of view of the 1st episode.

Let me reminisce for a bit. Long a fan of public radio’sCar Talk, I had the idea of something similar based on philosophy. After all, most philosophical problems are more interesting than spark plug problems or transmission problems.

So I tried to get a couple of philosophy friends at Stanford interested. David Israel wasn’t interested. Michael Bratman wasn’t interested. But then after Ken Taylor arrived at Stanford and I got to know him, he seemed perfect. So I gave it a try. And he liked the idea.

That was the very beginning of中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播早在2002年。肯接受了这个想法,并付诸实施。不出一两周,他就说服了教务长约翰·埃切门迪(John Etchemendy)给我们一些种子资金,让我们准备试播集。


We tried to get picked up by KQED, where I had some friends. No interest there. But then Ben talked to the station managers at KALW and OPB and convinced them to pick up the show. Our第一集of中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播was aired in January, 2004. And now—500 episodes later—the program has been broadcast on over 100 stations nationwide.

In 2006, Ben recruited Devon Strolovich to the team. If Ben was the senior producer, Devon became responsible for the day-to-day production of the show. A few years later, Laura Maguire joined us and we had the core team that still continues with the important work of producing中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播, with help from many others over the years, now especially Cindy Prince Baum.

Except for Ken and me. When I turned 75 a couple of years ago, I told Ken it was time to find a younger co-host. That turned out well, with the wonderful Josh Landy and Debra Satztaking over my duties, mainly Josh once Debra became a dean last year. But then Ken died unexpectedly in December.

中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播without Ken Taylor? It seems unthinkable. Like breakfast without coffee, or Paris without the Eiffel Tower. But then Josh was joined by Ray Briggs as co-host, who is doing a masterful job. The two of them make a great team. I’m very proud of the present program, and I think it will go on for at least another 500 episodes.

The 500th episode is on the topic oftime. Given my age and years in the business, I think I am permitted to vent a little bit about this problem. The philosophy of time is one of my favorite topics, but also one of the most irritating. The main problem is that physicists can’t quite figure out what time is. A fair percentage of them get philosophical in their old age, and announce that the problem isn’t with them but with time: there is no such thing. It’s just an illusion humans find useful in scheduling.

Accordingly, our first guest is physicist Carlo Rovelli, author ofThe Order of Timeand many other popular physics books, to talk about the different things we mean when we talk about “time.” Then Josh and Ray are joined by political scientist Elizabeth Cohen to talk about her fascinating book,The Political Value of Time, from election cycles to criminal justice. Prolific poet and essayist (and one ofPhilosophy Talk’sfavorite guests) Jane Hirshfield discusses the various ways poetry can play with time, reading a couple of poems from her new book,Ledger. In the last segment, Josh talks to philosopher Jorah Danenberg about one of their favorite Ted Chiang sci-fi stories, “Story of Your Life,” which explores the concept of time from the perspective of an alien life form that visits Earth.


Image byMonoar Rahman RonyfromPixabay


sminsuk's picture


Monday, June 22, 2020 -- 2:50 PM

好的文章!"...just an

好的文章!"...这只是人类在安排日程时发现的一种有用的错觉”,哈!伟大的事件。我特别喜欢物理部分和短篇故事。约翰,我不知道你是否还记得我在你成千上万的以前的学生中(名字已经变了,但姓氏可能还记得),但我很喜欢你的第一哲学,“上帝、自我和世界”,新生研讨班,78- 79学年秋季学期,以及一两年后的“思想、物质和意义”。那些课程,还有您作为老师,是我本科生活中最精彩的部分,我至今仍记忆犹新。

I stumbled upon Philosophy Talk in 2006 or 2007 and was tickled to discover it, and to be hearing from you again. I haven't been able to keep up with all the episodes but have been enjoying the ones I could catch ever since. I was sorry to hear you retired from the show, but of course, it's a well deserved rest. Glad you are keeping connected to the show, though, and hope you're having a marvelous retirement!

Sharon Minsuk

John Perry's picture

John Perry

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 -- 4:41 PM

Well I kind of think do


sminsuk's picture


Sunday, June 13, 2021 -- 3:11 PM

This website needs to send

This website needs to send notification emails when one receives replies to their comments, because I'm only seeing your reply now, a year later, John! But yes, that sounds like me! The other bright kids were other members of your freshman seminar. They used to put all the members of a freshman seminar together in the same dorm, so they'd all become buddies. And of course since it was a freshman seminar it meant our discussion section was led by you instead of one of your teaching assistants.


MJA's picture


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 -- 8:30 PM


谢谢你的回忆!(这不是《全家福》里的台词吗?)And to you and Ken and the entire team, Thanks

If you don't mind, this is my definition of time: Time is a measure of human construct of a nature that is truly immeasurable.

To the next 500,


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, July 9, 2020 -- 9:35 PM

