#Francis-on-Film: Parasite

20 November 2019

What is a social parasite? The term was a common one among Maoists who saw rich capitalists as sucking the blood of the working class. TheEncyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism Onlinehas reprinted an essay published in 1977 by the Workers’ Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought: “The past two years in Britain has witnessed the beginnings of a powerful mass upsurge in which hundreds of thousands of people all over the country – workers, women, national minorities, students, youth and intellectuals – have been drawn into various forms of rebellion and resistance against the capitalist/imperialist social system, against the tiny handful of parasites, 2 per cent of the population who own over 50 per cent of the property, who are holding on to the political power in their hands like grim death.”

Talk of the top 2%—or today’s 1%—as parasites may seem merely a historical curiosity to those who were not part of the debates about Maoism in the late 1960s and 1970s. However,Parasite, a new film by the South Korean director Bong Joon-ho that won the 2019 Palme d’Or at Cannes, challenges audiences to probe social parasitism amidst growing inequality in a largely affluent country. (The Gini coefficient—a widely used measure of inequality—inSouth Koreahas risen from .31 to .36 in the past ten years. By comparison, in the U.S. it’s risen from .46 to 49; in South Africa, the country with the highest estimated Gini coefficient, it’s .63).


The wealthy Park family inParasiteinhabit a dwelling designed by a famous architect. Although they appreciate the status of owning such a home, they have little appreciation for the home’s functions or unique beauty. The husband is often away on unspecified business; the family clearly has money to spend but its sources are never clear. The wife is easily manipulated by those who are cleverer than she is. She cannot cook and does not understand her children although she cares about them. The older daughter cares more about texting and boyfriends than she does about studying, and the younger son loves shooting supposedly American Indian arrows and drawing in the manner of the CoBrA avant garde.


The Kim family live in poverty in the fetid damp of a basement apartment. Despite apparently trying (and despite the only 3.5% unemployment rate in South Korea), the father of the family has failed to obtain employment. The son, Ki-woo, has apparently taken university entrance examinations four times, without success. (Parenthetically, students in South Korea spend years preparing for the高三,; estimates are that 2% of students receive offers to attend top-tier universities and 70% of the 590,000 students taking the exam every year are admitted to one of the universities in Korea.)


So perhaps each of the characters inParasite是不完整的,依赖的,对他们的生活失去控制的,他们的经济环境是导致他们这样的一部分原因。此外,寄生虫与宿主不是共生关系;它们不会以互惠互利的方式为宿主做出贡献。这就是不平等的腐蚀:它使我们所有人成为寄生虫。


RepoMan05's picture


Wednesday, November 20, 2019 -- 4:26 PM

Parasite is really just a

Parasite is really just a poorly defined value term for what we innately deal is the most morbid strategy of life. Carnivore, herbivore, parasite, omnivore, and sanguinivore(dunno actual term) are all really just sliding value terms viewd from a sliding perspective between pure selfishness and a golden rule standpoint.

You might say carnivores and herbivores exist!
The truth is virtually all herbivores are documented eating meat and even lions chew grass sometimes. then you say omnivore! But then we find that there are actually some animals that gain sustenance from minerals like worms that also get sustenance from animal and plant matter.

The truth is, "codification fallacy" is the definition of "subjectivity" and "enculturation" is the definition of "subjectively contagious subjective agnosia."

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, November 28, 2019 -- 6:16 AM

Believe it or not, RepoMan05,

Believe it or not, RepoMan05, inside your comment above, you have the basis of a genuine response to this film and Leslie's post.
I don't think you do believe your own response though do you?
If you don't know (or as you say "dunno") what a word means or if it even exists - look it up. It's a free process - even if only above the bare corner of Ki-woo's subterranean commode.
Deep down, inside your anti-intellectual take is an interesting thought. What is it?
If you saw this movie... I think you would find some answers.
You have pieces of truth in you.
I don't have the time to put all of them together if you don't have the time to express them coherently.
But express them you must. Why?
What is going on RM5?
How do you feel?
I want to know.

RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 11:20 AM



While i often write things i dont believe so i can glean from others why it should be unbelievable, this is not exactly the case. I dont actualy "believe" anything. Nothing what so ever. For me, everything is up for discussion unless it's a clearly defined slippery slope i.e. a logical error that shouldnt have been the basis of an equation in the first place and could only yeald another logical error. Something i find in every single one of your posts. I've found it typical of certain peoples of certain fanclubs. If it isnt too much to ask, what fanclub do you subscribe to?

A labyrinth of subjectivity can be just as intricate and complicated as you can imagine it.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 4:28 AM


你在我的粉丝俱乐部RM5...if it exists at all. Your point there is deep and I can't offer solace or direction.

I can say look it up however without finding turtles all the way down. Sophocles was a stooge for his student who, I think, misunderstood his teacher.

It is a very safe position to take all as subjective. This movie is not safe. Can you objectively tell me why?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, November 22, 2019 -- 8:42 AM

Parasitology is an imperfect

寄生虫学是研究生物的一个不完善的分支。为什么?因为当我们考虑那些从定义上来说是寄生的东西时,我们通过将它们与其他不是寄生的东西进行比较而失败了。苹果、桔子、玻璃和破窗户等等。一般来说,当蚊子只是在寻找午餐时,我们认为它们是寄生虫,嗯,正如repo man所指出的,嗜血动物(或任何实际的术语)。严格地说,水蛭也是一种寄生的吸血动物,但在这里,它们只是在寻找食物,并准备好从可用的资源中提取食物。从社会学的意义上说,“寄生虫”,适用于某些人或群体,有点用词不当,但我们最好不要诉诸于脏话。所以,我们习惯把各种生物体,微生物和病毒称为寄生虫;病原体或疾病载体,因为它们会导致我们生病和死亡。因为,总的来说,它们没有什么有用的特性,我们就把它们一笔抹杀了,想办法更好地保护我们自己,处理我们的害虫。 When we do the same with parasitic humans, we have always already useful justifications for so doing.
Film makers are all over this when plying their craft. They know their viewing public is always ready to buy a thrill. Anti-heroes are better than no heroes at all.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, November 28, 2019 -- 7:58 AM




Few things are perfect. Let's not strive for that here. Let's just agree on a definition.



Hmm...I like getting to the sociology here, the way of human life. But, does a person have to cause death to be considered a parasite? There's quite a bit of death going on in the film.

People are not vermin, even the most vile in this film are not that. There are no useful justifications for disposing of people. I enjoy your takes, but this is going too far.

Are you alluding to Triumph of the Will here? Are you talking about film makers as a class separate from humanity? Is this fake news? Am I all over that?


RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 6:41 PM

My point was that however you

My point was that however you choose to define paracite, it's still just a value term. Not a true definition. It's main use is as a crutch to beg illegitimacy for whatever persuasive you choose to use it. It could be plyed equally to the powers that be in one sentance and then unceremoniously plyed to a gutter bum in the very next. Liknesses are like that.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 4:34 AM

You don't see virtue in Kim?

You don't see virtue in Kim? I do.

You equate Park to Kim?

That would be a stretch. I admit I am having trouble with this movie...but it is not because it is all the same to me.

If it is to you, then pftt... as you would say in the Non Human Rights post.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, November 28, 2019 -- 7:57 AM

Let me say this film is a

Let me say this film is a load. Leslie's teaser is exactly that. Don't see this film unless you are ready for deep disturbing action, motive and thought. Therein you will find a clear window at the collision of sociological world views that is Korea.

It's stark that the US Gini coefficient is harsher than South Korea's if so far less than South Africa's. Something in that starkness tells me that income disparity is not the whole story here, if even the story at all.

I think instead it speaks to family, love, respect and desperation. My candidate for true parasite is Namsoong, but we are at a cultural cleft that I can't bridge with my limited Asian purview (and I grew up in Japan... once a gaijin always a gaijin.)

Kim's decision is the key to the whole thing. Ki-woo's tribulations are a pretense for his father's transformation. Where eastern confucianism meets disparate capitalist excess is the backdrop. To take this movie in the window of income disparity is a Maoist take not supported by the plot, action or characters. That is not to say income disparity doesn't contribute to the story or isn't a problem.


Good film... can't recommend it to those who can't take gruesome detail.

Confucius over Mao every time when talking about anything Asian.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, November 29, 2019 -- 9:40 AM

Well, I did not say PEOPLE

Well, I did not say PEOPLE were vermin---somehow you read that into my prose, or did you? Your question sounds like you did. Sorry my meaning was muddy or not well-taken. I do try to keep things as brief as possible, but words are difficult to manage sometimes.. Let me give another example. I have thought that Utilitarianism and Pragmatism are akin to one another. Pragmatists are (allegedly) interested in things which are more useful, rather than less (Rorty). Utilitarianism, as a term, implies that a thing (or a class of things) has 'utility' or is therefore, useful. Now, it seems Jeremy Bentham was considered the Father of Utilitarianism, although it is now pretty difficult to find his writing, while it is much easier to find those who have written about him. It is also said that his writing was difficult to understand and that this is one reason why he is not commonly read. I do not know right now because I have only been able to read those things others have written about him. The upshot of all this is that the Father of Utilitarianism: a. did not know what he was talking about, or, b. could not express it, or c. both. So, as you know, words may be misunderstood or misinterpreted, whether spoken or written. This makes philosophy difficult. Especially when terms are not well-defined and/or their meanings not well-agreed upon. I don't expect this clears anything up. But, if it helps, I can say I tried. Merry Christmas!

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 8:56 PM

Utilitarianism and pragmatism

Utilitarianism and pragmatism in particular vex me. To your point words are misunderstood... so too are images. This movie vexes me. Leslie has inserted this movie into my thanksgiving where I could have instead indulged Frozen 2. I'm happier for it as I am for your comment and cordiality.

我想在这里讨论这部电影。影片的主题是同生的社会寄生主义,这种社会寄生主义也适用于影片中的人物。谁是寄生虫?谁是主人?我明白你的意思。Repo man用生态学而不是社会学来框定这个讨论。这在一定程度上是有成效的,但没有指导意义。

In a similar vein to how Darwin fails socialism, so too ecology fails social parasitism. Just because animals feed on animals doesn’t make them parasites. Between humans there are economic and social transactions that benefit both parties without having to term one a host of the other. This is a problem with Ayn Rand and the recent swerve into selfishness that would justify income disparity to the point of denying some their basic human dignity and livelihood

Where selfishness crosses the line of respect for elders, family and fellow human beings the concept of social parasite is flipped.
