Freedom and Free Markets

04 February 2016

This week our topic is freedom and free markets. We want to explore the extent to which these two things are or perhaps are not mutually dependent on each other. You might think that the answer is obvious, that freedom and free markets necessarily go together hand in glove. Clearly, free markets would not be possible without a great deal individual freedom – particularly the freedom to make contracts. Similarly, to regulate the market, it might seem, is ipso facto to shackle liberty. When you restrict markets you restrict choice. When you restrict choice you necessarily restrict freedom.

But might it not be that it is sometimes necessary to regulate markets in the name of freedom. and in order to enhance freedom. Think about health insurance, for example. If the distribution of health insurance was left entirely to the whims of the free market, lots of people -- old people, people with pre-existing conditions, people with bad habits – probably couldn’t afford health insurance at all. What kind of freedom is it if you have to live in constant fear that the next illness will lead to financial ruin?


Sceptics about government intervention in the market will no doubt dismiss talk of this sort as taking liberty with the notion of “freedom.” They will quite rightly distinguish between making markets more free and making markets more fair or more equitable. Regulating markets may or may not them more “fair” or more equitable, but regulation always makes markets and people less free, they will say. It’s not that they deny that freedom and equity are potentially good things. But given a choice between more freedom, on the one hand, or more fairness or equity, on the other, they will choose freedom every time. You know the kind of people I’m talking about, I am sure.


That’s fine as a definition of what is often callednegative freedom.But there’s also such a thing aspositive freedom. Positive freedom involves more than absence of external constraint or coercion. It requires autonomy -- the positive power to shape your own life in ways of your own choosing. It was Isaiah Berlin who first made it this distinction explicitly, I think. But the distinction has roots in the work of thinkers like Kant, Rousseau, Marx and Hegel.

Unlike those thinkers, who were big fans of positive freedom, Berlin, it should be noted, thought that a government dedicated to promoting positive freedom would eventually turn into an oppressive overbearing busybody. He thought that such a government would be constantly seek to protect us from the bad choices and baser impulses that supposedly undermine our autonomy. Such a government would to know better than us how to best live our lives. So he thought that it was best for the government to to just keep out of the way to the maximum extent possible.

But I think Berlin missed something deeply important. If I’ve got no money, no education, no health insurance, what good does it do me to be left alone? It’s not that I want a government to care for me cradle to grave. I really do want to be free and autonomous so that I can take care of myself. But in order to do that, it’s not enough to be left on my own. I need access to what might be called the necessary conditions of full autonomy. What do those include? Not exactly sure, but on the list would be such things as good schools, safe streets, and guaranteed access to basic goods like food, shelter, or health care. Without those things, it’s hard to see how I can be master of my own fate, shaper of my own destiny in the way that autonomy – that is, positive freedom, requires.

But why not t trust the market to provide those things? And my answer is that markets have their limits. I pretty seriously doubt that if we were to let the free market be the sole determiner of who should receive what education at what price, that rich and poor would have equal access to education. But I do admit that that is an empirical question. And I fully admit that we’ve never actually let the free market work its magic on primary and secondary education. Instead we’ve put our trust in in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats. And I can’t say that that has worked out all that well.

Obviously, there is lots and lots to think and talk about here. So please add a thought or two of your own.

Photo byJulien GaudonUnsplash


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, July 23, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I do not know who generated

I do not know who generated this post-JP; KT; or LM. Not that this matters, but, it kind of sounds like John. There have been quite a few arguments and discussions recently regarding the role of government in the lives of citizens, here and far. Free markets may be justifiably called a manifestation of freedom. Profit and loss is a matter of calculated risk, not governmental domination. Even China appears to realize it cannot be a world economic power without fostering some form of capitalist initiative (although we may not know exactly what that form may be.) Some pundits have been criticizing other economic systems, notably those of Canada and Great Britain (or is that England, now?) I cannot comment on the Brits means and methods---never been there. But, let's look at Canada (I have been there---lived there, in fact.) The punditry says their healthcare system is inferior. Socialized medicine is inherently inferior. I'd say: it depends. On numbers, firstly and priorities, secondly.
On the numbers: Canada does not have 300 million citizens to take care of. Socialized medicine works better with small populations. On the priorities: Canada does not have a huge public assistance bureaucracy to administer, because her disadvantaged population is proportionally much smaller than that of the USA. There are many more factors involved in this equation. I have given you the fundamentals.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

It's not that we can't trust

It's not that we can't trust a well designed and well enforced market place to provide safe streets and guaranteed access to basic goods. It's that we can't realize an uncorrupted market place or any ideal without first charging government with the primary purpose of shaping children into agents of moral reasoning. As long as it is respectable to believe that property rights are god given or to not think about them, markets will serve "god's chosen" rather than optimize human potential.
* income x .000001 x income divided by dedicated employees = debt to state

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Sunday, July 28, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Canada is such a peculiar

Canada is such a peculiar country, so under-appreciated by its inhabitants as by others, that it is hardly possible to use it for general illustration. I hope a little history is apropos since it leads to a point.
In the year 577, Brendan the Navigator crossed the Atlantic with his crew of Irish monks and came upon an inhabitant of what is believed to have been Canada. The native, "all hairy and hideous, begrimmed with fire and smoke," so unnerved the group that Brendan was compelled to calm them with a speech: "Soldiers of Christ, be strong in faith unfeigned and in the armour of the Spirit, for we are now in the confines of hell." As the group sailed further south, they acquired a more pleasant view but by the time an account of the voyage was published (in Dutch) it had become filled with such fabulous elements that it was easily dismissed as a seafaring yarn and reality is still difficult to decipher.
“加拿大”这个名字源于葡萄牙私掠船,他们在北美海岸的部分地区绘制了地图,寻找容易找到的宝藏——黄金、白银和香料。在一片特别荒凉的海岸线上,他们在海图上标注了“Ca nada”,表示“这里什么都没有”。后来这些地图落入北欧地图绘制者之手,他们把“加拿大”作为一个地区的名称,最终成为一个国家的名称。
The French took the lead in exploring and colonizing the new country. When Jacques Cartier, who set sail from France in 1534, recorded his first impression of the new country: "I am rather inclined to believe that this is the land God gave to Cain." His view improved as he explored further.
I could of course go on, but you can see where its going. No one underestimates, or has ever underestimated Canada's potential than its politicians (in recent years, at least). The present government of Canada will sell anything that can be dug up or pried off, and at rock-bottom prices, and continues to run up historic deficits year after year. If you want an example of intelligent government, Canada is not your choice.

MJA's picture


Monday, July 29, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

To insure our freedoms,

And lastly, if One ever finds One or equally another in need beyond the strength of one's own power of self-reliance, surely it is not up to the government to come to One's aid, but the good or right of simply us All.
Be One too,

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, August 12, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

History is history, or course

History is history, or course. And, it is meaningful--even instructive, although Santayana strongly implied that we refuse to learn from history, and, history appears to support his notion. In any case, freedom and free-marketry probably did not occur simultaneously. Therefore, I conclude they are cousins, not siblings. What this may mean exactly, I am not sure---except to say we ought not marry either.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Thursday, February 4, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

What Canada does have is a


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, February 5, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

Just what is it that drives

而且,正如我们所知,当权力被授予时,管理这些权力的实体不愿放弃这些控制。政府会做我们默认或明确授权它做的事情。不喜欢政府介入医疗行业?照照镜子。对政府对教育的管理感到不安?你或者你的祖先可能也与此有关。我们能走到今天有很多原因,其中很多都是成年人自愿的。有趣的是,新一批总统候选人中的一位一直在敲着革命的鼓,他似乎触及了人们的神经。“革命”是一个强烈的词,可以激起人们的情绪,但我们大多数人都怀疑他能否获得提名。是的,我们几乎得到了我们应得的,不,我不是在说灾难性的疾病、恐怖主义暴力、车祸或谋杀。 Not as direct causation anyway.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Saturday, February 6, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

Actually, the Department of

Liberty to swing one's fist, it is said, ends at the other's nose. But just swinging the fist threateningly is as much an assault on liberty as the implicit impact. Simple minded slogans usually have pernicious consequences, and this is a prima facie case they are intended. Berlin's notion cannot be assumed to be honest. But read Adam Smith, where there is a sharp distinction made between financial investment and work. Money investors might realize a profit or not, but there is no limit on how much, and potential gains often far exceed possible losses, whereas the best the worker can expect out of investing his or her working life is "subsistence". This is consistent throughout the text of The Wealth of Nations, but it is not explained why. The reason, of course, is that the prosperity of working people is always accompanied by efforts to relieve them of their "disposable income", and defense against this assault requires resources far in excess of those just emerging into the middle class. And so, they get pushed back down, unless government intervenes as their champion, instead of shill to prerogative.

MJA's picture


Sunday, February 7, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

Regarding free markets, I

Regarding free markets, I would suggest reading The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein if you have the stomach for it.
Gandhi said: ...the root of all evil -- human greed.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Sunday, February 7, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

A bit of a meal there,

A bit of a meal there, Michael. Krugman's Conscience of a Liberal, or the Case for Big Government might be easier reads, but there are many resources that support the proposition that conservative economics is toxic. Perhaps Mr. Taylor is suggesting, by re-posting this thread, that Bernie is the solution. But in view of all the economic scandals, inverted moral themes, and incoherent explanations of events of the past fifty odd years, there is little chance anyone who still supports the standard economic theories is being honest. Economists present the stock market graph urging us to smooth out the bumps to see the trend they want us to, but the same analyst magnifies the ups and downs to microscopic scale and shows the private investor how to cheat at it. That is, they invert the story. Parsimony for the worker, extravagance for upper management. Inversion. Financial advice used to have incumbent upon it fiduciary responsibilities, today banks place fast and loose with your money but cagey and cautious with their own. The plight of today's renters echoes the plight of the serf in feudal time, and isn't feudalism nothing more than taking advantage of the place of the tenant in the context of a legal and economic system that offers them no recourse but homelessness or "outlawry"? Imagine a homeowner with a mortgage in which the bank lets anyone pay up the balance and take over the property even if the originator of the mortgage had almost paid it all up? That's what corporate raiders do, and that's what banks are trending to happen even to home ownership. And just because you can sell something doesn't mean you are giving people what they want. At every turn economics chooses terms that corrupt our perception of the phenomena.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Thursday, February 11, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

"Look'n for my 'Lo, and

"Looking for my 'Lo, and Behold!'"? Problem is, whose 'Lo!' and whose 'Behold!'? If they're not the same, it's preaching, not philosophy.
A great teacher is simply one who gets the point across, not one that gets to the point. Confusion on this point engenders tirades. But even if a bit of effluvium can be satisfying, it doesn't satisfy its basic mission if it doesn't get the point across, however brusquely it gets to the point.
The most serious point that needs to be made on the specified topic is the current danger "global markets" are to the sovereignty of free peoples. Public control of markets, and therefore of work-life too, is being ceded to what Chomsky, rightly, calls "private tyrannies", let alone to totalitarian states. Once the global market has become a full-fledged neo-feudalism it is hard to see how any of the peoples of the world can ever be free again.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Sunday, February 14, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

Wittgenstein says the world

Wittgenstein says the world is the totality of facts. He is dead wrong. The world is the facile term of our knowing it. They used to call psychiatrists "alienists". The marketplace of social equanimity is anathema to what would reveal its insanity. But nothing is so rigorous as portraying the strangeness of a world taken as so comfortably familiar there seems something hermetically domestic to it. The fact is, it is the strangest thing of all. but if all you can do is act strange, that rigor is in limbo.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Monday, February 15, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

"By moving its tax address

"By moving its tax address (but not its headquarters and employees) to a tax haven, Pfizer will likely avoid paying the U.S. taxes it owes on about $140 billion in profits it has stashed offshore. That will cost us tens of billions of dollars in lost revenue ? money that is needed to maintain critical services here at home."
From a petition to stop tax havens.

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Sunday, February 21, 2016 -- 4:00 PM


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