Freedom, rights and technology (Why Free Software is Important)

25 March 2016

Free and open source software是零成本提供的,但“免费”一词并不指软件的成本。“免费”指的是每个人都有为自己的利益而使用软件的自由。每个人都享有使用、研究、复制、修改和分发的自由,并通过可执行的法律许可加以保护。

When I first heard the free software concept I thought the idea was ridiculous. In a society where competition is fierce and virtually everything is for sale, I wondered why anyone would give away the intellectual ownership for their software. This is why the existence of billions of dollars of public domain software seems unbelievable. However, free software is not only available; it is maintained, updated and supported at no cost.


The stated goal of the free software movement is to protect the freedom and liberty of the individual. The theory is that computing controls so much of our lives that to control technology is to control access to rights such as privacy, free speech and self-defense.

"As our society grows more dependent on computers, the software we run is of critical importance to securing the future of a free society. Free software is about having control over the technology we use in our homes, schools and businesses, where computers work for our individual and communal benefit"Free Software Foundation

Free software advocates argue that in a computer dependent society we cannot protect our basic freedoms without control of technology. The goal of the free software license is to ensure that everyone has commercial and creative rights to that software. The primary restrictions for free software licenses have the goal of ensuring that neither the software nor its derivatives become non-free.


The evidence of the last 30 years supports the success of the free software methodology and philosophy. The existence and scope of free software has continued to grow and it is utilized globally for some of the mostmission critical applications. Free software is a dominate technology for the internet and powers everything from android phones to nuclear submarines. Thevalue of free softwareis estimated in the billions and it generates billions in revenues annually for hardware, support and consulting services.

Society has and continues to benefit greatly from free software. It has produced jobs and is the foundation technology for many of the most important online services that we utilize every day. More importantly, the software continues to be owned by everyone and continues to offer tremendous opportunity for personal and societal gain.

The open source story is one of great accomplishment in practical terms. It includes the creation of innovative technical products, services and frameworks as well as substantial and long term economic impact and opportunity. However, the most impressive aspect of open source is the example that it provides for paradigm change.

The free software movement rightly recognizes that control is needed to maintain freedom and liberty. It is also correct in understanding that changing technology dictates changes in our thinking in order to maintain our core values. Software, gun control and with the allocation of wealth in society are a few among many areas where technology changes may modify long held positions.

Because of technology changes the right to “keep” and bear arms does not mean what it once did and the definition may continue to change as weapons like hand held "nukes" could become a reality. Society must adjust and that adjustment will sometimes require reorientation or our priorities.



The model provided by open source may not translate perfectly for all situations where we need to protect our rights but there should be something to gain for considering a successful model. Protecting our rights to life and liberty (in general) is not necessarily the same as protecting the rights to software but there are relevant analogies in terms of issues and concepts. In both situations, society needs to make adjustments to protect human rights and ensure that control remains in the hands of the people.

The history and success of open source shows us that small adjustments can have major impacts. It demonstrates that putting the collective rights first does not require the destruction of competition, loss of innovation or the elimination of profit. To the contrary, the evidence supports the opposite position. Free software is of the highest quality, extremely innovative and is increasing its use and market share forcritical services in governments, businessesand major institutions globally.

The capability to learn, use and profit fromfree software provides an unparalleled opportunityfor anyone that chooses to leverage it. More people need to understand the free software philosophy and the economic opportunity provided by free software.




Guest's picture


Saturday, April 2, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

Thanks a lot

Free software is very important and I like it. But I have no time for it. I have a lot of boring homework. Who can help me to edit my texts? Thanks

JohnBrimer's picture


Saturday, April 2, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

嗨,布兰特。I think I can help


Guest's picture


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