To Game or Not to Game
Mohit Mookim

11 July 2017

Many of us spend or have spent a lot of time playing video games. But is it worthwhile to spend so much time on an activity that seems to have little practical value for you or anyone else?

A recentReasonarticle by Peter Suderman argues that playing video games is okay. Suderman starts by claiming that video game use among young, lower skilled men has increased markedly in the past few decades. In general, the underemployment of this demographic has struck many as deeply worrying, foreshadowing changes in the future of work and creating a need for a universal basic income.



Read the article here:


Johnrose's picture


Thursday, May 3, 2018 -- 12:05 AM

Video games are the best

Video games are the best entertainment which helps to improve concentration power and helps to take an accurate and fast decision when the time needs. It is very true video games enable ones to improve their concentration power, improves decision making and resembles many more benefits. I remember one of my friends is a game lover, he plays to the game whenever he gets free time to get relax. Few games like Call of Duty World War 2, Destiny 2 actually enhances your knowledge and decision making power. Few gaming Website like has updated with all types of video games including action, role-playing, and shooter games.