Identities Lost and Found in a Global Age

05 November 2014


Now that we’ve entered the so-called “Global Age,” where planes, trains, and automobiles have made traveling great distances so easy, it would be difficult to find someone like Kant. Of course, it's also true that people have been moving around the globe for many thousands of years, but the numbers we’ve seen for mass migration in the 20th and 21st centuries have been unprecedented. And this has changed the way in which place shapes identity.


All this moving around from place to place has made the question of identity more complicated. Before, when people tended to live in the same place as their parents and grandparents, identities were more narrowly defined. People had fewer choices in who or what to become because their options were, in large part, dictated by the geography and culture of the place they were born, as well as by their social and economic status there.



Of course, the reality is that most immigrants who come to the US also face all sorts of challenges thatlimittheir choices too. For one, they have to figure out new relationships to the unfamiliar culture they find themselves in, and to the familiar culture of their forsaken homeland. How much of their old traditions should they hold onto, and how much should they let go of? Should they maintain a distinct ethnic or religious identity, or should they try to assimilate into "American culture" (whatever that is!)? And what should they want for their children who are growing up in a very different place?

Part of the problem with the rhetoric around the “American Dream” is that it gives the impression that it’s possible to justdecideto construct an identity for yourself, as if merely shifting geographical locations suddenly gives you magical abilities to change who you are as a person. The simplicity of the dream obscures the messiness of the reality.

移民不会来到一个充满无限可能的空间。想象一下一个受过良好教育、富裕的英国人移民到美国的经历。他在这里的经历将与一个没有受过教育的贫穷墨西哥妇女的经历大不相同。而且一旦他们来到这里,他们都无法控制别人对他们的看法。因此,向移民开放的“广阔的可能性地平线”听起来像小说。此外,每个移民如何应对他们的新环境取决于他们作为一个人已经是谁,而且,除非他们是作为一个孩子来到这里,这种身份可能是相当成熟的。So, the idea that you can justdecideto become whatever you want seems very unrealistic.

But that’s not to say that identities are fixed and immutable. I know from my own experience that moving to a faraway country can bring about radical transformation in the self. But the question remains whether changing location is either necessary or sufficient for such radical transformation. And, can wedecidewho to become in a new place, or is the new identity something that just happens to us? Which raises broader questions about place and identity. Are identities ever something we freely, autonomously choose, or are we just "thrown” into them, as Heidegger claimed? To what degree do place and culture shape or determine identity? And what happens when we lose our connection to place? Who do we become then?

Our guest this week is UC Berkeley’s Bharati Mukherjee, author ofMiss New Indiaand other novels that explore migration, alienation, and identity. Prof. Mukherjee was born and raised in India and came to the US as a young woman to study writing. She met and married an American man of Canadian origin, and since then has lived in both the US and Canada. She now makes the San Francisco Bay Area her home.

Photo byDaniel SchludionUnsplash


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, June 28, 2012 -- 5:00 PM

Reminds me of a cute cartoon

Reminds me of a cute cartoon panel I saw several years ago. There were three dogs. The first had a thought balloon which read: Who am I? The second: What am I here for? The last: When's dinner?
Now, I don't mean to trivialize the implications of your post, but even with the superbly technological world we live in, it appears that many of us are looking no further ahead than dinner. Perhaps we are either too comfortable or gripped by hopelessness in spite of it all.

Guest's picture


Saturday, June 30, 2012 -- 5:00 PM

One does not always get to

One does not always get to choose one's identify. As a Jewish person, I know from history that Jews cannot chose to be Jewish or not for those around us define us. Hitler murdered many Jews who thought they were not Jewish. Once you are Jewish, you are always Jewish in the eyes of those around you when anti-semitism rears it's ugly head once again. If you want to learn more about Jews choosing their identities: Constantine's Sword tells the history of Jews in the Christian world.

Guest's picture


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 -- 5:00 PM

Newman IS a curmudgeon, isn't

Newman IS a curmudgeon, isn't he? But I have to wonder if your guest has ever been "gripped by hopelessness"? If not, there must have been some other impetus for the book---perhaps ordinary education and ensuing opportunity. There have been many immigrants to Canada----many of Indian and Pakistani descent, as well as others from Europe and the former Sino-Soviet world. Well, I have rambled. If my point is not well made, well, sorry, then.

Gerald Fnord's picture

Gerald Fnord

Saturday, November 8, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

On the other hand, there have

On the other hand, there have been centuries in which we've lived alongside non-Jews, maintained our own identity, and avoided the vices inherent in the use of force because it was denied us. The seeming agony of some white people and some Christians---often the same, petulant, claque---are very hard for some Jews to understand because (until only recently) there was nowhere we were in the majority, and at least some of us understand in our bones that you don't have to be in the majority to do decently or better...and that there's no connexion between believing you have cosmic truths and their being believed by anyone else.
Of course when things really go off the rails in Prison Yard Earth, it's a really good idea to have a well-armed gang (a 'state') at your back. Zionism became popular among Jews only after world events proved that when push came to shove none of the existing gangs gave enough of a damn to stop our being slaughtered.

Gerald Fnord's picture

Gerald Fnord

Saturday, November 8, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

I meant to add after the

I meant to add after the 'Prison Yard Earth' paragraph:

mwsimon's picture


Monday, November 10, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

The global age has certainly

The global age has certainly been awful to the preservation of geography based communities, but it has also opened the door to also sorts of new cultures. A lot of information spreads over the internet, and this results in types of cultures forming - people who unite over certain things (style, music, hobbies), but who dont live close to each other, can now be closer than neighbors are, in a cultural sense. Even before the internet, cultures were forming that relied on people moving about. The hippie movement was made of a lot of people who left their original homes to go elsewhere. In a sense, communities like these have something that traditional communities don't: people choose to join them. This might make them stronger, though they differ in other important regards from older cultures, and seem to be less stable.

Laura Maguire's picture

Laura Maguire

Thursday, November 13, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

Nice point!

Nice point!

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Wednesday, November 19, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

From the Hitchhiker's Guide

在《银河系漫游指南》(Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)中,他这样总结人类历史:“首先,他们问,‘我们该怎么吃?说,我们吃什么呢?最后,“我们去哪里吃午饭?”’”有人似乎认为狗听起来更有趣。我们从哪里得到身份来源于种族这个概念?人的性格就这么狭隘吗?在我的成长过程中,各种各样的努力让我相信所有的答案,而我很小的时候就意识到这些答案是愚蠢的。因此哲学。思维的能量是一种严谨性,通过这种严谨性,人们认识到理性形式是如此不完整,只有彻底修正一个人的信念才能滋养词汇的实质,使其继续思考。这是一个辩证的过程,而不是一个分析的过程。(因此我对“英美”哲学感到沮丧。) This, because it is a drama of lost conviction, not a retrenchment of conviction. The character of that rigor entailing that drama is what person is and the engine of identity. The drama as a process or progression profanes one's ethnicity rather than reverence it. Ethnic rights are one thing, and ethnic oppression is certainly a crime, but identity is quite another. Zionists would do well to take in the play God on Trial, and a book by Shlomo Sand called The Invention of the Jewish People.

Guest's picture


Monday, February 2, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

A very nice and good post

A very nice and good post this. I really like it very much. Keep this quality of your work on articles going on and please do not let the quality of your articles fall to bad. Cheers! gaven til hende

Guest's picture


Tuesday, February 3, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

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