Inspiration for Evil

20 February 2014

David Livingstone Smith presents on the philosophical topic of dehumanization and sheds light as to why humans are capable of horrific atrocities that have occurred throughout history. While we usually think of people such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King when posed with the topic of great leaders, Dr. Smith discusses leaders who use powerful methods to provoke others to remove their inhibitions on treating people as subhuman creatures, causing them to perform evil acts such as wars and genocides.


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, February 21, 2014 -- 4:00 PM


我听(?)利文斯顿关于邪恶的演讲大约有七分钟。这段时间足以让我对自己说:哦,这不是新鲜事。哦,这不是哲学问题。反正也不是。但是,哲学和新的红发继子心理学之间的对称线似乎是模糊的。也许我们必须两全其美——也许我们必须认识到,就像威尔伯经常说的那样:一切都是真实或真实的。但是,我们必须吗?恩斯特·贝克尔写过《逃离邪恶》和《否认死亡》。我还喜欢贝克尔的另一本大部头——现在我想不起书名了。 There have been dozens of theorists who have tried to explain the evil that men do. I am still working on that---and still believe it has to do with my own notion of historionicity: we get what we deserve; or, in a more modern vernacular: if you always do what you have always done, you'll always get what you've always got.
Finally, the quintessential rock band said: You can't always get what you want... and I said, thirty years later: you don't always want what you get. IF we are lucky enough to get what we need, well, that's just gravy.