In Praise of Love - Plato's Symposium meets Bernstein's Serenade

24 October 2015


After much back and forth, we decided to call our episode: “In Praise of Love – Plato’s Symposium Meets Bernstein’s Serenade.” In it, we took up the challenge of trying to bring music and philosophy together. And it’s a serious challenge -- make no mistake. Plato’s Symposium is one of the most memorable philosophical works ever written on the topic of love. And not just because of it’s philosophical content, but also because its style. The Symposium is by turns hilarious, emotionally resonant, and always philosophically deep. It’s a fun and inspiring read. If you haven’t ever read it, you really should. It certainly inspired Leonard Bernstein., who apparently read it repeatedly. Bravely, Bernstein sets out to reproduce in music something of both the philosophical content and literary structure of Plato’s Symposium.

That’s a tall order, because the Symposium is an extraordinarily intricate and complicated philosophical work. It’s a series of speeches, each spoken by a different character, each in praise of erotic love. Each speaker has a distinctive personality and a distinct philosophical outlook. And we can’t forget here the most entertaining part. I mean the drinking!



Here’s where the challenge comes in though. The Serenade is a very fine piece of music, but suppose you didn’t have access to Bernstein’s notes explaining his motivations for writing the piece, and you could just listen to the music itself, would you really be able to determine, just from listening to it, that it was modeled after the Symposium?

Ask yourself, for example, how a purely musical argument for the superiority of homosexual love over heterosexual -- the sort of thing you find in early parts of the Symposium -- sound? It’s not that I doubt the music powers of Bernstein, personally. He was a musical genius, no doubt. But even musical geniuses can’t pull of the impossible. Music is one thing. Philosophical arguments are a different thing entirely. You can't replicate the one in the other.

Plato himself might have agreed with this line of thought. Plato actually wanted to banish all lyric poets from his ideal Republic entirely. Philosophy is improving. It aims at unadorned truth. It speaks to reason. Lyric poetry is corrupting. It can't distinguish the true from the false. It speaks to the emotions. It deals in mere appearances and illusions rather than reality.

But you don’t have to agree with Plato on that score to appreciate the challenge we face in interpreting Bernstein’s music in light of the Symposium. Even if you don’t think lyric poetry is corrupting, you can still wonder how a purely musical argument for the superiority of Platonic love to other forms of love might go? How, that is, do you capture philosophical themes in wordless music? Maybe music just isn’t an appropriate vehicle for representing philosophical themes and arguments.



Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Sunday, October 25, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Some things are not begun

有些事情在完成之前是不会开始的,如果你坚持要完成,那你就永远不会开始。这就是原因。柏拉图知道这一点,他对这个问题提出了一个彻底的解决方案,其完整程度甚至超过了我们现在对这个问题的完整程度的认识。在《理想国》中,他放弃了所有的音乐,但尖锐的声音反映了他年轻的对话者的狂热推理。这是个笑话。在《法律》一书中,他让那些老人们顽固的保守主义自相矛盾,却从来没有意识到他们观点的变化。这也是个笑话。在《会论文集》中,这是一个系列的最后一集,意在展示一个系统的哲学(这与柏拉图主义完全不同),他表达了思想是多么的不孤独。我们坚持片面的理性或确定的或客观的逻辑,使我们无法欣赏他的概念的完整性。但这种“客观性”将不被正确理解的东西视为公理,并且武断地审查任何审查。 'Philosophy', today, is the unexamined life. Notions like predication and the 'law' of contradiction, and logical terms like conjunction and disjunction, equivalence and antecedence, are not even begun, because their completing term is interpretive rather than analytic. Imagine a library in which every sentence read alters the language of all the remaining text in the current book and all the other books. We are that altering term, and are always in process of catching up to ourselves and each other in it, but though this is a constant labor on out part, it is also the very substance of our lives, and nothing we cannot cope with. No mechanics of reason can sustain itself in the face of such a dialectic. Any computer would instantly crash, however powerful or exhaustively programmed. Because every part of a computer and every line of code, whether in its running program or its operating system, is fixed and only alters only according to preset and unalterable settings. It is designed not to change its physical characteristics, however cleverly it is designed to alter its criteria. But the human mind and the human society are not predetermined or limited in this sense. Each part is alive and participant to the constitution, let alone the current condition, of the whole. Which one is the making of the whole? The enigma is, it's the one that isn't. This is not negation, it is the affirmation of the value to the system of the missing term. The individualism and presumed unilateral completeness of our current notion of reason censors this truth. When we do our logic diagrams we assume all terms complete and all facts in hand. And so we fail to understand, or even to begin to reason. As for Bernstein, never thought much of his composition, and since most of what I read about the Symposium makes me wonder if I am reading the same text as the author is, it is no great wonder if Leo gets it wrong too. One important point is that Plato really did think music unphilosophical, because it is founded on the thesis that time is replication rather than differentiation, as poetry is founded upon symbolic forms that censure the kind of 'misunderstanding' that enrichens the language and completes the power of reason, though the logic of it crashes into ruin at every turn. Reason, alone, is conceit of a completeness that censors its truth. Love is the recognized poverty of that unilateral reason, and the richness of the differing that comes to it through its response that proves its entire language in play, even in the meaning of its analytic forms. It is not a Jacob's ladder, but a dialectic in which its poverty is its wealth, its incompletion its only beginning. I suspect Leo portrays something more along the ladder image of conventional 'philosophy'. But were we to arrive at the top of that ladder we would find we have not begun to climb it. Music is the pulse of this climb to nowhere. It is distraction from and not an accompaniment to reason. But if you don't get the joke you're back to square...., nowhere.

MJA's picture


Tuesday, October 27, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Love is the energy that fuels

A wise man once said, follow your heart, the heart rings true.
A love poem:


Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Love is green? Thought that

Love is green? Thought that was envy. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, why does it make us feel so impoverished? This is rather the point. It is the missing term, not the capstone of subjectivity. Most interpreters claim Plato means this to found, and seal the deal, on objectivity, but this too is a conceit. What recognition of the missing term means is that rigor does not lead to certainty, but to changing the mind in all its other terms. The rigor of this assures that the dialectic leads through all possible meanings of all possible terms. Love is the demiurge of reason, and the mission of philosophy, not establishing objective fact or reveling in subjective sensitivities.

MJA's picture


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

...and thank you Philosophy

...and thank you Philosophy Talk, I had no idea Bernstein had written music from the Symposium, a book that was dear to me. And last but not least Gary, I'll leave a light on for you! =

m.j.Pbone's picture


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 -- 5:00 PM


I'm curious:
Bernstein's deviation from the Symposium's narrative structure came up. It was mentioned that the musician misinterpreted Plato's idea of Eros.
Giving Bernstein the benefit of the doubt, is it possible the musical variance was his own kind of philosophical argument? Perhaps it was a disagreement over the relationship between love and philosophy; maybe it was a defense of his own representational mode and expression of Eros: music.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Thursday, October 29, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

The Greeks made a wine that

The Greeks made a wine that was sought-after throughout the Mediterranean region. It was drunk young, in the same year it was made, but it did require a short aging period. To assure it was not tapped too soon, ruining its reputation, a law prohibited drinking the new wine before a stated date. The lapsing of this prohibition was celebrated by drinking parties. Around the same time there was another festival in which the dead were honored. Festivities included inviting strangers to the city to a feast, during which they would wear a mask, whether of an absent relative of the family, or of a departed one, so as to appease the ghosts of the dead. The feast, presumably, included drinking the new wine. The Celts also had a similar festival, a variation of which is celebrated today.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Saturday, October 31, 2015 -- 5:00 PM


There is one character in the dialogue who best embodies what love most truly is. Can you guess who he is? He is the one who remains, throughout, both sober, and unshod.

MJA's picture


Saturday, October 31, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

It has been a few years but

It has been a few years but wasn't it Socrates?

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Saturday, October 31, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Socrates, very out of

Socrates, very out of character, and explicitly stated, wore sandals. One character, though, is explicitly stated as not. Such details mean something.

mirugai's picture


Sunday, November 1, 2015 -- 4:00 PM


A while back, I was addressing the question of ?existence? (as in ?Does God Exist??), and posited that there are actually two Gods, one that wears a long robe, lives in the sky, throws lightening bolts to the earth, and could send you a sofa if you prayed for one. The other God is simply a reference to a consciousness outside one?s own. Because 99.8% of humans believe in the first kind, or some variation on that theme, I call it a human instinct. Atheists and agnostics?followers of science (?believers? in science?)?are such because they know the first kind of God doesn?t exist, and they are thereby prejudiced against ANY existence of any God. So I ask these non-believers, hung up on the ?existence? question, if they think love (a matter of consciousness) ?exists.? They usually say yes, and so I say that then other matters of ?consciousness? can ?exist.?
Gary wrote in that yes love exists, but probably not in the way I was thinking, and he gave a very good description of love existing as a biological force.
A brilliant American authentic, Steve Earle, (and another is Iris DeMent) sings:
?I promised that I?d never be untrue
I?d never make you cry.
The only promise that I didn?t break
Was to love you until the day I die.?

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Monday, November 2, 2015 -- 4:00 PM


If you look again you might notice that I had been offering an explanation of how an organism creates itself that biology does not yet have the intellectual equipment to notice, let alone to investigate. I am not a partisan in either of the dualist/monist camps. I am proposing that there is a rigor so extreme that such enumeration loses its sense, its very capacity to count anything. Time, divided down to its least term, is moment lost the determinacy number would be of it, even in the sense of the probabilistic calculus of quantum or high-energy physics. That loss of the numerical cannot be placed in any system of extension, and yet it is not outside, but is the most completing immanence of time. And since it is the most rigorous term of time its impossibility to be placed in time in some numerically defined sense means it is the most completing term of time. We call it meaning. Life is the act of loss the moment of it is. But through that moment of loss there is a responsibility enabled free through it of its worth being recognized. That responsibility is what love is. And that is what Plato is saying it is, throughout his corpus, though few bother to read it all. And I offer the drama of the act of loss and response of love as the resolution of the enigma of time that Kant Hegel and Husserl tried to find in their concept of the 'epoch', as the meaning of what is phenomenally real. It also obviates the presumption of a system of 'wired-in' language capacity, or of a governing system of numerical geometric or logical necessity, as the means of our ability to think and speak.
I must admit, I was testing (to see if you'd read the dialogue), and cannot say you passed. His name is Aristodemus, and he proceeds Socrates to the drinking party and follows him away from it, like a 'shade'.

MJA's picture


Tuesday, November 3, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

"Of course, as I have said

"Of course, as I have said many times (too many, I?m sure), there is no place in philosophy for science"
And...God wears a robe outside Oneself?
Dear M,
True love then, What my friends is a greater love than the love of One or all, nothing? If this true love is the greatest or simply the love of all, could it be or can it be, "to be or not to be" just another name for God? What's in a name Shakespeare? Is not God, Romeo, Juliet, love, truth, unity, equality, I, you, it, all One or the same? Is love, Nature, the Universe measurably finite and divisible or immeasurably infinite and indivisible? Is atom smashing the way to unity, the way to truth? Lets ask some experts, shall we?
What Professor Einstein is the equation for everything???
What Seneca is Justice?
What physics is certain?
What philosophy is true?
Where is the promised land Mr. King?
And go ahead Buddha, Mohammed, or Jesus, ring in if you want. "Let Freedom Ring"!!!

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 -- 4:00 PM


你不是一个奇点。我理解简单的归纳法的吸引力,但它是一个贫瘠的“途径”。这是一个在文献中随处可见的主题,这让我怀疑你的观点引用了一些你从未引用过的来源。如果是这样,我们有权知道消息来源是什么。如果你认为这个概念是原创的,这是一个只有业余爱好者才会犯的错误。但显而易见的事实是,归纳、统一、统一,这个伟大的南瓜,只是我们在最精细的简化细节中遇到的障碍的结果。最细微的细节是,时间的最短就是它的全部差别。只有苏格拉底式的反驳才能把我们带到这一刻。爱是一种责任,让人们认识到失去自负的那一刻的价值。丢失的枚举器就是那一刻。 It is the most extensive term of time, because it is the most extensive loss. That is, it is the most completing term of time, it is what 'person' is.

MJA's picture


Thursday, November 5, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

You asked,

You asked,
The source of the answer was the question
And the question was me.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Friday, November 6, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

All is one....., vanity!

All is one....., vanity!

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Saturday, November 7, 2015 -- 4:00 PM


You may find out just how 'original' your 'method' is by reading Plato's Euthydemus.

MJA's picture


Saturday, November 7, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

You can learn a lot from the

You can learn a lot from the old Greeks but not everything. Everything can be found everywhere, including Oneself. =

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Monday, November 9, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

The subject of the Euthydemus

The subject of the Euthydemus is what "=" means. And it's rather more comprehensive and contemporary than your view. It's not impertinent.

Zeneth Culture's picture

Zeneth Culture

Friday, December 11, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

Love is the demiurge of

爱是理性的造物主,是哲学的使命,不是建立客观事实,也不是陶醉于主观的敏感。- Gary M Washburn
In life the many decisions you make in simple terms is based on your depth of knowledge of a certain topic. This comes about from the current wisdom you have and how deep you have studied that knowledge.