Sanctuary Cities

16 November 2019

What gives a city the right to offer sanctuary to unauthorized immigrants? Can local or state government ever be justified in defying the laws of the nation? These are some of the questions we’re asking in this week’s show,recorded live in front of an audience at San Francisco State University.




That may be the case, but it doesn’t address the question of whether or not sanctuary policies make our cities morejust,这才是真正的问题。作为人,移民应该得到人道的对待,所以这是一个尊重他人人权的问题,并确保这些权利在实践中得到承认,而不仅仅是在理论上。但这也关乎让我们的城市对每个人都更安全。庇护政策通过减轻地方预算压力、鼓励无证人员站出来报告犯罪、允许他们安全获得教育和医疗保健来做到这一点。生活在充斥着生病、没有受过教育的移民的城市里,对任何人都没有好处,因为他们害怕被驱逐出境。


There is a worry that by openly flouting federal law, we set a bad precedent that makes way for states or municipalities to take other kinds of action, like making access to abortion and reproductive healthcare illegal, despite the fact that federal law protects that right. If local municipalities can just decide to ignore federal laws they disagree with, then shouldn't we worry about that? Aren't states that tryto provide sanctuary to unauthorized immigrants in the same boat as states that tryto outlaw abortion?

The assumption here is that sanctuary cities arefloutingfederal law, butwith some notable exceptions, that’s not usually what is going on. Mostly, they’re simply refusing to be deputized by the federal government. They are not actively undermining the rule of law, rather they are refusing to cooperate with it, which is a different thing. If the feds want to round up and deport undocumented individuals, they’re free to do so. Sanctuary policies just mean they can’t expect any assistance from local authorities. That's different from states that try to outlaw abortion because they are actively denying women the right to healthcare that is guaranteed by federal law. They are not merely refusing to cooperate with the federal government's own enforcement.

But what if ordinary citizens took that same attitude and refused to cooperate with law enforcement and refused to report crimes they've witnessed? Wouldn’t that make them complicit in the spread of crime? How is it any different with sanctuary cities?

There are already many ordinary citizens in this country—people of color, poor or homeless people, LGBTQ people—who have legitimate fear of law enforcement and will not report crimes because of histories of violence at the hands of the authorities. If we want people to report crimes and cooperate with law enforcement, then we have to make it safe for them to do so. Certainly, blaming vulnerable people who fear for their lives for their lack of cooperation is not the solution. We need to address the underlying causes, not attack the symptoms.

如果移民不愿与执法部门合作,庇护政策的倡导者不能受到指责。这是误导和有害的联邦政策的结果。If we genuinely want safer cities, then they have to be safe foreveryone. When unauthorized immigrants fear they will be deported if they come forward as a witness to a crime, we all lose.

Photo byNitish MeenaonUnsplash


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, November 16, 2019 -- 11:47 AM

On the earlier post regarding

在之前关于这个问题/主题的文章中,我说我不确定“庇护”城市的整个想法(和应用)的有效性,也说可能有一个更好的想法,但我还没有提供。在我看来,避难所并没有捕捉到这些城市所提供的“全部真相”。我们镇上有一位女士,她被当地教堂庇护了一段时间。到目前为止,虽然当局对她的行为保持控制,但她几乎没有什么自由,只有社区大部分人的支持和良好愿望。虽然她没有被ICE或其他任何人拘留,但她除了被关在四面墙内之外不能去任何地方。这就提出了一个观点,虽然不是我独有的观点,但至少在一定程度上证明了这种困境。I have framed my soliloquy as follows:


If the notion of sanctuary cities were to be somehow codified as law uniformly throughout the land, it would at least 'have some teeth'. As things stand, though, it is lip service, carrying only the shield of ethical behavior as its defense. Even so, this is a situational ethic, and as such it lacks everything it ought to demonstrate, save good intentions. There are numerous organizations who try to do good for the common folk. So, IF---and that is a big 'if'---sanctuary cities are to be the wave of equity towards those who need such, there would need to be some groundswell of will to enact (cringe) legislation. Perhaps someone has thought of this already. Perhaps there are efforts being made to make it so. I have not heard of any such movement. Experience shows you cannot make someone do something he/she does not wish to do, unless you make it a matter of law. This is the-more-so true when we are discussing lawmakers themselves. I have no personal stake; no dog in this hunt. Friends of mine who were impacted unfairly by this issue returned to their home country. They are happy enough there, do not suffer deprivations, nor do they worry about oppressive treatment by their government. Not yet, anyway... These well-educated folks wanted to become American citizens. Unfortunately, America did not want them badly enough to help 'make it so'. The jury is still out on this matter, so-to-speak.

msseelam's picture


Sunday, November 17, 2019 -- 10:34 AM

How about sanctuary for the

So just imagine, if you had to apply that same principle to rentals. We have tens of thousands of rentals that are frozen into 'rent controlled' units for 'legacy' tenants. There are hundreds of these 'legacy' tenants who are well able to afford to pay market rate rents. Why are these well heeled people squatting in homes, refusing to budge, and keeping them from being made available to those who earn less?


I mean, this is an addressable problem, if we only had the will. If my plan seems unclear, please let me know and I will try to explain myself further.
Many thanks,
Sadhana Seelam

RepoMan05's picture


Sunday, November 17, 2019 -- 4:52 PM

Being that organized crime is

Being that organized crime is, well, organized, you can't justify your claims about crime rates. Take Madison Wisconsin as an example. You can say it has a very low crime rate all you want but you're likely unaware that it's high schools see more heroin overdose deaths than a city its size ever should. I've personally met the people behind it. It started with mafia leaving Chicago. Capone family, literally. No joke. After that, I've also personally met Mexican mafia outlets there. I've even met tebetian drug smugglers there. Done lines with all these people I'm mentioning, mind you. The Mexican mafia guy was the worst. You could get anything you wanted from that guy. And the story gets worse as u bring it back to that point about fallacious data. The Sherif department there fking loves cocaine. Lsd, heroin shrooms, meth, pcp, oh oh and hookers. Lots of them. They have one of the best brothels in the nation. Met a couple dozen rock stars, movie stars, comedians etc there. Trust me, you don't know sht. When you finish the wall, put computer guided laser turrets on top. It's literally a goddamned war you're not fighting but losing everyday in every classroom. All the hookers I grew up with said their teachers were their best customers.

MJA's picture


Monday, November 18, 2019 -- 7:05 AM

No matter the regulations, be

No matter the regulations, be they federal, state, or local, helping another in need is inherently good, a defining character of humane(ity).

The only problem I see in the right or wrong of sanctuary cities is that governments believe they have the right to regulate what is our inherent right, to FREELY help those in need if we decide to do so or not.

Regulating help for those in need, be it for or against such help or need, can only be regulated by ones own free will, Any infringement to govern our inalienable right to help others would lead to a dissolution of humane. Imagine a world where we can only help another, be it a fellow human, an animal, a forest, river, ocean planet or tree, if we are governed to do so or not to do so, well I would be throwing in the towel today.

There would be no need for a heart!

Governments have no right to decide who to help and who we don't. But each and everyone of us does have the right to decide on our own, nothing more, nothing less.


RepoMan05's picture


Monday, November 18, 2019 -- 7:32 PM

When you facilitate

When you facilitate irresponsibility you create a life style that's subject to exploitation.


How can you call upon others to facilitate that kind of thing either by direct funding or by legalising supportive ponzi scams?

After that, when help is so racistly/religious-selectivly distributed and otherwise exploited in an already bloated Enron budget, how can you expect responsible people to overlook what's going on?

More people equal more seats, municipalities, counties, and states all benefit like a neo-Tammany hall marked by unchecked corruption. Meanwhile, they ask everyone else to pay for the consequences of inviting a Catholic pederast heroin cartel entrenched in a 200year invasion plan.

RepoMan05's picture


Monday, November 18, 2019 -- 7:34 PM

In short, because of habitual

In short, because of habitual exploitation.

RepoMan05's picture


Monday, November 18, 2019 -- 7:52 PM

Even shorter Surrender!

Even shorter