Schizophrenia and the mind

25 August 2011


The best-known portrayal of a schizophrenic is probably the movie `A Beautiful Mind’. Russell Crowe plays John Nash, a mathematician who won a Nobel Prize in Economics. In the movie, Nash’s hallucinations are portrayed as both auditory, visual and tactile. But that’s really not at all common, and wasn’t truly the case with Nash. Like most schizophrenics, his hallucinations were purely auditory.

There is some debate whether schizophrenia is just a label for a bundle of commonly co-occurring symptoms, or a single underlying disease. There are no laboratory tests for schizophrenia. However, it is frequently associated with excess dopamine --- a neuro-transmitter in the brain. On the basis of this, there are some pretty good medications.

John Nash in real life, and in the movie, preferred not to take medication. That’s very common. There are side-effects, and the schizophrenic also often sees the medications as part of a conspiracy.


That challenges a very fundamental view in the philosophy of mind, that when you are aware of a thought, you know it’s your own; it makes no sense to be introspectively aware of the thoughts of another.

Schizophrenics also challenge a picture of thoughts that many philosophers find attractive. Many philosophers feel thoughts are beliefs gained through perception, desires, and thought-processes. In this view, to attribute thoughts to a person presupposes a certain modicum of rationality. The thoughts you pick up from perception should be related to what you perceive in some rational ways. Schizophrenics seem to challenge that picture.


We’ll talk with John Campbell from the philosophy department at Berkeley, who has thought and written deeply about schizophrenia.


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Thursday, August 25, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

In terms of the "debate [about] whether schizophre

在“关于精神分裂症是否只是一组常见的共同症状的标签,还是一种潜在疾病的争论”方面,在我看来,几乎可以肯定的是,我们所描述的精神分裂症,在未来将被描述为几种不同的疾病,具有不同的原因和重叠的影响。虽然像糖尿病这样的疾病可以根据可测量的因素(血液胰岛素水平)来诊断,但目前还没有生理指标用于诊断精神分裂症。当然,如上所述,与精神分裂症相关的大脑和神经化学异常(妄想和幻觉等阳性症状被认为与高多巴胺功能有关;消极症状,如社交退缩和平淡的情绪,与脑室扩大反映脑组织损失密切相关)。然而,这些测试是在已经被诊断为精神分裂症的个体中进行的,它们不是诊断工具。DSM手册描述了诊断精神分裂症所必需的症状,我认为,目前应该被认为是“我们能做的最好的”,以便从这些异常的思想、注意力、自我意识中找到一些意义……有很多大脑异常都与精神分裂症有关(除了刚才提到的那些)。一些精神分裂症患者的额叶和海马体都有异常。我曾经在哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)教过一个关于精神分裂症的研讨会,研究文献是如此复杂和多样,以至于很难就这个主题做一个令人信服的研讨会——我现在不再做研讨会了。我很确定它会变成一系列紊乱。 I'll bet you a dollar.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Inasmuch as I am not a doctor (of any sort),I'll a

Inasmuch as I am not a doctor (of any sort),I'll await observations, experiences and opinions from the pros who provide commentaries on such things. I may have some opinions about the topic-but those matter little to anyone but me. Greetings to all...

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Friday, August 26, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Looking for ways to measure mentalities? I can tel

Looking for ways to measure mentalities?
我可以电话l you truth is measureless,
Be True,

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Saturday, August 27, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Listened to this rebroadcast with interest, but so

Listened to this rebroadcast with interest, but somewhat dismayed to see the shallowness of experience with the topic by the professional academic. How can one be a philosopher without having altered-state experiences either via meditation or entheogens to see the plasticity and arbitrariness of consciousness, and the world of synchronicity that schizophrenics live in. Interestingly, heard another podcast describing that schizophrenics have much better outcomes in traditional witch-doctor cultures due to the acceptance of spirits. Also, an interesting piece of evidence supporting the risk of schizophrenia with cannabis is the biography of Kurt vonnegut's son 'Eden Express' where his schizophrenia was provoked by extreme cannabis use. From my own experience with schizophrenics, it is therapeutic to live in a rural low stress setting with lots of nature, and to have a religious outlook where angels and the saints have power to heal are believed in and the belief is supported.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Hello, I am Philip Randolf, At vario

Hello, I am Philip Randolf,
In other words, in effect the sentiment is that I disown the thought; it is not "my" thought, but something a bit alien.
I think many people have this experience without any indication of pathology.
So what are we talking about here, a matter of degree?
And thoughts "coming from outside" doesn't seem so odd to me; after all, most thoughts arise without our willing them or without a process of consciously generating them. If "I" didn't generate the thought, then, in a sense they do come from "outside" an "I"
So, again, a matter of degree? If other people are bugged by your behavior or thoughts, or you can't concentrate on the business you were hired for or some such---then, society must step in?
Electro-shock for you?
But apparently, Nash was operating brilliantly as a mathematician (Nobel prize), and he was not violent or destructive.
So,seems to me value judgements operated here to some extent --to condemn him for not thinking as otheres do, as some others thought he should.
My understanding is that Nash stopped taking any medication (who can blame him with the horrific side-effects) and gradually he detached himself from unusual thoughts by his own efforts and they diminished. But, interestingly, he also felt that subsequently he was not as inspired a mathematician after he did this.
Paranoia and out of the ordinary connections made between events, entities posited that some people think don't exist, indicates schizophrenia and a danger? On that basis, then, I must insist that some fundamentalists be immediately subject to heavy medication along with a few Physicists who believe we live on a Brane.
This whole thing puts me in mind of the current rumble about Autism. People once had to exhibit behavior that was quite extreme to be diagnosed as Autistic. Now, millions of school kids who fidgit in their seats or can't keep their voices down or who are very shy or who are smart as hell but uncommunicative or some such-----are Autistic! And, of course need professional consultations and medications and long term expert supervision and so on. Those professional folks make out well what with the rather sudden burgeoning of this terrible condition into the general population and all.
I just read a short biography of Dirac, the brilliant English Quantum Mathematician (Nobel prize),
and gee, who coulda guessed it? According to the bio he suffered from Autism too! (but apparently a mild case?so mild it was almost non-existent---almost!) Golly, if only those psychiatrists then had had the knowledge they have now--why we'd have had old Dirac fixed and on meds in no time! The wonders of modern medicine! Yes, a medicated stupor surely is much more normal than weird thoughts and being socially ill at ease.
Better that Mr. Dirac did not produce his brilliant
Finally, I must say that at times it has occurred to me that the notion of a self, an I, a me, could be just another thought, and the universe is really without the personal---no entity to correspond to the "Me" anywhere.
Kind of an unusual thought compared to most folk, eh?
I was thinking that gee, perhaps I am Autistic or Schizophrenic too and need to go on disability or have the government pay to send me to a place where I might recover, say to live in a quiet grass hut by a tropical sea and self-medicate, say with a nice pina colada or two in the afternoon. Now that is what I would call recovery!

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Sunday, August 28, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

谢谢你的邮件。Honestly this post will clear


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

The Source If you?re looking for the source of

The Source
Come this Way: Follow a river upstream sometime and you'll find the source to be a creek. And beyond the creek the source is a trickle of water, formed from melting snow. Beyond the snow the snowflakes, from the clouds that formed over the evaporating source the sea. Then back or forward to the delta One will find, the source, the truth, Oneself, the beautiful river Equality.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Once again, the djinn is out of the bottle. Or is

Once again, the djinn is out of the bottle. Or is that the gin is out of the bottle? Randolf has made an interesting point---one that many of us have been ruminating over for lo these many years now (though I exagerate for effect): If there are so many mentally unbalanced people in this world, how on earth are we to distinguish who among us are sane? Moreover, perhaps, is it not better to be a few sandwiches shy of a picnic and to fit in with others than to be left on that postage-stamp island with a coconut tree for company?
当然,每一个领域都有极端,我们永远不可能得到任何一个问题的所有答案。不过,推测一下还是很有趣的。你的博客变得越来越有趣和多样化了。Thanks for all of that and keep it rolling,please,

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

As the sad sister of a lovely brother who was schi


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

"In 1947, a man bought a new Plymouth, put it up o

"In 1947, a man bought a new Plymouth, put it up on blocks and covered it with cosmolene. Today, it it worthless."
---Kehlog Allbran, THE PROFIT, circa 1970

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Just like with the sandwich generation (silent, bo

Just like with the sandwich generation (silent, boomer, x/y), there are children of Schizophrenics who are confused. We don't know how to care for our parents and we don't know if we are going to pass it on to our children. We also wonder: what is the problem with some of the thoughts our parents have? Sometimes my mother and father make sense. My mother has the diagnosis of Schizophrenia, while my father has been diagnosed with early onset dementia. I always thought they were still experiencing an acid trip from the 60s. Then as I grew up and started experiencing more fantasy influenced books, TVs, and movies, I started thinking maybe my parents aren't crazy. This could be wishful thinking. This could be a desire to be special or supernatural. But I have to tell you that Hollywood sensationalized Schizophrenia. It is television and movies that confuse us more than we already are. There are times that I think I have crossed to my mother's realm just because of something I have seen on TV. Yes, I know the difference between fantasy and reality, but it is a fine line. There are coincidences. There is irony. And there is wishful thinking. But at the same time, I think no one has ever really asked my mother if she knows the difference between the life she leads out and the boon docks and what is going on in the city (reality). I think she does. I just think she can't control her thoughts and reactions. I think she prefers to live in her world because our world is cruel and misleading.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

An interesting writer who explores philosophy and

An interesting writer who explores philosophy and mental illness is Louis Sass. One of his books is "Paradoxes of Delusion: Wittgenstein, Schreber, and the Schizophrenic Mind". In this one he makes connections between solipsism and mental illness.
I wish the program could have addressed how philosophy can contribute to how we think about and treat mental illness.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Well. I'll wait a bit. Perhaps there are Kinds of

Well. I'll wait a bit. Perhaps there are Kinds of Minds. As Dennett has suggested. Hmmm.

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Thursday, January 12, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

First of all I want to

首先,我不同意人类主要是理性的说法。对大多数人来说,理智是为情感服务的。我们很容易忽视精神分裂症患者,认为他们持有不合理的信念,而不分析他们形成这些信念的原因。我相信,他们的一些扭曲和不真实的感知导致他们形成对我们来说似乎不合理的信念。我们的一些信念是我们的大脑根据我们的经验形成的模型,包括阅读、听力和其他输入模式。当我们的体验是基于不真实的刺激时,我们的模型就不会像主体间性所定义的那样接近真实,这是有道理的。我认为精神分裂症患者随着时间的推移逐渐形成了他们看似不合理的信念,试图理解他们自己头脑中错误的感知输入。这是我自己的经验之谈。几年前,我被诊断为指称性妄想。Over a period of time I started believing that my thoughts and actions were being broadcast and
I'm being spied upon. These beliefs didn't come spontaneously. It gradually developed over a period of years based on auditory hallucinations and distortions of auditory stimuli. The hallucinations are not just random voices. These are the voices of people I knew. Like my friends, relatives, colleagues and some strange voices. And at least in my case, the voices were not random. When a particular friend is near me, I often heard comments in his voice. For example I may hear comments from my Boss's room in his voice when he is there. But only that he didn't actually make that comment. So most of the times the hallucinations are not just random voices, it is the voices of people we know.
Since the comments those voices carry arise out our own minds, the content of those voices carry a lot of personal details. Things only you know and are thinking. For example, let us say you are thinking about some personal topic and you hear a comment about what you are thinking in your boss's voice. What would you think? You may think he eavesdropped on your thoughts and commenting. If this happens once we may dismiss it as some random stupid notion of ours. But imagine if this happens everyday for a year, in the voices of so many people you know and don't know. You will seriously start looking for explanations.
As someone with a background in biomedical science, I started searching for the availability of technologies that allows one to eavesdrop on your thoughts. I know that such a technology doesn't exist. And I very well know that it takes very large machines like fMRI to even detect brain patterns and hence not possible. Nobody can do it remotely. I came upon this technology called sub-vocal speech detector that comes closest to a cheapest technology that can detect what we are thinking. However It is obvious that no such machine is attached to my throat. While you are logically striking off these possibilities, you are actually experiencing things to the contrary. So you come to the conclusion your thoughts are not being tracked, may be your activities are being monitored. There is cheap technology available to monitor your every view.
Once you start believing this based on your distorted experiences and perceptions, you start wondering why anybody would do this. And you start coming up with conspiracies, reality shows to other weird explanations and schemes to explain what you are experiencing. And your judgements are being clouded by very real fear and anxiety about the situation.
So looking at this sequence of events, the seemingly irrational beliefs of mine were actually rational attempts to explain perceptual abnormalities. I'm not saying this is exactly what happens in all schizophrenics. But I'm able to sympathize with them. Someone who is very religious may interpret the voices in different ways and may come up with different beliefs. The content of the voices, very much based on the individual personalities, is sure to lead to different beliefs.
Would love to discuss more on this issue. Thank you.