Sex, Prostitution, and Well-lived Lives

16 May 2005

First, I want to thank Debra Satz for being our guest on the show yesterday. It was interesting and fun. I hope it was also enlightening. The discussion certainly provoked lots of calls, e-mails, and even comments on the blog. Even in philosophy, sex sells, I guess.


But my focus in this post is not on the admittedly difficult collection of social and political questions connected to the legalization of prostitution. I want rather to explore a little bit further an idea I was trying out on the air. I said, as I recall, that because of the kind of relation that our own sexuality has to our identity and agency in the world, it seemed to me that sex is the wrong kind of thing to distribute via the market. Neither Debra nor John accepted the proto-argument I gave on the air. So let me try to do it again, a little more slowly. I’ll say up front that I’m not yet fully convinced that I’ve got the right way of thinking about it.

John called the approach I was defending moralistic -- or perhaps “prudish” was his word. But that’s not right. It’s not because I condemn or fear sex and sexuality, but because I celebrate them and believe that they are crucial ingredients of many versions of a well-lived life that I have qualms about prostitution. We are deeply erotic beings. Our erotic nature is not just a source great pleasure, but is tied up with our very identities as beings in the world. The erotic partly defines the boundaries of the self. One who violates another sexually has violated not just the body but the very self. The erotic connects us to others in intimate, joyous union. In the deepest most exhilarating erotic encounters, one regards one’s partner not just as an object or instrument of one’s own pleasure or satisfaction, not just as one’s sexual tool. Rather, each takes the other as another self – as another self for his or her self. One takes the pleasures of one’s lover as further sources of pleasures for oneself. One delights not only in the giving and receiving of pleasure, but also in the recognition and respect offered up by the lover. Erotic encounters can be theaters in which our autonomy and self-valuing are recognized, respected, and taken bodily and emotional delight in by another self-valuing, autonomous being who we in turn recognize, respect and take bodily and emotional delight in.


But suppose we bracket such qualms for the sake of the present argument.Ifthe erotic has a telos andifthat telos is as I have described, then it’s possible evaluate erotic experiences, and their potential contributions to a well-lived life, by considering the degree to which they depart from said telos.



There is something to this line of thinking. But less, I think, than at first meets the eye. First, if we distinguish economic agency from sexual agency, we now have two dimensions along which to evaluate prostituted erotic encounters. One might think that prostituted erotic encounters in which the prostitute is able to preserve her(his) full economic agency, even at some cost to her(his) sexual agency, are morally preferable to prostituted erotic encounters in which the prostitute must surrender both some degree of sexual agency and some degree of economic agency. There is, I think, something deeply right about this thought. And I think any scheme for legalizing prostitution should have as one of its aims to make it more possible for prostitutes to function as full economic agents. Any such scheme should protect them against economic exploitation and seek to fully integrate them into ordinary economic life. That some such scheme is possible and morally preferable to any scheme that denies the full economic agency of the prostitute is the grain of truth behind the observation that prostitution need not be – though it often is -- different from any other economic transaction.

但我认为,这种观点忽略了一个事实,即一个人的性行为不是那种损失可以通过经济行为的收益来补偿的东西。的确,在某种程度上,这两个代理领域是不可比较的。我想,这就是出卖作品和出卖肉体的区别。推销自己的言辞并不会削弱自己的“权威性”。事实上,这样的交易在很多方面对一个作家的成功都有帮助。有些人会抓住这句话,并坚持认为,以同样的方式,出卖自己的性技能对一个人作为性代理的繁荣有帮助。毕竟,在生活的各个方面,熟能生巧。但是,从某种意义上说,这是正确的,却没有抓住重点。在妓女的情爱邂逅中,至少在相关邂逅的空间中,妓女被异化了,与她完整的性代理关系疏远了。在某种程度上,嫖客也是如此。 But the john is alienated in a different direction. My worry is that such alienation cannot easily be limited and contained. There are many reasons why this might be so. One has to do with the fact that the largely male driven demand for alienated sexual agency is backed by great economic and political power. And that demand plays, I think, some role – but not an exclusive role -- in the social configuration of the sexual agency of all men and all women, even those not directly involved in prostituted erotic encounters. Marxists claim that all capitalist economic arrangements have such effects. I do not think this is true globally. But because the erotic remains at its core a distinctive sphere of agency, with a distinctive place in well-lived human lives, something akin to the Marxist global critique of capitalism does apply locally to sexual agency and prostitution.

Or so it seems to me. At any rate that is thought behind my on-air remarks that sexuality is the wrong kind of thing to be properly distributed by the market. I don't think that makes me a prude. And I don't think it means that I've over-romanticized sex.


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Tuesday, May 17, 2005 -- 5:00 PM


I'd like to bring in the case of rank-and-file journalism, to argue that perhaps prostitution is not as special a case as it might seem, or rather that "sexual agency" is not especially vulnerable in a way that "authorial agency" or, say "crafting agency" or whatever agency you give up in doing your job.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005 -- 5:00 PM


肯,你提出了一些有趣的观点。然而,即使我接受你的前提(即,性是有目的的,性代理与经济代理是不可通约的),也不能得出这样的结论:妓女不能在她们的工作之外拥有那种使她们过上“美好生活”的性。你需要在你的论点中加入一些东西——在某种程度上,妓女每天在工作中从事商业化的性行为,这一事实腐蚀了她在工作场所之外实现非商业化性行为的能力。这个想法是有道理的——Arlie Hochschild在她的书《被管理的心脏》(the Managed Heart)中记录了空姐商业化情绪的普遍影响——但它似乎确实言过其实了。在广告公司做技术下属的人——画空洞的设计或写令人作呕的广告歌——在工作之外可能仍然是一个伟大的艺术家或诗人。
It also seems to me, ideally, that a well lived life has many dimensions --and we cannot maximize on all of them. So people need to make trade offs.
The biggest problems I see with prostitution is that we do not live in an ideal world --globally speaking, most people have far less than adequate choices, and women fewer still. Most women in prostitution (globally) are there as a last resort, and are subject to violence and economic exploitation as well as disease. Even in the developed countries, women have far less economic opportunity than men. So, lots of prostitution (but not all) is compounded by poverty, unequal power, exploitation and violence. And lots of prostitution (perhaps all) is permeated by gender --by norms of inequality based on sex, in which women are there to serve men's needs, and women's sexuality is controled by men. That's why I think its troubling; but I could imagine circumstances where it would not be so. (Unfortunately, my imagination here runs far ahead of anything that looks remotely possible....)

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

Debra: Three points: First, even if one co

Three points:
First, even if one could manage to "bifurcate" one's sexual agency that would still leave one's overall sexual agency diminished. It's not as though only the good times count toward determining the character of one's sexual life or contribute to determining how well one has lived. At best, the prostitute would be a fragmented sexual agent. It's an interesting question whether the fragments could be smoothly integrated into a reasonably coherent life, or whether, failing that, each could remain within its own sphere. That's probably very much a person-by-person thing. Certainly, I would guess that neither integration nor Clintonian compartmentalization would be an entirely psychologically easy thing to pull off. Of course, it may also be that a sexually fragmanted life isn't such a bad one and a sexually coherent life isn't such a good one. I suppose it is true that if one wants to live an integrated and coherent life, then subjecting oneself to the risk of fragmentation is probably unwise. On the other hand, if one can compartmentalize, then the benefits of fragmentation may be considerable.
Second, I suggested but didn't elaborate much that the diminishing of sexual agency (relative to the telos of sexuality) that arguably happens in prostituted erotic encounters applies both to the prostitute and to the john, but they are diminished in different ways. The john does not give recognition and respect. The prostitute does not receive it. But this is mostly important as a prelude to the third point.
The third point is that my worry is not meant just to be about each individual's sexuality and how he/she copes with diminished and/or fragmented sexual agency. The worry is also about how the instution of prostitution contributes to the configuration of the sexual agency of all -- even those who are not directly involved in prostituted erotic encounters. I worry that the array of forces driving us to institute a sphere of diminished sexual agency -- the political and economic power that backs intense demand by males for sex from diminished sexual agents and the economic desperation that drives mostly women to satisfy that demand-- helps to configure and constrain the sexuality of all in ways that undercut the (assumed) telos of sexuality.
What I mean by this is that by jointly endorsing and constituting a prostituted sexual sphere through politics, the law, and the instruments of civil society, we in effect offer this space up to any sexual agent as an arena in which some aspects of her/his sexual agency may legitimately be enacted. The offer may parade as the offer of increased economic opportunity for some -- the would be prostitute -- and of increased sexual freedom for others -- the would be john. By my lights, though, that offer is partly a sham. Yet unless we jointly recognize and represent the offer as a sham, our own sexual self-representations now includes as one possiblity among others this kind of debased arena, but without recognizing it as debased.
This, again, isn't an argument against legalizing prostitution. But it is an argument that prostituted sexuality ought to remain as it were the marked case rather than the unmarked case.
Hope that helps.

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Thursday, May 19, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

I must admit that towards the beginning of the pro

但是,虽然我同意肯?关于性的最终目的,我认为同样重要的讨论肯?S点认为,性接触的类型有很多种。这一范围的一端可能包括肯指出的那种深刻的共鸣。然而,另一个极端似乎存在着自愿的成年人之间的匿名接触,他们之间没有金钱交易(例如,在同性恋社区的浴室、性俱乐部或换妻者?)在异性恋群体的聚会上)。我猜是从肯?他同意这种遭遇在道德上是没有问题的,尽管它们偏离了任何形式的目的?这种体验仅仅是性的一部分。那么,我就看不出,作为这种性行为动机的一方与另一方(或者我认为是其他人)之间的金钱交换,是如何将这种交换转化为道德上有问题的交换的。再一次,我呢?m ignoring all of the other problems (coercion, physical abuse, etc.) and trying to focus on the question of whether the exchange of money for sex strikes me as morally problematic.
也许在卖淫的讨论中,对性目的的关注掩盖了定义卖淫的实际交易。我认为我同意市场力量不能恰当地分配深刻共鸣的体验,我认为根据定义,市场力量不能(因为你不能花钱让别人对你有这种感觉)。然而,撇开这种体验不谈,我不确定我是否看到了花钱进行这种类型的性爱的道德问题,因为这种性爱可能更接近于缺乏深刻共鸣的按摩。此外,我对自己评估伤害的能力还不够有信心,如果对卖淫者的精神(或者像肯恩所说的,对性机构)有任何伤害的话,这些妓女从事卖淫并以此来换取金钱,让?我们称它们为次要类型的性接触,因此我倾向于把这种计算留给妓女的自我评估。(哎呀,我的自由意志主义倾向显现出来了吗?)在妓女完全知情的情况下,我倾向于让妓女来做决定,不管我觉得这是多么的堕落、破坏性或剥削,因为一个人?S退化是另一个?搔痒。(重复一遍:我在此讨论的重点是完全知情的、双方同意的金钱收益;我和Ken一样承认,在现实生活中,围绕着这种类型的交换存在许多困难,我在这里不打算处理这些问题。是的,它吗?it’我很懦弱,但这是一个博客,我不。i don’我不是以此为生的。
Apologies. I realized just as I was about to post this that the discussion has taken off from Ken?s initial post, and that its direction has evolved. I wrote this off line and did not see the subsequent interesting exchange between Ken and Debra. Again, as I do not do this for a living, I add this post for whatever it?s worth, and apologize that it does not build on the prior posts. I will have read those posts in more detail over the weekend.

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Sunday, May 22, 2005 -- 5:00 PM



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Monday, May 23, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

I very much enjoyed Melissa's blog and recommend i

I very much enjoyed Melissa's blog and recommend it to others. I'd like to reply to some of the comments on this blog.
Also, it is not true that prostitution is always about faking. The work can be physically pleasurable -- some prostitutes have orgasms at work. Of course, a prostitute also knows how to fake it, but sex is complicated and unpredictable. Prostitutes can love their clients and vice versa, though it is not the norm for everybody to fall in love! But there is often warmth/attachment between buyer and seller and when our clients die, we have been known to shed a few tears. You do get attached to your repeat clients who, over a decade or more, have watched you grow and blossom and change apartments and acquire different boyfriends or hobbies.
We are just people. Ditto the clients. The idea that NO love or pleasure or affection can occur is as absurd as the idea that it must always.
It's puzzling that someone would say, as the host did "Would you want your wife or sister to do this? Your daughter?" Women in the sex industry are wives, daughters, sisters. Most of us have families. Whether some husband, father or brother approves of us or not, we do it. We are everywhere! We are in families and classrooms and grocery stores. I think the more important question would be "How do you come to terms with your wife, daughter or sister being a separate person with desires, intentions, ambitions, plans and perhaps even a few personal contacts that you didn't know about?"
Can you get past the idea that we are some sort of icky scary "other" that should never touch your personal life? That is really the only way to learn something valuable about prostitution.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

I am a retired Dominatrix from the UK. Having spen

I am a retired Dominatrix from the UK. Having spent 30yrs in the `profession`& experienced most things that one would say is or could be seen as negative `at times`! Insomuch have had a client who tried to kill me in the 70`s. He unfortunately for him died at my hands whilst I defended myself.
During my `out` time, I set up a support agency in Plymouth, UK, specifically for all sex-workers, with Government quango funding partnerships.
It was during that time that I came to the conclusion that it is NOT the sex-workers that need to change or be eradicated, but the stigms & taboo`s surrounding the attitudes towards sex-workers.
To guess & submise that sex-workers are victims of either a personal/sexual/political/financial impositions, does not solve, not deal with the issues at hand. These type of stances serve to further diminish & not only that reinforce the attitude of society against another culture!
The `sexual` impositions would be changed if new sex-workers were offered support & advice by other experienced sex-workers.
The `political` impositions could be altered if acceptance for others values were honoured.
The `finiacial` impositions would be shared within the communities. Giving sex-workers the status back of citizenship. Something that has been denied them, even at an international level. Denying them their human-rights, either in the countries court of law or the international rights courts.
To have that `voice` hushed or diminished due to others thinking that I don`t have control of my truth, or my insights, I find oppressive & demeaning.
It is the percieved victims that we focus on, because we `look` for fear. Fear being a multi-million dollar industry which is incorporated & absorbed into our everyday lives.
Some sex-workers like myself have a spiritual aspect to there being & could possibly offer a `close encounter` observation of clients. Maybe giving new insights to ourselves as sexual beings on this planet.
This type of prostitution is getting more popular, do you think this is by chance?
More & more people are indulging in fetish-driven erotica & sex, is this a coincidence?
To surpress sexual expression is unhealthy for society.
What right has anyone to say that just a bonded pair can enjoy the true meaning a caring sexual encounter?
Presumptions are made based on the experience or judgement of one against another, not a healthy aspect in anybodies terms.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

To Tracy, Melissa, and Lynne: I'm glad to hav

To Tracy, Melissa, and Lynne:
I'm glad to have some folks with real-world experience commenting on this thread. I'm not sure though whether we're talking to one another or talking past one another.
To Tracy, for example, I'd say that I don't think that John or Debra thinks of prostitutes as some "icky, scary" others. I know that I don't.
To Lynne, I accept your view of yourself as not any kind of victim. That's really for you to say not me. But I do suspect that many women are victimized by prostitution world-wide, especially by the way that prostitution is economically and socially configured here and throughout the world. But that's not at all inconsistent with saying that the economic and social configuration of prostitution should be changed in lots of ways. In fact, it entails that if prostitution is to be legal, it needs to be structured in ways that doesn't make a bad situation worse, that integrates prostitutes and prostitution into the above ground economy, etc.
I propose a thought experiment. Imagine a world in which economic and political inequality between men and women is largely eliminated. I know it's hard to imagine in detail the shape of such a world, but let your imagination run wild. Also imgagine that in this world it's not just that men and women are equally bad off but that everybody is pretty well off, that few live in desperate poverty, that few are denied decent educations, that economies do not produce savage inequalities and divisions between haves and have nots, that exploitative labor practices have largely been eradicated, etc. etc.
Now I may be wrong, but I suppose that even in such a world, the largely male driven demand for the services of prostitutes would not ipso facto be significantly decreased -- male sexuality being more or less what it is. What I do doubt, though, is that the supply of women and men willing to satisfy those demands would remain constant. I don't think the supply would disappear, but I do suspect it would be severely diminished.
Finally, to Melissa, who writes on her own blog the following:
I like the phrase "erotic capital." But in this post I wasn't trying to keep the idea of erotic capital at bay in the sense you seem to imply. Rather, I was exploring the idea of whether the erotic could legitmately function as capital and/or commodity. I was arguing that turning the erotic into mere capital, or, better, into a mere commodity, to be bought and sold like any other is to debase the erotic.
Capitalism in its most unrestrained forms is a totalizing system and would sweep everything into the market. But I reject that kind of capitalism -- not becuase I have an ahistorical view of things or privilege the natural over something else. It's rather that I think that some things are so intimately tied up with our very beings, our very identity that to commodify them is to commodify the self.
Of course, the boundaries between what ought and ought not to be commodified is a hard one to draw and it may not be an all or nothing thing. In almost everything we do for pay, we give away a little bit of ourselves, as several comments on this thread have pointed out, and we try to hold onto something that is not a mere commodity. But I think protecting the core of oneself from full commodification once one has allowed a little encroachment, as it were, is much easier said than done.

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Thursday, May 26, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

I say again, excuse me if I have not got this quit

I say again, excuse me if I have not got this quite right. I am not au-fait with politics, nor certin types of terminology.
Nonetheless here goes:
The Nirvana type ideal world you asked to envisage has got to be the `ideal` that most of us could or would happen as an inheritance of our collective experiences.
personally I think you are right that elements & participants of the sex industry would be reduced in such a world, perhaps for a while; because for a number of reasons think this would be temporary.
Though this would not take into account those who maybe started their sex industry career for financial gain, but found along the path that there was other elements to prostitution, previously missed or not understood i.e:
Spiritual insights.
The constancey of demand on/for prostitutes are forever ebbing & flowing, meandering & adapting to the rhythmn of the needs of societies & concepts within.
What do we see as valuable?
When we work & are paid for that work we feel valued or achnowledged (whatever the job)!
When we look to work for no pay, we still look for some kind of gratifacation or `sense of value`. Value in our offeringstoo.
Our sense of existence & survival I feel is measured by what we bring to the table either, financially, emotionally, spiritually or intellectually.
What we `give away` in any of those four needs is rewarded many-fold by our sense of `being` & being part of a flowing structive of society
A difficult one to imagine & to implement considering the attitudes, taboo`s & stigma`s that plague humanity, especially in its views of sex & sexuality.
Which in turn reflects the way those `outside` the sex industry see those within it.
before we can even consider this quandary I feel we must firstly look at what & why societies are thus affected. We must be honest about he way we see oursleves as sexual beings, the way our cultural/historical backgrounds have affected our views. We must try to begin to stop being so afraid!
Taking the fear & the victim out of those who little understand their own fears & others.
Educating children (next generations) in sex & relationships beyond what we have done so far.
Instead of being teddy-bears for their parents or family, which in turn affects the way they relate & their expectations of others.
The politics of gender need to be resolved, taking away much of the fear based concepts of each other.
Prior to that we are but one!
Maybe then sowing the seeds of understanding is the future for the percieved freedom for not just prostitutes, but all affected by finiancial, emotional, spiritual, intellectual insecurities.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

有趣的文章;while not a sex worke


I would suggest that this is based in societal bias. I think that separating the erotic being from the economic being is a societal bias and a convenience, not an obvious or even, necessarily, reasonable act. You suggest that we are deeply erotic creatures - which I will not contest! - but I would balk at any suggestion that such erotic nature exceeds in import our drive to eat, to seek shelter, to seek the affirmation and approval of our tribe, or to support and succor our children/family/tribal unit.


Let me further fancy that in this society in question, prostitution is not considered degrading, but considered to be a prime means of self-employment that one might be proud of. That delivering a quality product and experience is a paramount means of competition - where there might be, in fact, competition for 'johns'. With the weight of social disapproval gone from their shoulders, how many prostitutes would necessarily be 'humiliated'? How many might love their jobs - how many might just do it because it made a lot of money? Do you think it might be possible in this world that the prostitute's guild might not contribute money to outreach programs designed to help employed single mothers enter the much less stigmatized and better paying world of prostitution?

In closing, a couple of questions... How many people love the job they are doing now? Does the fact that many people hate their jobs and have been forced into them via economic pressure mean that employment is necessarily and habitually dehumanizing and degrading?

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Sunday, July 3, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

嘿,我只想说几句话。I am a 25 y

嘿,我只想说几句话。我是一个25岁的男人一个卖淫的产物。The fact is my 45
year old mother Betty Justus earnd her own way in nursing school by selling sex (oral, anal, intercourse, or other). When she was 20 thats when I came along. I do not see anything wrong with it. She raised me, had a

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Friday, July 15, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

As an Indian Devadasi, I find this discourse rathe

As each man is an incarnation of my Deity I can enjoy each encounter as if I was with my "husband" or primary partner. Their payments to me represent an acknowledgement of my skills and value as a partner and I appreciate being able to command such tributes.
I think the European dichotomy that would suggest that paid sex had a lesser intrinsic value than ?real? sex is a false dichotomy that is a cultural construction that needs unpacking and reexamination.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

Dear Sir I'm not a psychologist or anybody near t

Dear Sir
I'm not a psychologist or anybody near that field.
If someone has had sex with so many males in her life I tend to believe that for such a woman, having sex is just a routine business and nothing else. If any special attachment to a man maybe only for security reasons. Please take your time and give me your answer.
Thank you

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Tuesday, May 9, 2006 -- 5:00 PM

THE JOHN'S TALE My typical weekend begins promp

On the train I break out my hip flask and take quiet nips of vodka. I begin to relax after the exacting trials and tribulation of the so recently expired week of work. At the main train station it is a quick transfer to the bus and a 10 minute ride to the heart of the red-light zone.
My first stop is a Thai style bar and my usual hostess Nan brings me a glass of dry white Chardonnay as I light up another cigarette. ?Drink for me?? Nan asks and I nod almost imperceptibly.
Nan?s a cute looking girl and she doesn?t look her 30 years. She is slim and dresses in a revealing short skirt and skimpy top. She has a small son and no husband but I?ve never been able to tempt her to meet me outside the bar worse luck.
After two more drinks I tip Nan unnecessarily and walk to the main drag of the strip. I have a drink in a few more bars and chat to some girls I know. Almost everyone knows me around here. At work a woman once mentioned that she?d read in the paper that there were 2000 prostitutes in this city. ?2000?? I said. ?I must know all of them...?. Even she thought that was funny.
In one of the bars suddenly Claudia wanders in and immediately makes a bee-line for me. ?Hey Paul do you wanna buy me a drink?? she coos. ?OK,? I reply and she slides in next to me at the bar and begins stroking my thigh.
Claudia is 28, good-looking, African, English speaking, no kids. She has a number of piercings and I?ve been with her several times before. ?Do you wanna come with me short time or I?ll stay with you tonight if you like??. She flutters her eyelids mockingly. ?OK, short time,? I say.
We walk to her small one-room apartment and do the business. It costs me around £100 for an hour. (This is an expensive city.) I emerge from the apartment block into the rain and make my way to my favourite bar. This bar has a band every night and a quiet Thai restaurant/bar attached which is good for chatting once you have selected your potential mate for the night.
I wander through the bar and say hello to several girls and a few other whoremongers I recognise. I am looking for Nina but in the end it is Nina who finds me. In French she exclaims ?Paul, where have you been? I?ve been looking everywhere for you.? I smile, escort her to the small, quiet bar and buy a bottle of dry white wine for the two of us.
我的o级法语不是很好,但对我们的目的来说已经足够好了。保罗,我今晚想和你在一起。明天我得回巴黎。好吗? ?我点头。我喜欢尼娜。她吗?她也是28岁,非洲人,说法语,笑容灿烂,性格温和。她在非洲有一个孩子,做了剖腹产手术。
In the morning I drink a bottle of white wine while Nina does a pretty good job of cleaning my apartment. After lunch we retire to the bedroom for an hour. Later we shower together, dry ourselves and get dressed. I give her £400 and then walk her to the train station to buy her a train ticket back to the city.
?A la prochaine fois!? she says as she kisses me. ?Yes see you next time, honey,? I reply. She gets aboard the train and waves at me until she?s out of sight. I like Nina, she?s sweet. They are all sweet ? well nearly all.
I spend the rest of Saturday afternoon drinking wine and doing chores until I fall asleep sozzled and content. I have bust my weekend budget of £500 so next weekend I?ll have to cut back a bit. Yeah next weekend??.
You might think that this lifestyle is a bit risky. I would say that my lifestyle and that of the girls around me is riskier than most but nowhere near as risky as most people would probably imagine.
Prostitution isn?t well understood (or well regarded) in the UK. It?s generally thought of as a seedy, dirty world populated by drug addicts, pimps, pushers, traffickers, criminals and sad people (like me).
Now, no doubt all of these types of individuals exist in the sex industry here (& elsewhere) but this is largely due to the illegal nature of the trade and the lack, therefore, of any regulation except the prosecution of all and sundry (weather permitting).
I have a great deal of experience of prostitutes. I am 47 and over the last 15 years I have paid for sex with women in the UK, USA, Holland, Switzerland, the Philippines and Thailand.
I have had good (mostly) and bad experiences. I regard myself as a professional John. Being a professional John, however, doesn?t pay well. Sebastian Horsley says in his article ?The Brothel Creeper? (Why I?ve slept with 1000 women) that it cost him £100,000. I?ve spent a similar amount on only 500 women so he must either be cheap or a better negotiator.
Why do I go to prostitutes? Well, I don?t want a traditional girlfriend and I don?t want to do one night stands. Plus if I pay I get who I want (within reason) no strings attached.
Prostitution is not all sleaze, pimps and drugs. It is women?s business and it can be classy and expensive. The double-standard employed by government whereby it appears sex can be packaged and used to sell almost anything for a profit by anyone except women themselves for their own well-being.
-Paul Pisces (Author of "Desperately Seeking Sex & Sobriety")

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010 -- 5:00 PM

卖淫是一种没有受害者的犯罪。The victimless
