
31 March 2017

上图是Dana Schutz的一幅画,目前正在惠特尼双年展上展出。这幅画描绘的是躺在敞开的棺材里的埃米特·蒂尔,因此自然引起了争议。但丹娜·舒茨是白人有关系吗?你的种族应该限制你可以画什么吗?人们很容易听到对舒茨的这种批评,认为白人不应该创作关于尖锐的民权标志的艺术,并认为这种批评是不必要的、过度的政治正确而不屑一顾。我也有过这种冲动。

But after reading and reflecting onthisletter by artist/writer Hannah Black (co-signed by a number of other black artists), I began to reconsider. Perhaps white artists shouldn't be profitting and gaining prestige on the basis of precious symbols in the black community. While I wouldn't go so far as saying Schutz was exploiting black bodies, I do think white artists should be sensitive to these sort of concerns. Haven't white people profitted from America's racist past enough? It reminds me of Hollywood whitewashing—when Hollywood takes parts clearly made for people of color and gives them to white people. Shouldn't black artists get to profit off of and represent the cultural and historical symbols they hold most dearly?

Here's Hannah Black's letter ini-Dmagazine:


Also, check out this thought-provoking response to Black's letter from interdisciplinary artist and writer Coco Fusco:



RepoMan05's picture


Sunday, October 6, 2019 -- 1:25 PM

Firstly, op doesnt know it


"Race" is a just a reified brirish equivocation fallacy to turn family into a competition to justify nepotism and slippery slope for aristocracy.

There is no race. No starting gun. No finish line.

"Culture" is a social construct. Social constructs do not exist. Cultures are owned by no one person. They cant be copywrited. They cant truly be stolen either; not caporially, anyway.


It cant be illegal, but can it be immoral?

All we can do is misrepresent. There is no perfect representation of anything without perfectly repeoducing that thing. At that point its no longer "representing," it's "reproduction."(not to be confused with biological reproduction)

All art besides "non-objective art" (coincidence) is a representation. Artists can only misrepresent and no matter how much realism they want to put to something.


I think this piece was meant to be offensive. How could something so ugly not be? But I'd bet the guy was offensive to the artist. How could he not?

What gets attention in art and politics?

~ fhe phantom of a dropuut