Skin, Deep
Merle Kessler

09 April 2005

There is a website called that claims it “provides show reviews and previews, HDTV-specific viewing recommendations, HDTV news and HDTV shopping tips, among other consumer information.”


One of the services OnHDTV offered this past month was, of course, a list - and where would the internet be without lists? - the “ top 10 celebrities who look even better in High-Definition TV,” accompanied by a list of those who look worse.

Topping the “best” list was tennis star Anna Kournikova: “Her skin is glistening and luscious. It's easy to see why her matches sell out despite her limited talents. It's not love-15; it's love Anna.”

(当我读到这样一个句子的时候,我总是试着想象作家在工作时的样子,它试图从它的主题的某个熟悉的方面强加一个玩笑式的比喻,这是很痛苦的。我想知道他或她拒绝了哪些句子?无论是在球场上,还是在高清电视上,安娜每次都能拿高分。”“优势,安娜!” “It’s a close-up grand slam for Anna.”)

Angelina Jolie is also on the list. After describing her as “breathtaking,” the writer then issues a caveat: “The only negative: The actress has a small mole on her forehead. In high-def, it looks like Mt. Everest.”

So one of HDTV's pleasures, apparently, is givng the viewer the ability to pore over the pores of the rich and famous. And if you’re a critic watching, you get to praise the beautiful and sneer at them simultaneously.

Then there’s the other list.

On HDTV, Carmen Diaz “looks more like a Charlie than an angel.” Britney Spears: “The pop tart is still in her early 20s, but she looks about 10 years older in high-def.” William Devane, “who once played John F.Kennedy in a docudrama about the Cuban Missile Crisis, should duck and cover the next time they ask him to star in a HDTV program.” Jamie Lee Curtis? “Christopher Guest, be my guest. Buy your wife some Botox! And, a wig!” And, of course, Joan Rivers. “Do you remember that song, ‘Old Man River?’ Well, how about, ‘Old Woman Rivers?’”

Clearly, the author’s inventiveness started to flag by the end. Rhyming “Guest” with “guest” is not worth the punch in the nose Mr. Guest may give the writer should the two ever meet. As for the “Old Woman Rivers” crack, well, it does reach new depths of witlessness, I suppose. But this achievement is cancelled out, in my opinion, by its tin-eared clunkiness.




And someday, if we wish hard enough, and if our sarcasm is polished enough, we will be able to examine our stars subcutaneously, scrubbing and mocking until every last one of them is blemish-free, even on a subatomic level.

Then, finally our viewing pleasure will be as perfect as we are. We will all be locked together, gazers and gazed, in the darkened living room, forever.


Jason's picture


Thursday, June 16, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

I am the host of the Philosophical Question of the

我是每日哲学问题(PQD)博客的主持人,在这里我们提出的问题可能会吸引你。Please consider visiting the blog athttp://pqd.negativespace.com订阅PQD博客警报,这样当新的PQD发布时,你就可以得到通知。Just e-mail me atpqd@negativespace.com附上您希望警报发送到的电子邮件地址。同时,请鼓励您的朋友和同事加入我们的PQD博客,这是一个自由表达的免费博客。

Guest's picture


Sunday, July 17, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

Which is more important physical beauty or mental

Which is more important physical beauty or mental beauty? In Plato?s Symposium Alcibiades falls before Socrates in tears. He is enraged that Socrates does not love him for his physical beauty, the way he loves Socrates for his mental beauty. Socrates declares that it would be wrong for him to trade his mental beauty (gold) for mere physical beauty (brass).
For many years I have agreed with Plato and held to the belief that physical beauty is lower than mental beauty. This idea also holds that physical beauty is admired by the majority of the human race, but that the majority of the human race does not have appreciation for higher forms of beauty such as courage/honor and reason/wisdom. But I have decided to attempt to push out all previous long held to memes about beauty and examine the whole topic anew.
What I have found is startling although it would not be accepted by philosophers who hold onto ancient beliefs about how beauty should be loved. What I have found is that physical beauty commands more power, respect, and love than mental beauty. For each unit of physical beauty there is more reward than for each unit of mental beauty.
What I also argue is that each unit of physical beauty brings more reward than each unit of mental beauty. Certainly we have been taught to admire the mental over the physical, but we know this is a lie. I am not arguing that mental beauty should not be admired, but that the acquisition and appreciation of physical beauty should be admired at the same level or even more than mental beauty-basically that Plato was wrong in assigning physical beauty a lower status than mental beauty. That the scholar should not look down on physical beauty, or state that they want nothing to do with it. One main reason is the power that physical beauty commands. Most physical beauty does not come natural it takes hard work, but I argue that the rewards for each unit of physical beauty are more than each unit of mental beauty.
I also argue that Plato was wrong or that he was lying to the reader. It was another noble lie. The admiration of the physical human form was not looked down at during Greek antiquity.

Guest's picture


Thursday, September 8, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

Physical beauty rarely comes naturaly. It takes on

Physical beauty rarely comes naturaly. It takes one a lot of time and money to groom skin.

Guest's picture


Sunday, March 12, 2006 -- 4:00 PM

It's good to have a balance in physical beauty and
