The State of Public Philosophy

04 August 2011

Philosophy Talk is devoted to public philosophy. But we mean two different things by that.

Our first aim is to encourage the public - our listeners and participants in our blog - todo哲学,要从事正在进行的活动。这是因为我们认为这是很多人喜欢的事情,它会导致更好的讨论和决定。



So given that, what are we worrying about when we ask about the state of public philosophy?

People sometimes worry that modern-day philosophers don’t have the same impact on the public that philosophers have traditionally had, and continue to have in some other countries.


But our experience also points the other way. Many people are very interested in the topics and people we discuss. And you know, just in my lifetime I think I’ve seen an increase in the impact of those in our profession. Think of philosophers like Daniel Dennett, Martha Nussbaum, or Anthony Appiah. They're not only excellent philosophers, but also writers of widely-read books, who appear pretty frequently on radio and TV and in op-ed pages.

I want to make another distinction. There's the wider public, and there's also the narrower public, I'm talking about researchers in other disciplines. I’ve seen the influence of philosophy in this narrower public grow a lot of over the years I’ve been involved. The ideas of thinkers like John Rawls and Michael Bratman are widely discussed and applied in laws schools, for example.


But one place that we --- in the sense of American analytical philosophers like you and me --- don’t seem to have as much impact as one might expect, is with our fellow humanists.


European thinkers like Derrida seem to have been of more interest. And since, in a wider sense, all humanists are involved in the great philosophical enterprise, this seems surprising and rather sad.

Our guest today is someone who feels this lack of impact intensely. He's Hans Gumbrecht, from the Comparative Literature Department at Stanford --- which was also the home of Richard Rorty in the latter part of his life.

Gumbrecht is a philosopher and a public intellectual who, like Rorty, is both influenced by and deeply skeptical about the prevailing approach to philosophy in America. I’m really looking forward to thinking through these issues with Zepp, as everyone calls him.


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Friday, August 5, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Well, if Daniel Dennett is a skeptic, that would p

Well, if Daniel Dennett is a skeptic, that would put him in good company I think. Some say Socrates was a doubter. In ordinary parlance, 'doubter' and 'skeptic' have similar connotations. I am not certain if there is anything in the way of a coherent public philosophy, or, if there is one, I fervently wish someone would tell me what it is. In 500 words or less. Convince me and I shall shut up about it. I really must find the time to pursue and read Hitchens. He sounds like the sort of maverick who would challenge my imagination.
I will say this about modern philosophers: they can tend to defeat their best notions and hypotheses by fiercely competing with one another. Anyone remotely interested in philosophy, yet uninitiated, may find the
Competition has always been with us. Today, and in recent experience, it becomes more frivolous. There are, it seems, too many people trying to do too few things---a function of over-population? Well, that is a different ocean of fish, isn't it? I am just a carpenter.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

"I am not certain if there is anything in the way

"I am not certain if there is anything in the way of a coherent public philosophy, or, if there is one, I fervently wish someone would tell me what it is. In 500 words or less."

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

This may be unassociated with the issue under disc

This may be unassociated with the issue under discussion. But, I would like it very much if someone would address the matter of "uptalk." Where did this social artifice come from, and why? When someone speaks in an interrogatory fashion, it means they are a) unsure of themselves and seeking affirmation, or b) they are trying to manipulate a response by appearing innocent. It is a lame expression of an intellectuality that the speaker lacks. I'd like to know what Pinker thinks about this. I expect he thinks something.
I went to Jamaica once and found the people annoying---my introduction to uptalk, I think. And my bad for being a tourist, I guess. Won't go back there.

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Saturday, August 20, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

我开始思考公共哲学。Since y

我开始思考公共哲学。由于你的文章得到了一些不太热情的评论,我决定提供一些eoo *。在我看来,公共哲学的变化与流行文化大致一致。例子是有序的。多年来,人们避免卷入与自己没有直接关系的争端或事件。他们不会冒险去追捕抢钱包的人和抢劫犯;不干预公开的家庭争吵,也从不试图干预武装抢劫事件。但是,情况正在改变。我们现在甚至有一个电视节目会问这样一个问题:“你会怎么做?”

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Sunday, August 28, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

I have gotten to Hitchens, specifically: god is no

I have gotten to Hitchens, specifically: god is not great-How Religion Poisons Everything, chapter one: Putting it Mildly. It is instructive to me that Hitchens is my age---minus one year or so. We all have our paths and those change with the contingencies of time and experiences. Moreover, some brains take more time to develop, for whatever the reasons, cultural, economic or what-have-you.
在我看来,希钦斯是一个更大的科学和哲学整体的一部分——(到目前为止)包括古尔德在内的一群杰出的绅士;道金斯;丹尼特;克里克;Teilhard du夏丹;当然,联盟有很多候选人——我只列出了几个。克里斯托弗·希钦斯给我印象最深的是,他曾经是一名记者,也是一位权威人士。并成功地利用这一职业赢得了哲学思想家的声誉。惊人的,真的。这不可能是运气,对吗? No, probably an example of hard work and historionic effect(?) But, you did not hear that from me...
希钦斯在书的第一章最后的评论中说了很多:“宗教毒害一切。”我很有兴趣将他的书与道金斯的《上帝错觉》(The God Delusion)进行比较。应该是另一种范例——或者类似的。

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

ADDENDUM: Had never heard of Sam Harris. Until I g

Had never heard of Sam Harris. Until I got to page 96 of Hitchens' book*. He may be (or may become) part of The League. In any case, League members seem to be saying much the same about God and religion. They just say what they think, in slightly different ways. Synchronicity or serendipity? Or just a bunch of academics who talk to each other? Or something else...
Good writers, though. All of them.