Tolerance and Radical Disagreement

08 June 2019

What should you do in the face of radical disagreement? Do you live and let live, or try to convince the other person they’re wrong? Are some ideas just too terrible to tolerate? These are some of the questions we're tackling on this week's show.

In some cases, the best response to disagreement is just agreeing to disagree. If you like Marvel and I like DC, or you like Katy Perry, and I like Taylor Swift, what’s the problem? But when it comes to serious moral disagreements, that might not cut it. What if one person thinks abortion is a fundamental human right, and the other thinks abortion is murder? How can they get along?



Silencing people who disagree with you, even if they're deeply wrong, would be morally fraught. But silencing isn't the only alternative to mere tolerance. You might hope to engage in rational dialogue that persuades others. If you do, it seems that in fairness, you should also be open to persuasion yourself. But then, opening yourself up to persuasion makes you vulnerable to various kinds of error. What if you open yourself up to flat-earthers, or Holocaust deniers, or homophobes who want to put queer people through conversion therapy?

Sometimes ideas are so ignorant and morally bankrupt that they're not worth considering. Or what if you open yourself up to a conversation with someone who doesn't want to sincerely persuade you, but is just trying to wind you up, or strong-arm you into supporting their cause, or make you click a link that generates advertising revenue?

On the other hand, the abolition of slavery, universal suffrage, and gay marriage were all, at one time or another, ideas that struck the majority of people as wrong, perhaps unworkable. What if everyone had dismissed those ideas just because they were unfamiliar? Not everyone who disagrees with you has to be foolhardy or bigoted.

Sometimes listening to the opposition can be useful, and sometimes it’s a waste of time that won’t get you any closer to the truth. The trick is figuring out which disagreements are which. When should we open ourselves up to moral persuasion? Please listen in, comment here, or send us an email and help us figure out the answer.

Image byIván TamásfromPixabay


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, June 9, 2019 -- 1:24 PM

As eloquently put by Clint

As eloquently put by Clint Eastwood in a Dirty Harry movie: A man's got to know his limitations. If I (or anyone else) tried to espouse, defend, refute, or change any/every cause, ideology or hare-brained notion that crossed my path, there would be no time for any other life-activity we might wish to pursue. Especially the ones conducive to leading a productive existence. This is relevant to a passage from Kenneth Burke's TOWARDS A BETTER LIFE, pg. 200: ..."Though no one would CHOOSE failure, we may yet maintain that failure is a choice, since one may persist in attitudes which make failure inevitable'...(cap. emphasis, mine). As I have agreed with John Dewey that beliefs are 'shady', I must also contend that we are hard put to alter peoples' beliefs when those are based on 'moral' or 'ideological' 'principles'. (Sorry about the scare quotes, but words, as they are used today,have little or no relationship with how they were used a hundred years or more ago.) Pursuant to Burke's declamation, people embrace failure at a rapid clip today, through their attitudes and behaviors. I may think Donald Trump is among the top three worst presidents ever to serve. A hundred other people may believe quite the opposite. I won't change my mind and they are unlikely to change theirs. These are, in the best sense of Burke's notion, choices, whether anyone does or does not consider them failures.

The actions involved, of necessity, lead to consequences, even if those are of minimal, or better, ephemeral impact. We could talk this issue into the next century. Most of us, alive now, will not be able to do so. Tolerance is what we have allotted ourselves. It does not resolve problems. And, it never will... Sugar-coated poisons are still poisons.

PDXMAXLady's picture


Thursday, June 13, 2019 -- 11:19 PM

I found it interesting that I

Thank you for the opportunity to explain my possibilities.

Eddie L's picture

Eddie L

Saturday, June 15, 2019 -- 4:59 AM

No one knows everything, but


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, November 13, 2021 -- 11:23 AM

The trick is not figuring out

The trick is not figuring out which disagreements are truth impinging or time wasteful. The trick is to consider the common life. We should always be open to moral persuasion regarding the common path.

Openness isn't to say that we should not be steadfast in our beliefs and reasons. We need to question those reasons. Change is born of unexpectedness. Listening to the man who has peed himself on the bus can teach as well as disgust.

I will always be a man who's open to persuasion. We need to rebuild what was never there. You can't do that without persuasion or worse.

I am channeling my inner Tim Finn more than a bit here. His lyric "Persuasion" is one of the pillars of my musical youth. I won't be talked out of that so easily.

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MaryGM21's picture


Tuesday, December 21, 2021 -- 12:32 PM

I enjoyed the opening


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