[VIDEO] So You Think You Can Know?
Spencer Giel

15 March 2017

What does it mean to know something? I know my own name, surely. And I know that I am writing this at this very moment. Most of us feel comfortable saying we know many things—we say so in everyday life all the time.

然而,“知道”到底意味着什么,而不仅仅是“想”或“相信”?对于什么是知识,什么不是知识,我们能建立严格的规则吗?Our upcoming show,What We Know—And What We Don't,深入研究了其中一些问题。

Until then, get up to date with the basics of Theory of Knowledge in this informative video, courtesy of Jennifer Nagel ofWireless Philosophy.


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Thursday, March 16, 2017 -- 10:03 AM

This is exactly why I thought

This is exactly why I thought Descartes had it all wrong. How could you ever know that you ever doubted everything sufficiently? Unless you know everything, which is impossible, there's something you don't know. And certainly some things that you don't even know that you don't know. And you would never be able to doubt that which you don't know you should be doubting in the first place. We're all just kidding ourselves. You got it right, Spencer!!