Which Statues Should Go?

18 August 2017

A large hunk of metal in the shape of a human occupies a public space—maybe a park.

Thousands of statues around the United States and world fit this description. Many depict people who have done hideously immoral things. Almost all depict morally imperfect people (with baby statues, perhaps, being the exception).

直觉告诉我,有些雕像应该留在原地,有些应该拆除。This维克多·雨果的雕像应该留下来,以纪念这个人和他的伟大作品;the Hitler statue whose remains are capturedhere, however, deserved destruction.

But what principles determine which statues should be torn down? More specifically, what principles determine themoralityof statue preservation?

这个博客的背景是上周末在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔发生的事件,以及它在公众讨论中的余波。I can’t, of course, enumerateallprinciples pertinent to the preservation of public statues, but I want to make a point that might inject more clarity into our national polemic.

The outlines of the weekend’s events are well known but worth rehashing. White supremacists—white nationalists, neo-Nazis, alt-Right, and KKK—gathered Friday night and Saturday to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue from what was Lee Park and is now Emancipation Park. The supposed rationale for the protests was the preservation of “heritage” and “history.” But swastikas and chants such as “Jews will not replace us!” revealed the protestors’ underlying racism.

Many counter-protestors gathered on Saturday to fight that racism. Sundry scuffles broke out. But the horrific violence was when one of the racists, James Fields, rammed a car into a crowd of counter-protestors, killing one, Heather Heyer, and seriously injuring nineteen others.

President* Trump’s responses were deplorable (* = lost the popular vote). On Saturday, he condemned violence “on many sides” without a mention of racism. On Monday, he finally condemned the racist elements of the protest in a wooden, scripted performance that left many questioning its sincerity.

然后,周二在特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)举行的一场混乱的新闻发布会上,他为保存南方联盟领导人的雕像进行了辩护,比如李的雕像。

For present purposes, one moment in that Tuesday press conference deserves intellectual scrutiny. In defending the “very fine people” who were protesting the removal of the “very important statue,”Trump argued:

George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So, will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down — excuse me — are we going to take down — are we going to take down statues to George Washington? (CROSSTALK) How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? (CROSSTALK) OK. Good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue?

特朗普可能是在说这些问题,试图减少拆除李的雕像。His intended argument seems to go like this:Anyreason to remove the Lee statue would also be a reason to remove statues of Washington or Jefferson. After all, Lee’s moral turpitude had to do with slavery, and Washington and Jefferson owned slaves. But removing statues of Washington and Jefferson would be absurd. So the supposed reasons for removing Lee can’t be any good.(Or something like that.)

对这一观点的广泛反应是大声谴责杰弗逊和李之间存在“道德对等”的观点——然后继续前进。但我认为我们应该做得更好。If the morality of preserving a statue were simply a function of whether the person portrayed had ever done morally despicable things, then the Jefferson statues probablyshould(不管他的不道德行为是否与李的不道德行为“等同”)。Jeffersondidown slaves.

Furthermore, if we treat Trump’s question as genuine, as opposed rhetorical, it becomes a special case of the general question with which I started: which statues should be torn down? And how we answer this question has tremendous implications, since there are so many statues. Can we do better than just assigningdegreesof moral turpitude, with Jefferson the man falling above some arbitrary threshold and Lee falling below?

I think we can. Public monuments don’t just commemorate people; they also commemorateactions.在诸如公园之类的环境中,它们象征着(i)对雕像所描绘的行为的认可,或(ii)对该人物成名或成名的行为或事迹的认可。This statue, to take an arbitrary example, doesn’t just commemorate B. B. King; it celebrateshis guitar playing.Public monuments declare (albeit nebulously), “Yes, more stuff像这样!”—wherethat是一个动作类型。

Hence the difference between Lee and Jefferson statues is not merely a matter of moral degree but in moral kind. The action represented in the Lee statues, characteristically, is leading the Confederate Army,which existed to defend slavery.杰斐逊雕像是为了纪念撰写《独立宣言》和其他治国之举。在这种情况下,只有李的行为是道德基础的。Insofar as the statue commemorating that action declares更像!, the statue should be removed.

We can make this point even clearer with a pair of hypotheticals.

Suppose we found somewhere a statue of Jefferson chaining one of his slaves. Should we remove it? Absolutely. Why? Because it would commemorate the wrong action.

On the hand, suppose the Charlottesville City Council decided to replace Lee on a horse with a different Lee statue: a grandiose rendering of Robert E. Lee, Confederate General, as he signs the surrender to Union General Ulysses S. Grant. Whether or not Lee was overall a bad person, the action depicted in a Lee statue likethatwould be worth celebrating.

Under that circumstance, I would even support keeping his name on the park.


Jerry Rhee's picture

Jerry Rhee

Sunday, August 20, 2017 -- 1:48 PM

-Shatter, shatter, O my

-Shatter, shatter, O my brothers, those old tables of the pious!
Tatter the maxims of the world-maligners!

The second things to remember is that the man’s circle of society (however widely or narrowly this phrase may be understood), is a sort of loosely compacted person, in some respects of higher rank than the person of an individual organism.
It is these two things alone that render it possible for you- but only in the abstract, and in a Pickwickian sense- to distinguish between absolute truth and what you do not doubt.

From CP 5.402 to CP 5.189

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, August 21, 2017 -- 10:30 AM

Santayanna said something

Santayanna said something like: refusing to learn from history dooms us to repeat it. When we look at things, it appears he was spot on. One thing puzzles me most. History is what it is; good, bad, or indifferent. Now it seems we have a movement to erase those monuments that some NOW find objectionable. After all these years, we wish to deny that men like Lee and Jackson ever existed? Would we then also deny that we ever had a civil war? To what ends will we go to placate political correctness? Dictators and despots love it when their subjugants forget their trespasses. It simplifies further subjugation. Is this what we are about with all of this chicanery? Hey, someone help me out here.

SeaBear's picture


Tuesday, August 29, 2017 -- 7:25 PM

As much as I hate Donald

As much as I hate Donald Trump, he was dead on when he compared Robert E. Lee to George Washington. I'm frankly amazed by the arguments people have conjured up to trivialize the comparison.

Some argue that Lee was worse because he fought for the perpetuation of slavery. Isn't that what George Washington did? We're told that he fought the British in order to create a democratic republic - yet the fact that he owned slaves stands out like an airport beacon. And it doesn't end there.


我认为人们忽视的一个关键概念是教育。用雕像来纪念一些名人在历史意义上可能是可以的,只要采取措施教育人们了解真相。但是,当美国各地的学校庆祝总统日时,故意不提华盛顿的奴隶或亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)在印第安人大屠杀中所扮演的角色,他们实际上是在帮助给数百万儿童洗脑。
