The Changing Face of Antisemitism

Sunday, June 19, 2022

What Is It

反犹主义是一个由来已久的问题,可以追溯到中世纪的欧洲。早期的反犹主义更多地集中在宗教偏见上,而现代时期的反犹主义变得越来越种族化和政治化。那么,关于犹太人和犹太教的旧观念,与当代反犹太主义的比喻和刻板印象之间有什么联系呢?对犹太人的隐形和全球控制的阴谋恐惧与金融资本主义的出现有什么关系?关于如何对抗今天的反犹主义,历史能教给我们什么?Josh and Ray ask historian Francesca Trivellato from the Institute for Advanced Study, editor ofJews in Early Modern Europe(forthcoming), in a program recorded live at the Stanford Humanities Center.



Ray Briggs
Where did antisemitism come from?

Josh Landy

Ray Briggs
And what can history teach us about what's going on today?


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, April 21, 2022 -- 5:07 AM

I would ask Ms. Trivellato to

I would ask Ms. Trivellato to contrast treatment of Jewish communities with that of the Roma.

I do not understand us/them conflicts like the one in the Ukraine. What disturbs me is that antisemitism often is turned on the poorest and unfortunate and not the rich.



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Thursday, April 21, 2022 -- 4:15 PM

To: second paragraph, second


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Tim Smith

Friday, April 22, 2022 -- 6:26 PM

Wealth is a blessing and a

财富是福也是祸。The cleansing of the Temple, its destruction, and the loss of everyday blood sacrifice in the Judaic tradition are touchpoints Francesca will likely discuss as historical impacts on modern antisemitism.


False belief as justification for immoral acts is more anxiety-inducing than actions based on true belief.

Ukrainian soldiers executing a helpless Russian soldier after a battle is less worrisome than Russian soldiers hog tieing non-combatant Ukrainian citizens and executing them. The latter is especially true when these soldiers are supposedly there to liberate these civilians. A similar pretense is alive in antisemitic acts, not excluding those in Ukraine. Thinking about those acts makes this show all the more timely.

Antisemites are steeped in the false belief that Jews are driven by religion, wealth, and subversive influence. The majority of Jewish people are secular (contrary to the ancient trope of antisemitism), not wealthy (contrary to the modern trope stemming from medieval times,) and have their voices threatened daily by antisemitic thought (which is why Israel treads such a tenuous path.) I find these false premises disturbing, as I do misleading implications, and I don't imply or intend the latter here.

I encouraged the juxtaposition of the persecution of the Roma and Jews by a professional historian to highlight and suggest ways to think about antisemitism and the unjust and brutal war in the Ukraine. The latter here is where I spend the plurality of my free thought at the moment. The similarities between Christianity and Judaism regarding antisemitism shed light on the underlying causes of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine regarding their traditions and history.

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Daniel's picture


Sunday, April 24, 2022 -- 11:20 AM

In the second to last

In the second to last paragraph above, you mention Israeli state behavior as treading a tenuous path in relation to traditional forms of anti-semitism going back to the middle ages. I'm interested in the character of this tenuousness. Israel has been engaged after 1967 in a campaign of military and settler-expansion into Palestinian territory which is illegal under international law. Because current Israeli leadership calls itself, with some good reason, a "jewish state", this unacceptably immoral behavior fits easily into customary antisemitic attitudes. So is the post '67 behavior of the Israeli state in your view not only reflected in the current resurgence of antisemitism, but in some sense also a direct cause of it?

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, April 24, 2022 -- 6:34 PM

Israel is not a direct cause

Israel is not a direct cause or even a reflection of antisemitic resurgence. I would listen to others, but that is my take.

Israel has as much relation to antisemitism as the US has to racism or South Africa to apartheid. The association is complicated but not a current driver. (Yes, I don't think racism is a current driver of conflict in the US so much as class. There are still historical issues of race in the US that dominate our sociology.) Antisemitism has existed since ancient times, and some of that hate is still in circulation. Most of the cause and flux of antisemitic thought is derived from Medieval and modern economic movements. Israeli actions (since its inception) have little to do with increased antisemitism. The creation of Israel is a fulcrum for fighting hatred, in my opinion. Having a homeland makes the issues tangible.


Recent initiatives in projects like Pegasus and partisanship on behalf of Sunni interests have, in my view (which is likely wrong,) calmed the waters of Jewish hate more than inflamed them. But that has left others, including Jews in Ukraine, at risk. Given the history of antisemitism and the debt they owe their ancestors, Israel's hardliners are too hard not to allow hate to harm current victims of conflict as it did them.

I look forward to Francesca generalizing the learnings from the hatred of Jews to the hatred in general. There is more hate than ten years ago, perhaps, and more, significantly so, in the last five years. The increase I would attribute to the politicizing of traditionally nonpartisan issues like public health, voting rights, free speech (there are others), and outright mass migrations and conflicts.

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Daniel's picture


Monday, April 25, 2022 -- 10:31 AM

Although your analysis above

Although your analysis above is not clear as to semiological intent, three components are identifiable which deserve discussion:

1) You fail to distinguish between the Israeli state and the occupation of Palestinian territories. They are two different things. One functions as an internationally recognized nation-state. The other is illegal according to international law. How this can be ignored needs serious scrutiny.

2) Your second paragraph from the end is almost indecipherable except for a very important point made in its last sentence: How is it that former crimes against a demographic group can serve to justify crimes resembling them by that group against another? As the term "semite" refers to an inhabitant of a geographical area, and does not in its etymology identify any particular ethnic group or genetic lineage, the racism directed towards Arabs by some Israeli Jews can also be correctly described as antisemitic and as such, the ongoing siege against, and periodic military incursions into, the area of Gaza, is a salient display of contemporary antisemitic brutality. You are quite correct to point that out.

3) There are two ambiguities of reference which demand clarification: First sentence, second paragraph from the end: Your term "Jewish hate". Does it refer to something directed against Jews, or something Jews direct against others? And first sentence of last paragraph: Your phrase "hatred of Jews". Is it an objective genitive, as description of a hated object? Or is it a subjective genitive, as describing a hating subject? Because these ambiguities seem to be deliberate, unless you can confirm one pair of interpretations and exclude their opposite, one can safely presume they are meant to be read in both ways according to the reader's predilection.

My original question has not been addressed, only its premise denied. If you continue to keep your reasoning secret with regards to how you can separate contemporary antisemitism from Israeli state behavior in the occupied territories, your readers are likely to conclude that you don't have any.

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Tim Smith

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 -- 11:19 AM

To be clear, I indeed deny

To be clear, I indeed deny your premise. Israel is not a direct cause or even a reflection of antisemitic resurgence, and that, despite a typo or two, is my view.

Semiology is not germane and dryly esoteric in a conversation concerning antisemitism.



Very recent initiatives by Israel have calmed the waters of the Arab-Israeli conflict while disenfranchising Palestinians. If people disagree about this, the net contribution of current events is no great increase, at least, over the far more militant actions of events since 1947. This may be a matter of perspective on what one considers recent and what events we are discussing. Selling Pegasus technology to Sunni nations and countries outside the Middle East has decreased tensions between Israel and some states while endangering others, some of which have significant Jewish populations and even leadership. These endangered others are where I find hypocrisy.



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Tim Smith

Thursday, May 19, 2022 -- 7:02 AM

When I posted this ==>

When I posted this ==>

“False belief as justification for immoral acts is more anxiety-inducing than actions based on true belief.”


False belief may be less anxiety-inducing, and accepting tropes may be an easier path to peace of mind. My example of war atrocity (Ukrainian soldiers killing helpless Russian soldiers) vs. war crime (Russian soldiers killing helpless Ukrainians – albeit civilians) may be too harsh.




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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, May 13, 2022 -- 8:43 AM

Jealousy is an evil and

Jealousy is an evil and insidious thing. As a young person, my memories of comments/criticisms of Jews always seemed to be perjorative. People of my parent's and grandparent's generations far more often made caustic remarks. Jews were shrewd business people. They would cheat you, any way they could. So, it was a not a far stretch to conclude no Jewish person could be trusted Generational ethnic condemnation. This sort of thing continues now, across a broad range of issues. We call it culture war.
Anyhow, Nietzsche may have said it best---if it was he who said it: whatever does not kill you makes you stronger. A good rule of thumb for any oppressed people.

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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 10:11 AM



The second anti-Semitism is the one which makes the same arbitrary association but on the other side of it. On the receiving end of respective state conduct, deflecting demands for critique of conduct is not the target, but rather the claim of association as generalized to the offending object as associated with the extra-national population in whose name the state behaves.

如果把上述两种反犹太主义放在一边,剩下的就是目前西方工业化国家的反犹太主义,在我看来,这在很大程度上是2008年11月发生的经济危机的结果。在这种关系中,它不能被准确地视为两个独立群体之间的关系,一个是行动者,另一个是病人。这是正确的,因为在一个特定的社会中,制度形式明显地比相关的文化繁荣以更根本的方式共享;由于这些制度形式属于社会制度,如果不是根据定义,它们是可选择的事项。这里我想说的是,我们可以在两组选择之间的区别中找到更根本的因果决定,而不是在两个或两个以上的文化群体之间。作为一种凌驾于另一种实际效率之上的手段,反犹主义作为一种将经济剥削归咎于不负责任的一方的工具,出现在为参与这种剥削而进行集体道歉的服务中。因此,反犹太主义作为一种传统意义不大。它的遗传功能在于躺在演员的工具箱里,作为一种参与-道歉。(这里避免了“替罪羊”这个词,因为它指的是动物祭祀会混淆这个问题)。更重要的是使用这一工具的条件,这与我们金融体系的主流因素有关。 Perhaps it might be of some assistance, then, to review some elements of the '08 crash and the government's response, commonly referred to in terms of a crisis in the derivatives-market and a "bank-bailout". A derivative is a secondary form of tradable security derived from a primary one. As a condition for a loan, for example, the recipient agrees to buy something from the lender, say a bag of apples, at a later date. The lender needs insurance against default, so at least she or he will sell a bag of apples out to the deal before the lender loses the principle or, extended more generally, files for bankruptcy. The role played by a derivative in this example is as an insurance contract, but where such contracts can be bundled together and traded as a single package, the need for oversite by an impartial party to prevent fraud becomes evident. The crash of the housing market in November illustrated the system's unregulated character by showing how repayment of loans became irrelevant once their contracts had been included in a package of securities which is sold by the firm which wrote them. The top incentive was to lend out as much as possible, knowing that most wouldn't be payed back so that the insurance contracts against loan default can be drawn upon. This had the effect that any asset still liquid was drained out of the economy, so that a multinational version of a run on the banks ensued.


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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 4:15 AM




I follow your points here, as well, and see their root. Speak plainly please so that others can follow. This is a very deep dive, and I would argue feint, at a time when clarity and purpose are needed.

What is your solution if you have one?

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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 9:29 AM

A solution for what?

A solution for what?

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 11:05 AM



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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 1:51 PM

为了什么?Are you trying to


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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 -- 10:58 PM




"Solution" is a weighty term in a discussion of antisemitism. It is consolation enough not to have a solution when the question of racial slaughter that is part and parcel of white nationalism and rooted in 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' doesn't give you pause or consideration.



US policy is not to blame for white nationalism. Israel has its ethnic hate to deal with, and its democracy is strong, well-established, and vibrant to confront the hatred. Hostility toward Ukrainians, Kurds, Romani, and Palestinians is similar but not quite the same as antisemitism. Focus on the actions of western democracies, and financial crises is misplaced.


Right now, I'm thinking about the mindset of the shooter in Buffalo and that of Russia as they demolish Mariupol. In both cases, antisemitic beliefs are in action.

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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 8:31 PM

Not a solution, but a civic


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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 -- 11:04 PM




The hate within or without Israel is not the issue.

We disagree on this, but there are elements we share. Antisemitism is a diversion, and we both agree on that, perhaps. Just on what antisemitism is scapegoating, we again differ. The resurgence, in my view, is rooted in white dispossession and the weighted demographic change that is threatening white majority rule. Pluralism is scarry, and antisemitism is too, but at least it puts the blame on an old enemy and not your jim crow grandparents (and yeah... I had a few of those.)

I do want to listen to this show. So many conflicts inside America and elsewhere are resonant from this discussion.

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Daniel's picture


Friday, May 20, 2022 -- 9:22 AM

The issue of the anti



The most salient characteristic of response within the economics-intelligentsia to the crash was bafflement, whether genuine or pretended. While many in the economics establishment claimed to not understand how things went wrong, many who "acted in good faith" were adversely effected. The psychology is hard to miss, and is written of by Professor Trivellato as part of the ambiguous relationship which European commerce has with credit (cf. "The Rumor About the Jews", January 8, 2020), so that in both pre-industrial finance and industrial capitalism a destructive demon must be found to account for the negative consequences with rarely detectable causes of a system upon which major sectors of society had become dependent or addicted.

The causes of the current form, understood as a complex object, are, as stated above, three in number. One is availability for use as a demonization-tool, as handed down by cultural history. A second is the openness of its common or frequent reception; and the third is the most fundamental, and underlies the other two: the cause of the conditions which open the arms of reception to the use of its traditional form. As this cause is the '08 crisis and how its problems were solved by those in government, it becomes important to understand what it is.



Any possible solution to the problem must therefore come from an accurate understanding of its fundamental causes. As these latter are argued here to belong to the relatively unregulated and speculative character of our economic system which favors wealth-concentration in the private investment banking sector, the most rational suggestion which is ready to hand is to nationalize the banking sector and open its books to public accountants. To remedy the conditions which furnish the receptacle to its symptoms is the first step in alleviating the source of the problem.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, May 21, 2022 -- 7:23 AM






As I said in response to your comparison of deontology and utilitarianism in the discussion of Akan personhood and the contrast between the views of Kwame Gyekye and Kwasi Wiredu (who has since passed) seven months ago…

… you are a deontological philosopher who desires to understand the world from first principles. The world does not work like that, and it is messy, confusing, and in the moment simple if, from the historical perspective, complex.


But there is more to antisemitism than this similarity to other racist acts. There is a similarity in tropes and profiling present in attacks on African Americans, Sikhs, and others. There is confusion about whether Jews are a race (more common in Europe) or an ethnicity (more common in the US.) Finally, but not exhaustively, there is particular synchrony between Jewish hate and money, which touches us all.



I would not be too quick to take historical arguments as driving contemporary racism. I will try and be skeptical of modern punk rockers who do the same conflating antisemitism and racist killings. Once this show airs, I will do my best to question the learning and adjust my credence.

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Daniel's picture


Saturday, May 21, 2022 -- 9:52 PM

First a few issues with the

First a few issues with the paraphrase in the first paragraph. Nothing justifies anti-Semitism (cf. second sentence) and no such claim is made. My argument is that it's a tool of self-apology used to psychologically readjust one's self to voluntary participation in a system which is known to be duplicitous or destructive. It's one of the ways in which people can function within a kleptocracy without regarding themselves as thieves. Another drastically inaccurate interpretation is the notion that I'm arguing that the government encourages financial fraud. Ignoring something amounts to encouragement only where one doesn't pretend that it's not there. To the contrary, a deregulated derivatives-market was sold by investment banking as a way to make markets safer by increasing speculation-capability. In May of 1998, for example, the Chairperson of the Futures Trading Commission which oversees the derivatives market, Brooksley Borne, drew up a proposal for its regulation which Larry Summers (Secretary of the Treasury '99-'01) and Alan Greenspan (Chairman of the Federal Reserve) pressured Clinton (U.S. President at the time) to override. Unlike fraud-encouragement, the regulatory agency was overridden to preserve speculative capacity which, when bundled appropriately, would theoretically be to shareholder benefit and subsequent general economic stimulus. In December of 2000, the Commodities Futures Modernization Act was passed by Congress (H.R. 5660) which prohibited any future regulation by the Commission.

Another inaccuracy involves the connection you draw between the story about Jews having invented bills of exchange and the '08 housing bubble. Although to my mind a connection can be made, it's associative, not modular. Where financial success within the context of a state capitalist system is understood as a virtue, the fraudulent malfeasance of the banking sector in its institutional behaviors, by which the bubble was generated, had to be associated with a non-virtuous party, more than with the benefactors of its systemic functioning.


The comparison in the second paragraph between designs to overthrow the government and nationalize the banks is not accurate. One doesn't need to take over the state merely in order to deploy its power of the audit. And whatever similarity criminal actions which are based on anti-Semitic or other racist beliefs have with one another is not pertinent to their assessment as effects of shared historical causes, but rather to their otherwise accurate description as topical causes of other effects, as for example inspiring another to commit a similar crime.


The seventh paragraph runs into the same problem as the second. The fact that the actions which constitute a crime wave share similar motivations is quite natural and supports my thesis on account of the fact that explanations which resemble each other are used by the agents of these actions, in the interpretation of the historical conditions which are the more fundamental causes of their behaviors.

The ninth paragraph begins with an incredulous paraphrase whose source I can not detect in review of the monograph. It states as attributed to me a claim that economic crisis is a "sign" of contemporary anti-Semitism. It's not a sign, but a cause. And you're also mistaken that I haven't included anti-Semitic perpetrators in my analysis. They are included as symptoms of a larger phenomenon of sociological degradation whose historical causes are rooted in an implacable disfunction of speculative economic structures. And as these structures are not products of nature but of individual choices, voluntary involvement in their functioning implies some responsibility for any aggregate adverse effects. Its the latent knowledge of this responsibility which sets off the search for a demon by those who in spite of the destructive character of their institutional commitments still want to think of themselves as ethical people. The demon functions to absorb the system's negative effects away from the responsibility of its participants. In terms of the relation of effects to their causes, the attacks against its symbols are the topical effects of its prior creation.

Also, I'd like to make it clear that I reject the use of the term "white nationalism" to refer to a North American phenomenon. The reason for this is that it suggests being paired with black nationalism, which is a mistake. While the latter refers to a movement of liberation, the former refers to one of supremacy.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, May 21, 2022 -- 6:32 PM

Duly noted and understood.

Duly noted and understood. Looking forward to this show. I might offer critique after the show. For now ... good enough.

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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, May 25, 2022 -- 1:21 PM

不是靠我的灯。The use of



In addition to the role played by anti-Semitism in the ideology of white supremacy, then, it also makes sense to mention a way in which the phenomenon of white supremacy can be misapplied in any interpretation which makes it a cause of the instrument employed to generate what some describe as its "theoretical core". For that would discount its own sources in European cultural and economic history. One could almost say that the role played by anti-Semitism in white supremacist ideology is similar to that played by white-supremacist ideology in economic-malfeasance-apology: as an explanatory one for organizational purposes-- for the one as white supremacist in context of nationalist aspiration which uses the instrument, and for the other in institutional financial consolidation in the hands of the wealthiest speculators, generating its current available form.
* Although anti-Jewishness appears in the ancient Mediterranean, appearing e.g. in Cicero (cf. pro Flacco) and Tacitus, it lacks association with finance; and the slave-economy depended on a regional criterion for inclusion in its labor-force, not a racial one.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, May 26, 2022 -- 7:39 AM

Have you read the Buffalo

Have you read the Buffalo shooter's manifesto?



民族自豪感不等于民族仇恨。Marcus Garvey found common cause with white nationalists but was pilloried all the same.

The new wave of antisemitism is both new and old (I agree there are lessons from history here.) Financial turmoil does precede social upheaval. If there is an economic role here, it is in the polarization of wealth, not in its failure. We have never been more affluent. I hope to see this vetted in this show but fear it won't be, which is another reason I would wait here to comment further.

I had not read the manifesto of Payton Gendron until last night, but I didn't have to to know that it echoed that of Brenton Tarrant, who live-streamed his attack on the mosque in Christchurch. If you want an example of antisemitism, shine your light there.

I will not comment again until after this show has been posted. Recent events have put a focus on the underlying. I want to amend my thought to the discussion there, as I do not have answers, the discussion could go many different ways, and the need is great.

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Daniel's picture


Thursday, May 26, 2022 -- 3:13 PM

One of the reasons you don't

你没有答案的原因之一是你没有问任何问题,除了几个关于我最近读到的东西的问题。尽管关于弹道犯罪者的一些著述可能具有一定的历史重要性,有助于理解他们的行为动机如何源于普遍可避免的条件,但在那里寻找他们所声称属于的一种运动的定义对于著述者来说过于偏颇,而不能准确地描述整个事件。在这种情况下,我怀疑在那里找到的定义将与我所建议的事实上的白人至上主义宣传相吻合。抽象名词“民族主义”可以有多种谓语。当一个人能够区分两种相同名称的事物时,这就意味着他正在思考它们。你在这里没有这样做。相反,您假定由于两个不同的谓词修改相同的实体,所以它们必须修改相同的内容。但是东西本身和它的名字是有区别的。虽然你对这个主题的兴趣显然是真诚的,并表达了正确判断其领域边界的能力,但为了完整起见,我理应被允许澄清我对“白人民族主义”一词的使用的反对意见,而不必通过那些声称属于它的人的仁慈来寻求它的定义,(参考你上面的第二句话)。我关心的对象不是缺失的定义,而是这个术语与解放运动的自然比较。 When the reference puts it together with other movements as just another minority-predicated nationalist liberation movement, it functions in speech as white-supremacist propaganda. Stating that two things with the same name could be mistaken on that account for the same thing, is not the same as saying that they are the same thing. Apologies for the abstruseness of this difficult distinction.

Another problem with the term is how to distinguish it from the status quo white nationalism which has prevailed in the country since the nation's inception. If it's supposed to refer to a movement of white revolution, they're over two centuries late.

Because your third paragraph from the end, without mentioning the important distinction between anti-Semitism as an instrument of apology and the conditions which make its deployment available to organized groups, is roughly compatible with my analysis, I'll resist further comment; except to take note of the fact that although you've expressed confidence in the expertise of supremacist perpetrators of criminal actions to be of high explanatory value with regards to the movement in whose name they act, it's interesting that you haven't yourself provided an account of what you've learned from them.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, May 28, 2022 -- 7:02 AM

Question: Why do I not openly

Question: Why do I not openly discuss the manifesto of Payton Gendron?

No answer is required, nor should any need be given. It is not easy to find, hard to read, and dangerous.


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Daniel's picture


Saturday, May 28, 2022 -- 2:04 PM

Anti-Semitism's the subject,

Anti-Semitism's the subject, with emphasis on its current manifestations. Because you've made several knowledge-claims above, one for example of a connection in the writings of two recent criminal assailants with regards to the subject, another about the economic role that would be played in its current rise if granted that it has one, and still another about where to find a sufficient definition of a term used by supremacist movements, the claim that you don't know what you're talking about is not credible. You've drawn a clear line from criminal motives backwards to ideological inspiration. The question about discussion of what you're calling a "manifesto" is not mine. My interest rather is in the nature of this line. To solicit an explication of this nature is therefore not asking for anything further than you've already implied you have. So perhaps it would be advantageous to frame the question as a dichotomy: Is the connection one of an innate tendency to seek variant pretexts for criminal behaviors, so that anti-Semitism serves just as well as any other, or is it one of pre-conditioning by invariant conditions amongst which anti-Semitism constitutes a non-interchangeable component? As a variant of the nature/nurture dichotomy, it may facilitate a more detailed explanation of the grounds of knowledge-claims which haven't yet been fully articulated.

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Tim Smith

Sunday, May 29, 2022 -- 9:49 AM

These are copycat crimes

These are copycat crimes which is why I don't speak to detail here. There are no links to these manifestos except on blogger sites and the dark web.


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Daniel's picture


Sunday, May 29, 2022 -- 4:05 PM


但这是一个新的广泛的主张。你是说这是不言而喻的,不需要进一步解释了吗?让我们举个例子,有人在面包店偷面包被另一个顾客看到。没有人再去想它,直到看到它的顾客饿了,记住了它,决定做同样的事情,这样他/她就不用付钱了。虽然这构成了通过模仿而习得的行为,但它不符合常用的“模仿者”的参照系。这毋宁是指作恶者所追求的恶名与前作恶者相同。与面包店的小偷不同,“模仿者”希望自己的罪行被认出来。在你上面提供的两个例子中,反犹太主义大概是所期望的承认的一个组成部分,因此在犯罪动机中起着一定的作用。但这似乎表明,罪犯的动机不是出于对受害者的仇恨,而是出于对同伴的爱。虽然缺乏强烈的直觉,但这种分析将表明,作为"模仿"犯罪动机的一个组成部分的反犹太主义只能被不充分地理解为是孤立的个人所为,或者是"独狼",如果你愿意,而是基于个人与相应的同辈群体共同的对受害者的倾向。 Why is this orientation there in the first place, if it weren't produced by an increase in adverse socio-economic conditions whose causes are unexplained while traditional instruments of collective blame which are perennially lying around are resuscitated in the service of filling the explanatory lacuna? Certainly you would not want to deny your readers a sound refutation of the claim that even here, in the two examples of criminal actions which you cite, an economic cause can be found which is prior to and more fundamental than its opportune racist motivational component.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, June 20, 2022 -- 7:49 AM


我听了这个节目。I genuinely don't know what is best.




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