Democracy in Crisis

Sunday, November 12, 2017
First Aired:
Sunday, March 22, 2015

What Is It

政府的民主制度应该反映普通公民的利益,而不是某些神秘的政治精英的利益。但是,我们越来越多地看到,在所谓的民主政治中,大财团和特殊利益集团的影响,而收入不平等和选民被压制的现象越来越严重。数以百万计的人相信政客不会为他们说话,美国是否存在“代表危机”?这些问题是我们体制中的政治腐朽的结果,还是民主在各地都遇到了麻烦?我们如何才能实现一个有效和繁荣的民主,让普通公民真正得到代表?我们是否应该考虑一个完全不同的政府体制?John and Ken keep calm with renowned political scientist Francis Fukuyama, author ofPolitical Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy.本节目在斯坦福大学校园现场录制。

Listening Notes

John opens on a rather pessimistic note wondering whether if there even is an American democracy to be in crisis in the first place. Ken responds that of course there is. There might be problems with it, but certainly there’s certainly no need to be so pessimistic.

John and Ken invite guest Francis Fukuyama, author ofPolitical Order and Political Decay. Francis opens by discussing how his views have changed sinceThe End of History. John asks Francis whether there are democracies doing well outside of the U.S. Francis notes that Scandinavian and German democracies are doing well, and the number of democracies have risen considerably throughout the world. With this trend of rising middle classes and democracies, there seems to be reason for optimism regarding democracy in the long run.

Ken asks what a healthy democracy would look like. Francis responds that there is a need for citizens to participate politically on a daily basis, not just when elections come around. However, there are limits to the degree to which people are participating, so we’ve settled for a compromise where citizens can participate if they want to. Ken asks Francis to diagnose how dire the situation is in the US. Francis responds that it isn’t nearly as bad as it was right before the Civil War, but it is clear that we are not receiving as good of governance as we deserve. The rise of special interest groups and the power of money currently blocks collective desires.



  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 7:15): Shuka Kalantari looks at the Citizens United decision and how money has made United States less democratic, and how little the voice of citizens matters anymore. Furthermore, it seems like it is only getting worse. But all is not lost: there needs to be campaign finance reform. Until then, our government will respond only to the powerful few.
  • 60-Second Philosopher(Seek to 46:05): Ian Shoales discusses the Koch Brothers, the role they’ve played in politics, and the reach and limits of money in politics.
