The Examined Year: 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

What Is It

What happened over the past 12 months that challenged our assumptions and made us think about things in new ways?

  • The Year in Political Insurrection with former co-host and current Stanford Dean Debra Satz
  • The Year in Space Tourism with Brian Green from Santa Clara University, author ofSpace Ethics
  • The Year in the Post-Pandemic Workplace with Quill Kukla from Georgetown University, author ofCity Living: How Urban Spaces and Urban Dwellers Make One Another

...because theun-考了一年不值得复习!

Listening Notes

在2021年的最后一集中,Josh和Ray将回顾过去一年发生的事件和思想的哲学意义。斯坦福大学(Stanford University)哲学教授、前联合主持人黛布拉·萨茨(Debra Satz)首先加入了这些哲学家的讨论,她讲述了1月6日发生在国会大厦的叛乱以及对美国民主的威胁。乔什对我们目前的民主制度能否坚持更久持怀疑态度,黛布拉谈到了人们为什么对制度失去信心。雷询问了那些错误地感到被剥夺权力的人,黛布拉认为这与新闻使人们更难掌握真实的事实有关。最后,Josh, Ray和Debra讨论了民主相对于独裁的优势。

接下来,哲学家们欢迎圣塔克拉拉大学马库拉应用伦理中心技术伦理主任布莱恩·格林(Brian Green)来讨论民用航天飞行的伦理问题。Brian提到,无论是对个人还是整个行业来说,成本和安全措施都是迫在眉睫的担忧。乔什担心太空旅行和太空碎片的私有化,布莱恩也认为,如果大公司不尊重太空条约,法治可能会被削弱。另外,太空碎片最终会形成碎片环,切断我们与外太空的联系。雷问我们是否应该把人类送上太空,布莱恩指出,有些任务需要人类在场,而有些任务则不需要。

In the last segment of the show, the co-hosts talk to Quill Kukla, Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University, about the post-pandemic workplace. Quill describes how having blurrier boundaries between people’s workspaces and home spaces increases accessibility and awareness of domestic, private lives. Ray asks about people who aren’t able to work from home, and Quill compares the traumatic, extended effects of COVID-19 with those from 9/11. Josh regrets the loss of serendipity that comes with constantly scheduling virtual meetings, but Quill is optimistic that other forms of spontaneous interactions will arise.

  • Sixty-Second Philosopher (Seek to 46:13)→ Ian Shoales runs through a long list of the many disasters in 2021.



Josh Landy
Welcome to Philosophy Talk the program that questions everything

Ray Briggs

Josh Landy
And I'm Josh Landy, we're coming to you via the studios of KALW San Francisco Bay Area,


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, November 8, 2021 -- 6:33 AM

The persistent western

The persistent western drought, water shortages, heat dome in the Pacific Northwest, Hurricanes Ida/Henri, the flash flooding in Tennesee, the bootleg and dixie fires, yeah, the environment continues to weigh heavily on my thinking. Environmental destruction, pollution, and habitat reduction continue to be a problem with no real plan for a slow down either.

对堕胎、边境儿童/家庭(仍是一个问题)的既定先例的推搡,以及大学入学丑闻,以及无家可归的流行,都是虚伪和政治性质的,这让我开始思考人格和身份。布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Brittney Spears)让我思考,我是如何侵犯了那些需要自主权的年轻人的生活(也许是更快的、更广泛的)。

The ethics around work issues, mask-wearing, when and where to get a shot, working from home, keeping work-life boundaries, and reaching out to family and neighbors again, have pushed my thinking.

How we make decisions, gerrymandering, voter rights, ranked voting, the recount in Arizona – both real and cyber ninja'd have me reaching for new ideas for the public process.


Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and What's App have me thinking about mis/disinformation. Who can I trust? Not just in the US but the world. The Chinese lockdown of the media, repression in Hong Kong, and pressure on Taiwan have me worried.

The push of Covid biological research to pre-prints, closed public libraries, defunding of general science, and overall poor public access to current research/information and data has me concerned. Science, in general, has been poorly communicated to the masses, causing a lack of trust and confusion.



Finally, property rights are an issue for me on an intellectual, personal, and civic front. Loss of IP to China and Russia has cut our ability to protect our business and human rights in the world at large. The trash in our streets, houseless encampments, and property crimes as a form of political speech are hard to fathom, but I face and think about these pretty much every day in my experience.

All this is is just the positive stuff. I'm saving the more depressing thoughts for others to chime in.

All kidding aside, I'm pretty happy working from home. My family life is different but better overall. If we could lock down some positives for all citizens, it could make for a very interesting 2022. Extending Justice, liberty, and equity will go a long way to bridging climate, business, and political concerns.

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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, December 22, 2021 -- 3:05 PM

Initial responses to 2021


These outline prominent current events regarding which all or most readers will be familiar. Perhaps our business here is asking "what is philosophical here?"; or better, "can philosophy offer any assistance in analyzing them clearly?" In this regard I've decided to offer a brief review of some of the questions and discussions around the shows topics and related forums and then revisit the above topic suggestions in view of the foregoing.






The show on the Vienna Circle of May 2021 raised a question which to my mind I still am unable to answer. It derives from the Guest's (Professor Edmonds) book on page 154: Does a statement's means of verification condition its potential meaning; (does the horse of verifiability pull the cart of intelligibility), as Carnap says? Or does a statement's meaning determine the only place you can find verifiability; (does the horse of intelligibility pull the only kind of cart, among the many that can be pulled, that verifiability can travel in), as Wittgenstein argues? Although I tend to favor the latter solution, my view thereof is by no means decided. Perhaps another participant may offer some assistance.

The broadcast on Advaita philosophy of June 2021 raised the question for me of how to fit the products of human design into a world described as a singular non-duality. If you don't keep nature (described by determination by continuous causal processes), and human design (described by determination by discrete causal processes), apart, how could one still distinguish compatibility from hostility with and to human design in comportment towards and regarding natural processes? It occurred to me that the question was asking about what the place of humans in nature is, which in turn brought up the solvability or insolubility of crises of the natural environment, and whether their relation to human social institutions is an informative one. The problem for me of classical non-duality is it reflects an individualism characteristic of centralized organizations. The Parmenidean One, for example, is as an apology for the dualism of Being and Not-being, the latter not non-existent, but "disappearing", i.e. adding to or increasing the original appearance, and as such is always the same beginning. As more than a casual semantic relation, the Greek word "archon", mayor, is derived from "arche", meaning both "beginning" and "chief governor". The implication is that if you cut out the distinction between natural and human design, you hand over the solving of environmental problems to whoever is in power at the moment, with the practical valence being that under current conditions that looks ill-advised.


The show on literature and the brain aired in July of 2021, and suggested the question of whether reading fiction was an escape from the world or a preparation for the proper emotional responses to it, as Aristotle suggests regarding music at the end of the Politics. This I found mentionable for the reason that fiction must be about something real because the reader's responses to it are involuntary, (laughter, tears, etc.). So what's real in it, the reader or the story, (the argument being that if they were both real, it would be non-fiction)? If it's the reader, then it's defined as a literary Nominalism of arbitrary story-stimuli by varied yet essential responses. If the story by contrast is what truly exists, then it's defined as a literary Realism of a varied and non-essential series of accidental effects of the same identical story independent of the reader. The introduction of the distinction between logical Nominalism and ontological Realism may inform the topics suggested at the beginning.

2021年7月25日,关于肯·泰勒死后出版的《参考世界》的节目提出了这样一个问题:如果假设至少有一些真实的参考内容,那么参考本身不会永远陷入自我参考循环;因此,所有的参照内容都像窗户一样,通过窗户可以看到另一个窗口,而参照的对象仅仅是由框架的累积形状、眩光或自己透明的反射构成的。鲁珀特·霍姆斯(Rupert Holmes)著名的Pena Colada歌曲的歌词内容为我们提供了摆脱这种困境的方法,在这首歌中,追求者通过一套偏好来寻找一件物品,或者通过一套偏好来寻找一件物品,而这套偏好中包含的一件物品被称为追求者想要逃离的东西。事实证明,后一种对象在数量上与所寻求的对象是相同的,通过愉快地发现集合中所有其他的偏好都被它共享来表明。错误的引用被大量正确的引用所吸收,我认为这就是这个类比的意义所在。客观指称的偶然失败是由于主观贡献的专横,但这并不能废除共同指称主张的普遍可靠性。

The program on Microaggressions of August 15, 2021 is closely related to issues of class. If an upper class person compliments a lower class person on how "upper class" he/she looks, it's microaggressive in the case that the lower class person likes being lower class. I think many problems that are often described as intractable can be much more easily managed by reducing the conflicts within them to conflicts of class, independent from the various masks that distinction may put on.

The show on "awesomeness and ethics" of August 29. 2021 stresses linguistic superlatives. It's not a descriptive word in the sense that it adds something to its reference more than most others. Rather it is primarily prescriptive. It tells you how to look at something. The question arises, then, how important is that to the object? Do some objects need to be called awesome in order to be awesome? I would suggest that's the case. That further suggests that it's primarily up to the caller of the name, rather than the object the name belongs to, which determines its reality or genuine existence. I suppose it's a question of philosophical anthropology whether and how the relatively small class of awesome objects is limited. It is certainly however a matter of choice to some considerable degree.

2021年10月24日的阿坎哲学和人格节目在节目页面上对人格概念进行了分析,值得回顾。关于人格的核心问题是,“什么是人?”,这意味着寻找定义。Three attempts at a definition are made:
1) Personhood is a plant with two roots: Right to self-determination, and agency independence of the self-determiner, (to wit: liberty of instrumentality). The example of a spider sitting in its web clearly has the first but not the second. It's got a right to its own web but it's not free not to spin a web. Still, a homeowner can treat it as a person simply by respecting its rights as a person in the first sense. So the definition is inadequate.
2) Second attempt: Personhood is time-friendly. The perception of time is added as fundamental, described phenomenologically by memory and anticipation, with the result that any pre-condition by location in space is precluded. This solves the problem of how a spider can be respected as a person, (as remembering and anticipating the web it's got a right to), without being one, (as limited by a location in space: the center of its web). But that's a somewhat negative result, so that a third attempt is required.

Although the program on Professor John Perry's book, Frege's Detour, of November 2021, had far too many fascinating aspects to touch here on even a few, I thought the mention of Russel's paradox, sometimes called the "barber's paradox", was a virtuously bold move, as this paradox is often claimed to have undermined Frege's project of making mathematics a branch of logic. I'm however quite skeptical of this assertion, as the paradox seems to me not to do what it says it does. The bare bones version runs: If the set of all sets which aren't members of themselves is a member of itself, then it is and it isn't. The problem here as I see it is that, in order to make sense, this set of sets has to be distinguished from another set of sets: those which are members of themselves. By definition however only one set of such a kind is possible. Saying it's a member of itself is analogous to saying "Ceasar crossing the Rubicon is a member of all sets of Ceasars crossing Rubicons". Russel has created the paradox on the basis of an identity-statement masked linguistically as one of set membership. By this I draw the implication that Frege's project is rehabilitatable.


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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, January 27, 2022 -- 6:19 AM

The wheels of progress were

The wheels of progress were turning in 2021. Or, maybe better-stated, the circuits were firing. Here, in our fair state, plans were taking shape to cut a big deal. A multi-billion dollar corporation will build a manufacturing facility near the state capital. This is the biggest venture to be landed here in decades.
There is pushback from neighbors whose nominally idyllic lives will change. I wrote a letter to the local newspaper, something I have done several times in the past twenty years. Got a reply: something that has not happened often. They are planning to publish it. Well, more or less I guess.
Such letters often are dissected beyond recognition. The newspaper is, of course, ardently pro-business. Most are. Advertising supplies the bulk of their economic bread-and-butter. I will be surprised by publication of any part of my rant, editorializing notwithstanding. My thinking is it will not be the only such missive they receive. Those neighbors are understandably worried. Big money generally gets what it wants here. And everywhere else it plans to spend billions.

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