Hacking the Brain: Beyond the Five Senses

Sunday, January 23, 2022
First Aired:
Sunday, April 14, 2019

What Is It

人类在进化过程中拥有各种各样的感官——嗅觉、视觉、触觉等——这些感官提供了关于我们周围世界的信息。我们的大脑利用这些感官信息构建出一幅特定的现实画面。但是,如果在技术上有可能破解我们的大脑,为人类创造新的感官,比如回声定位或磁感应,会怎么样呢?我们的大脑如何整合这种新信息?用这些奇怪的新感官感知世界会是什么样子?这些新奇的感官会如何改变我们对现实的看法?Josh and Ken sense they'll talk to neuroscientist David Eagleman, author of《大脑:你的故事》



detail's picture


Sunday, May 5, 2019 -- 8:13 AM

Thanks for mentioning this

Thanks for mentioning this quite intelligent theme on this blog. I would like to recommend to you the following web link.


In it a detailed description , provides you with information about the usage of bci -data to watch
brain movies. The graphical visualization of our thoughts. Berkley univesity shows up with its
results on this feature for "2011". I am perfectly convinced that this is not the cutting edge of

So your worries became real.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, October 31, 2021 -- 5:19 AM

Have heard of Eagleman.

Have heard of Eagleman. Sounds like a good book...

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, November 8, 2021 -- 6:28 AM

Ken and Josh didn’t think

Ken and Josh didn’t think about the limited focus of human beings in a NeoSensory world. We can’t add infinite senses to our brain and expect all to work out well.

I spend quite a bit of my time with noise-canceling headphones on, where I could see having a NeoSensory bracelet to inform me of sudden ambient noise or even detailed information.


Bottom line, I would push David Eagleman to respond to the issues of information overload and limited human focus and attention. Is there a broader appeal (and a lower price point) for this tech to humans who are not disabled? What are the limits? There are limits, hazards, and potential safety issues here despite a rosy picture from Ken and Josh.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, January 6, 2022 -- 11:09 AM

I never thought much of

I never thought much of multitasking. Still don't...

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tartarthistle's picture


Friday, January 21, 2022 -- 9:38 PM

"smell, sight, touch, etc."

"smell, sight, touch, etc."


维基百科:“et cetera是一种意思,表示某事太乏味或clichéd无法完全放弃。”


If only more people were in touch with their sense of et cetera....

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, February 7, 2022 -- 5:18 AM


我总是回到“...beyond the five senses". Senses are feelings or SENSations we can apprehend by way of our sensory apparati. Tim Smith asks what the limits are. To my thinking, if one hacks the brain, one enters a metaphysical world. A sort of twilight zone which is asensory. Over time, there has been a repetitive notion of humans possessing a sixth sense.---a feeling of suspicion or unease---that itch on the back of one's neck: spider sense. Why spider? Why not Cobra? See, here we are wading into deep water. The metaphysical very nearly means intuitional. If it can't be seen, touched, heard, smelled or tasted, how DO we apprehend it? I concur with Smith on the matter of sensory overload.

The evidence of overload is clear, if not convincing. The more mental/emotional disorders we identify and treat ( sorta), the more new ones emerge. I won't offer any homespun analogies---they are pale representations of the problem being exacerbated. I have mentioned the modern obsession with time. It is, I think, a big piece of this. Not the only one. VR may turn out to be some kind of panacea.
One final note: there has been an interesting terminology shift of late. Some people talk of processing information, as if referring to AI technology when describing what people do when they think about things. Human thought may be, a priori, a process. But, humans are not AI machinery. No cyborgs here. Not yet...

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