J.S. Mill and the Good Life

Sunday, May 15, 2022
First Aired:
Sunday, June 23, 2019

What Is It

John Stuart Mill was one of the most important British philosophers of the 19th century. As a liberal, he thought that individuals are generally the best judges of their own welfare. But Mill was also a utilitarian who thought that there were objectively lower and higher pleasures and that the good life was one which maximized higher pleasures. So is there a way to reconcile Mill’s liberal project with his utilitarianism? Is the good life for Mill one in which individuals determine their own paths? Or should those who know better still try to nudge others to live better lives? John and Ken fulfill their potential with David Brink from UC San Diego, author of密尔的进步的原则。



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, June 6, 2019 -- 11:40 AM

I freely admit I have never


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, June 21, 2019 -- 11:50 AM

I have just received a copy

我刚从我那友好的图书馆里收到一本密尔的《三论》。期待阅读这部作品。有一篇文章是关于“宗教的效用”的。最近,我一直在为一篇关于魔法和宗教的文章概述谈话要点。故事的前提与魔法和宗教的起源有关。我认为其中包括:无知;害怕;不确定性;以及人类对存在的宿命(换句话说:死亡)的认识。没有别的生物体会想到这一点——初级意识既不提供也不需要这种痛苦。 My essay, I hope, will illustrate the mysterious nature and allure of magic, and the restorative, promissory nature of religion. At the root of both magic and religion we find superstition. This might be viewed as one of the origins mentioned above, but I see it as an effect. (I alluded to this project in another recent comment on a different post.) Don't yet know how Mill treated the 'utility' notion. I suspect he will have said some things about this, vis-a-vis, his support of utilitarianism. I will have to wait and see...stay tuned!

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, December 28, 2021 -- 12:18 PM

Can liberty and utilitarian

Can liberty and utilitarian strands of Mill's thought be reconciled?

It is hard to imagine ourselves as a collective organism when we think or philosophize; it seems a personal act. When politicians refer to America, they most often refer to their America. When we refer to our thought, we think of them as our own. However, much of my thought is derived from John Stuart Mill, and I didn't realize this affinity until I read it and found him speaking to my core beliefs.

But lately, my core beliefs have been questioned, and I wonder what Mill would think of our times and events. Pornography, money in politics, and information as a commodity would repulse Mill from his thesis On Liberty. I doubt he could have come to his ideas in our current reality.

David, Ken, and John give a fair accounting of the conflict in Mill's work.

Sexual freedom for one will always imply sexual repression for another. The legalization of drugs will cripple the lives of those prone to addiction. Refusing vaccinations will kill the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike.


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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 -- 6:12 AM

I had a brain fart this

I had a brain fart this morning, concerning the enigma of J.S. Mill. Is it reasonable to assume and/or believe well-to-do people read? I think so, although I have only one relative ( by marriage) who meets the criteria of well-to-do. He is the spouse of my wife's aunt. They raised children; travelled some and he retired from a successful career. I imagine he reads but do not know what. As with other self-made men and women, he is a private person. Here is where this is going: it occurs to me that wealthier people might enjoy reading Mill. They have access to 'the good life'. That there is contradiction in the foundations of his philosophy might not occur to them---whether they are utilitarian, liberal or indeterminate. Perhaps this is a clue to resolving the enigma. If Mill saw no contradiction, only attending circumstances, he would have had no qualms about the matter.

It has often been noticed that the well-off or wealthy don't talk about money. This sometimes annoys those who lack the luxury. But, as a practical matter, they should not trouble themselves. Another's economic status is not their business.

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Sunday, May 8, 2022 -- 3:31 PM

it seems to my mind a valid

it seems to my mind a valid and insightful point is being made here. To get around Bentham's hedonistic version of utilitarianism, that only the quantity of pleasure is at issue, so that the more of it that's possessed in aggregate the better off society will be, Mill introduces the distinction between different qualities of pleasure. In this respect, sadistic and vulgar pleasures, such as that derived from a mob's stoning a criminal to death, would fulfill Bentham's criterion but would clearly be harmful to society, as they would condition the development of abilities to seek one's own hedonic self-maximization in the wrong way, towards harming others in addition to pleasing one's self, violating Mill's central principle expressed in On Liberty: "The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over [another]..., is to prevent harm to others."

But this conversion from quantity to quality with regards to pleasure carries a hidden premise of acceptable arbitrariness of class-distinction, which I interpret to be referred to in participant Neuman's remarks above: If the same degree of pleasure-quality is gotten by an upper-class English gentleman's consumption of a steak and lobster dinner as can be produced by a lower-class London factory worker's consumption of a bowl of porridge after a fourteen hour workday, by Mill's conversion, any improvement in the factory worker's situation might reduce the pleasure-quality of the porridge, and therefore would receive by implication no recommendation for it.

A contradiction does seem, then, to prevail in Mill's reform of Bentham's theory by distinguishing between quality of pleasures and his inveterate emphasis on their proportional quantity, so that it remains to be seen whether something like a reverse conversion may remedy this instability, or instead offer some alternative which better fulfills its aims.

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Daniel's picture


Saturday, May 7, 2022 -- 3:41 PM

Can utilitarianism work in

Can utilitarianism work in converse form? Instead of converting happiness-quality into the quantity of its bearers, could one convert the quality of its bearers into happiness-quantity?

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tartarthistle's picture


Sunday, May 8, 2022 -- 11:36 AM

Yes, that's exactly how math


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Tuesday, May 10, 2022 -- 11:56 AM

Assuming one understands Mill

Assuming one understands Mill in the context of the liberal tradition of the European Enlightenment, that the greatest good for human beings is also the most rational one, and that this rational goal is happiness, both individually and collectively in aggregate, then no argument needs to be made against a claim that happiness is not the most rational goal, and that makes the primary aim of social analysis to discover the most rational means to achieve what is already accepted by his readers as uncontroversial.

Utility is the name given to whatever contributes to happiness (according to Mill). As a teleological principle, the value of its use is determined by its consequence. The direct consequence is pleasure or pain, and because Mill following Bentham describes happiness as a sum of pleasures broadly understood, its indirect consequence is happiness where instantiation of the principle of utility generates sufficiently more pleasurable consequences than unpleasant. This gets the theory into trouble when, as noted above, the same pleasure-quality might occur under differing relevant conditions which are overlooked in pleasure-volume calculations. One way out is suggested in the book "Utilitarianism", where pleasures whose net sum generates happiness must be conditioned by choice, so that any which are not preceded by a period of deliberation are excluded. This distinguishes between happiness and mere satisfaction, where the latter can be seen as evidence of one's immediate needs or momentary desires being met, and the former as only the higher pleasures which produce the phenomenon. Conditioning happiness-producing pleasure by prior deliberation has the additional benefit of confirming that the range of alternatives have been viewed first, prior to its pursuit. To calculate its quantity in a given context could not then be by the evidence of its occurrence, but by the reasons for its being chosen. In the above example, only the English Gentleman would have a good reason for his choice of pleasure, whereas the Factory worker's would be a mere bi-product of satisfying a basic need, and thus not factor into the calculation, even if in evidentiary terms they might be of equal quality. Judged on a normative criterion for pleasure-choice, then, the event of a pleasure's occurrence can not be confirmed by any evidence for its being produced. Prior knowledge of its alternates in the choice of which pleasure will occur might leave a clear footprint, but since the range of alternatives is different in each case, no standard for what it would look like can be supplied. Rather, one has to presuppose what kind of pleasures could not occur without prior deliberation, in order to determine their quantitative measure. The largest quantity of happiness for the most people has to therefore rely on an indemonstrable, axiomatically assumed concept of what humans are or human nature is. By a qualitative assumption, then, the utility of an action can in aggregate be quantitatively determined within a reliable measure of probability. The diversity of conditions across individuals under which the range of alternatives is presented in pleasure-choice deliberation, however, might be so distinct as to be incomparable, yet in terms of utility be of equal value as to the calculation of the greatest number of those to whom it occurs. For an accurate count, it seems that prior conditions for roughly the same range of alternate pleasures itself would have to be shared (even if the chosen ones can be different in each case), in addition to the criterion of what determines it as a precondition for the utilitarian value of any given pleasure. In Victorian society that would have been a difficult trick, but Mill's central goal would seem to suggest its inexorable eventuality if the calculation and therefore scientific promotion of the quantity of happiness a society possesses can be undertaken.

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tartarthistle's picture


Thursday, May 12, 2022 -- 9:27 PM

Smoking a cigarette now...

Smoking a cigarette now...

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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, May 24, 2022 -- 10:45 AM

--Fulfilling at least one

——满足至少一个基本的实用标准,作为与确认相关的因果因素,快乐的产生和痛苦的相对消失。利用密尔在他的“逻辑体系”中的划分,我们可以从三个方面了解这种基本联系,即基于参考文献、命题和归纳推广之间的区别。它的名字必须包含引用的标记,比如"smoke"索赔是由快乐的事业的理解必须有一个命题形式,也就是说,“如果人y抽香烟x,那么他们的关系R的燃烧是一个因果x在y”生产快乐,或者更正式,对于所有x R y的关系,一些对x y站在关系R。和归纳推广的索赔是一个经验的可靠性不包括它的反面:香烟被理解为一组的成员是由因果属性所决定的,在它们燃烧的条件下,它们产生快乐,并排除疼痛的人y,他们的吸入器。在这第三个标准下存在着测试其效用的可能性,因此它对吸烟者的幸福贡献相对于总体幸福。在第三卷(归纳法)第8章中,密尔描述了“实验探究”的四种方法(原来是五种):一致、差异、连接、剩余和伴随变异。每一种都构成了对一种现象原因的确定的变异。第一(A)是它的事件只有一个共同的情况。第二个(D)是所有的情况都是共享的,除了一个现象的两个发生。 The third (J) is where occurrences of a phenomenon share in only one circumstance and at least two occurrences of other phenomena share in nothing but the absence of that circumstance, showing that the two sets differ with regards to only one circumstance. The fourth (R) is where parts of the phenomenon known (by induction) to be effects of antecedent causes are separated from it, showing that the remaining effects are of the antecedent causes that remain. And the fifth (CV) is where any group of variations of a phenomenon occurring together with a mono-variant one is the cause of the phenomenon as its effect or side-effect (bi-product). Examples provided by way of explanation can be stated as:

(A) Scurvy is caused by a dietary lack of fruit.
(D) Where two swords are forged identically except for the difference that the harder of the two was dipped in water and the other wasn't, so that being dipped in water is judged as the cause of its increased hardness.
(J) That scurvy is caused by a lack of fruit in one's diet, is a more reliable conclusion if the observation is made that those who include fruit in their diet don't get scurvy.
(R) In testing for phlogiston, the substance which produces the heat from combustion, metal is burned and what remains is slightly heavier that the original metal, showing that combustion must be a combination of the fuel with the air, rather than only a consumption of the fuel purported to contain the phlogiston, so that the unknown element added by the air is named "oxygen", or "what spoils the wine".
(CV) The moon's effect on ocean tides.

If applied to the combustion of a quantity of tobacco for the purpose of respiratory intake to a claim of net pleasure gain over discomfort, one could say that with regards to-
(A) the criterion is applicable. A particular variety of pleasure is reliably associated the with the cigarette as its cause.
(D) applies to the preference of one brand over another.
(J) seems to apply as well. The pleasure associated with nicotine can be said with a good amount of accuracy to be unknown to non-smokers.
(R) clearly does not apply. What's left when the tobacco's gone can in not be said to be a cause of the pleasure of its being consumed.
(CV) also does not apply. Any variations of its effects and causes relative to each other, say, the size of the cigarette and where the smoker is standing, are causally independent.


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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, May 25, 2022 -- 3:51 AM

I am no scholar of Mill nor a

I am no scholar of Mill nor a fan of Tartarthistle’s philosophy in general, but you do both wrong here.

Honest feedback – you are using too many words and could have expressed this in less than half the time with more clarity.

If anything can be said of John Stuart Mill, it is this.

He loved his wife.



We can learn quite a bit from reading and re-reading Mill. I’m confused by your post, even as it demonstrates presumptive erudition. Let me re-read this passage and think about this ADJRCV. I’m not sure it means what you think it does. You are reading, and that is good. I am doing the same and missing the point for the most part. It’s not the first time, nor the last.

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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, May 25, 2022 -- 1:10 PM

Quite the contrary, it seems

恰恰相反,在我看来,你似乎抓住了一个中心点,没有这个中心点,就无法理解他的作品:他是一个激进的经验主义者(你所谓的“反先天”)。我认为称他为浪漫主义者是错误的。他是自由党人。他的古典自由主义思想与他激进的经验主义在幸福与快乐的等式上不期而遇。快乐是幸福的自由意志主义形式——确认,因为除了接受它的人,没有人能充分确认它的发生。快乐-效用的概念是指一个人如何从个人的幸福中获得作为一个特定社会中普遍存在的幸福的快乐事件的总和。在亚里士多德之后,决定个人幸福的标准是唯一具有经验可证实形式的标准,因此,如果能找到任何这样的决定,就必须适用于全体人口。因为,在社会自由的条件下,不存在对个人快乐两面三折的共同动机,每个人实际上都是在为集体幸福投票。另一方面,某些产生方式的负面影响(例如,烟草直接燃烧对不吸烟者健康的影响)必须由其归纳概括的可靠性来决定,因此,一个人的快乐的质量与另一个人的直接不快乐的质量之间永远不可能存在对立。即使在今天,虽然我们比米尔的时代对香烟的不良影响了解得更多,但我们仍然不清楚,减少吸烟是否会凌驾于其他健康优先事项之上,比如减少汽车尾气; so that the effort in a less important area to the neglect of a more important area would cause an overall reduction of a society's happiness which, as determined by a purely empirical criterion, can only be on the basis of an aggregate sum of pleasures.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, May 28, 2022 -- 6:40 AM

To be against does not imply

To be against does not imply being for.


约翰·斯图亚特·密尔有很多观点,有很多立场,在科学探究和科学方法上大错特错。ADJRCV是一门危险的大炮,用于发射相关物体不确定或复杂的目标。我确实浏览并阅读了密尔的《逻辑体系》(A System of Logic),包括关于方法和探究的第8章。如果有助于点餐或赢一场Clue游戏,它就缺乏权威性。在现实生活中应用这些方法需要密尔自己没有的判断力。这并不是说,在他的时代,其他人明确地这样做。密尔说的几乎没有什么可以反驳的,也没有什么可以归功于别人。

如果JS Mill是一个激进分子的话,那就是“英国人”。最重要的是,他从来不是个孩子,这是英国人最英伦的命运。这让他崩溃了好几次。也许他在婚姻中恢复了一些,但我不认为这是真的。他是那种饼干怪兽中的怪兽。我很想认识他。If he were to ask me for a cookie, I’d have given him a hug and sincere thanks for all his work.


I don’t know here. I’ve read some. I’m not sure what is relevant to Tartarthistle’s cigarette, but I think it is deep. I may be blowing smoke which is also another possibility. Maybe it is both.

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Daniel's picture


Saturday, May 28, 2022 -- 2:53 PM

The cigarette is an example

The cigarette is an example of distributable pleasure-resources. The fact that it tends to kill its users does not factor prominently into Mill's eudaimonic hedonism-calculus. For that would always remain an hypothesis, and hence in principle, unlike reception of pleasure-stimulus in individuals, open to empirical contradiction. In the post of 5/25/22, 3:13 pm, second paragraph from the end, you've offered a counter-example to this picture by suggesting that if Mill had known about its negative health effects but still enjoyed smoking, he wouldn't have done so around someone he cared about, e.g. the woman who he was married to. The question thus arises whether care for his wife overrides the care for his smoking pleasure. Or, differently, can an inductive premise capable of being adjusted override an immediate one which precludes any adjustment-need? Can a naturalized ethics survive a well confirmed physics? Apart from whether or not an answer to this question can be found in Mill's work, it strikes me as remaining unresolved.


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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, May 29, 2022 -- 9:59 AM

There are too many learnings

There are too many learnings since antiquity to point out.

It is enough to point Mills errors in method.


The simplest ancient example would be natural science models, but logic is more lasting and relevant here and in general.

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Daniel's picture


Sunday, May 29, 2022 -- 12:30 PM

One error I suppose would be

One error I suppose would be Aristotle's heliocentrism, which seems to be decisively disproven. But what about the claim Aristotle makes in the Metaphysics at 980a22? Could a counter-example to it be found in your own body of work?

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, May 29, 2022 -- 7:39 PM

Stevie Wonder.

Stevie Wonder.

Can you wrap this into Mill? I think we need to do that or stall this for a show on Aristotle.

If there is one other person on the planet who is reading this - here is the Perseus Project translation.


"All men naturally desire knowledge. An indication of this is our esteem for the senses; for apart from their use we esteem them for their own sake, and most of all the sense of sight. Not only with a view to action, but even when no action is contemplated, we prefer sight, generally speaking, to all the other senses.The reason of this is that of all the senses sight best helps us to know things, and reveals many distinctions.


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Daniel's picture


Sunday, May 29, 2022 -- 9:35 PM



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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, May 29, 2022 -- 10:04 PM



I'm not sure that Mill doesn't do this. I say again... I am no Mill scholar, nor Aristotle geek or scholar of any sort.

But I do like to read and honestly react without caution.


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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, May 31, 2022 -- 9:01 AM

Thanks for what? --Asking a

Thanks for what? --Asking a question which you've refused to answer? Claiming ignorance of a subject after having participated in a discussion of it is not sufficient. A defense of the priority of inductive-generalization with regards to collective health issues over pleasure-resource distribution on the basis of non-contradictable quantitative determination, as expressed in your post of 5/25/22 above, could be, but this potentially valuable service to your readers has so far been denied. Indeed, even in the case where you've claimed an unconditioned certitude, that ancient philosophers have made numerous "mistakes", you've avoided the question of identifying even one of the most basic and obvious ones in the post modern era: whether or not a single instance of a person not desiring any more knowledge than already possessed overturns Aristotle's sweeping claim at 980a22. Could this be on account of an apprehension on your part that your own work might be interpreted as providing such an instance? If so, sufficient grounds are not available at present on my part to preclude such an interpretation.

And as long as an exchange-attempt at thanking has been initiated, however, even if its inceptive grounds may remain not unmurky, I'd like to give mine for the cookie-monster analogy in your post of 5/28/22, which could be described as a reverse Malthusianism of a hedonistic Leviathan, and may merit an energetic update.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, June 2, 2022 -- 12:09 AM



I have been trying to respond here but am running into the Spam filter.

I'm told by my confidants, that the world is a better place for it.

Thanks for this.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, June 2, 2022 -- 7:52 AM



Let me do this with audio files.



For others (that is really stretching the pale on plural) who want to look or read:

In Greek ==>https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0...

In English==>https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0...

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