
Sunday, June 26, 2022
First Aired:
Sunday, August 16, 2015

What Is It

戈特弗里德·威廉·冯·莱布尼茨的知识领域不能用一个词来概括。在他生命的大部分时间里,他是一名法学家、朝臣、外交官和图书管理员;他还对逻辑学、几何学、物理学、植物学、生理学、语言学,当然还有微积分的研究做出了巨大贡献。然而,他的许多观点对现代读者来说仍然是晦涩难懂的。单子到底是什么?为什么莱布尼茨如此关注所谓的充分理由原则?他怎么能声称这是所有可能的世界中最好的呢?John and Ken discuss the most important philosopher you know the least about with Daniel Garber from Princeton University, author ofLeibniz: Body, Substance, Monad.

Listening Notes


John and Ken invite guest Daniel Garber, Professor of Philosophy from Princeton, and author ofLeibniz: Body, Substance, Monad. Discussing the best of all possible worlds argument, Daniel notes that behind it, there is the assumption that the world has meaning, that there is a reason why the world is the way it is. Ken puts this in the context of the Scientific Revolution, when the world began to be perceived as a mechanism. Daniel agrees on the importance of this context, especially since such a perception of the world jeopardized moral absolutes.

Returning to the best of all possible worlds argument, Daniel explains that it’s a purely logical argument separate from our experiences with the world. Ken asks what does Leibniz mean by good? The criterion is not pleasantness for human beings to live in; that is our parochial perspective. It is good in a much broader, metaphysical sense. This does mean that there is no particular comfort in learning that we live in the best of all possible worlds, which is something that Voltaire missed. Clarifying Leibniz for many of those who are unfamiliar with him, John shifts the conversation the what a Monad is and how it relates to the Cartesian conception of the self.



  • Roving Philosophical Report(寻求6:22):Shuka Kalantari调查莱布尼茨和牛顿之间关于谁是微积分的第一个发现者的争议。她还讲述了莱布尼茨从默默无闻到死后成名的过程。
  • Sixty-Second Philosopher(寻求47:11):伊恩·肖尔斯:讨论莱布尼茨的生活、智力天才和古怪的个性。



tartarthistle's picture


Monday, June 6, 2022 -- 9:29 PM

"It is good in a much broader


Yes, that's one way to put it. A very abstract, dry, granola way to put it. Sometimes I wonder if philosophers have have lower parts--in the tripartite sense, as in physical bodies with physical body parts.

Just so you know, the world is good, I mean REAL good. Try it sometime. It's way better than bacon....

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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, June 7, 2022 -- 8:10 AM

--Then there must be a

--Then there must be a sufficient reason for it. Is one discernible here? Do you fear a possible world in which you might be eaten?

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tartarthistle's picture


Tuesday, June 7, 2022 -- 11:57 AM

Some people enjoy being eaten

Some people enjoy being eaten. I suppose it's one of those things that are relative to those involved. Sort of like, Do you prefer hotdogs or hamburgers? Oysters or clams? (Personally, I enjoy both.) Reason, being in the middle between the extremes of Plato's tripartite division, fits nicely here. Do you like heads or tails? Tops or bottoms?


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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, June 7, 2022 -- 2:02 PM

Your account here suggests


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tartarthistle's picture


Wednesday, June 8, 2022 -- 6:41 AM

Bacon is fine. It's just that

Bacon is fine. It's just that the world is better than, not equal to, bacon. Personally, bacon is not my thing. But slapped between two slices, covered in tomatoes, perhaps....

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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, June 8, 2022 -- 9:33 AM

--Perhaps it's included

--Perhaps it's included because it's fine? Or perhaps it's fine because it's included? Your choice of bacon produces a contingent state of affairs which could have been otherwise. The preference for bacon furnishes a sufficient reason for its existence in the world of its consumer, but not everything that's connected with its existence independent of its consumer, describable as an option chosen by its creator among an infinity of other possible options. What's the sufficient reason in that case? Is it because it was the one which was chosen, or was it chosen because it's the best option even if it wasn't chosen?

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, June 8, 2022 -- 2:04 PM

This is an old kerfuffle...

This is an old kerfuffle... so old, this tablet does not like kerfuffle. Oh, well. Old news is better than bad news. i guess. Linguists, take a hike...

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Daniel's picture





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tartarthistle's picture


Thursday, June 9, 2022 -- 6:56 AM

I suggest unrolling the

I suggest unrolling the riddle. Or, better yet, rolling around in the riddle. I love a good roll. I suspect language loves a good roll as well. There are cinnamon rolls, sweet rolls, and rolls in the hay, and then there are the roles we play. Role-play is fun. Let's do that here. What would Leibniz say to the logical positivists, who strictly limited the ability of philosophers to roll around in the hay linguistically with one another? (Talk about a cold shower, that clever Wittgenstein was.) Let's role-play here. Oysters or clams? Or what about that bacon stuff? And tomatoes, let's not forget those pretty pretties...

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Daniel's picture


Thursday, June 9, 2022 -- 2:18 PM

The question has to do with


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tartarthistle's picture


Friday, June 10, 2022 -- 8:12 AM

Or is it pleasant because

还是因为人们现在正在玩游戏而感到愉快?Like us two..


P.S. Who was Nixon "doing it" with/to? Perhaps he thought he was "doing it" to someone else and "getting the best" of them but in reality he got played by the actual source of justice and power and all that other good stuff...I wonder what Hera would have to say about all this? Hmm...

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Daniel's picture


Friday, June 10, 2022 -- 10:06 AM

"All this" seems to refer to


As my example here is just of what something seems, not necessarily is, perhaps the question can be phrased in tripartite form (ala Plato), for purposes of clarity:
1) Do cigarettes kill you because you like them, or do you like them because they kill you?
a) Here the answer favors the former.
2) Does wine help your problem with student debt by making you feel better, or does student debt produce your wine problem because you feel rotten?
a) Here the answer favors the latter.
3) If Zeus was arrested for public intoxication and Hera was subsequently angry with him, was she angry because he violated a just law, or was she angry because he didn't have the foresight to make public intoxication legal before he got drunk?
a) Which possibility is favored here?

--Perhaps in this way the question can be fitted into a context in which you've expressed familiarity, so that, in the event of your reply, your readers and by extension the field of philosophy as a whole can be thereby enriched.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, June 10, 2022 -- 8:11 AM

Leibniz was queer.

Leibniz was queer.

His society buried him in an unmarked grave. He wore funny wigs. Only about half his papers are known. The book if there ever is one, is only partially written.

Newton and Leibniz were both queer.

LGBTQ liberation, still more promising than reality today, would have possibly limited the genius of these two “universal” icons. Their incredible output comes from their sexual identities and expression; much is between the lines and not the sheets, as there is plenty of evidence of limited activity.



Semantic knowledge was characterized by Robert Anton Wilson, former editor for Playboy magazine, in Jesus units (the amount of semantic information at ~30AD.) In the time of Ludwig, there were 2 Jesus (unfortunately for his homeland, in a double entendre.) When I was born, there were 64 Jesus, and my back-of-the-envelope calculation says there are well over 3000 Jesus today. Jesuses of semantic information speak to Ken’s point about the specialness of Leibniz’s time. Those, and antiquity to boot, were simpler times that allowed small people to loom large.


Newton was bitter and small in a way Leibniz’s irenicism couldn’t fathom. Newton burned down the world and took Leibniz’s optimism with him. The fire glints in our modern sensibility that evil is an argument against the existence of God. Ludwig didn’t understand that argument and never lost his faith or fundamental premise that God was great. That ignorance is where Leibniz met Dr. Pangloss. Where Spinoza and Montaigne retreated, Leibniz advanced. It would have been sound to look for monads, and it did happen eventually. We don’t have to travel that path.


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Daniel's picture


Friday, June 10, 2022 -- 1:13 PM

With respect to the sixth

With respect to the sixth paragraph, second and third sentences above regarding the relation to Einstein, doesn't Leibniz argue for the relativity of space against Newton's contention that space must be "absolute", that is, identical independent of any particular location? In that case, Leibniz would seem to be a forerunner of Einstein's reinterpretation of cosmological data, once instruments for precision in observation became sufficient for its confirmation. In this respect, at least, your critique of Garber's comparison appears to be in error.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, June 12, 2022 -- 11:15 PM

Ken asks Dan for examples of

Ken asks Dan for examples of modern-era universal genius, not scions of Leibniz.



My critique is dead on in that respect even while possibly offbase and flat out wrong in others.

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Daniel's picture


Monday, June 13, 2022 -- 10:53 AM

But what about the difference


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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 -- 10:33 AM

Sorry, Daniel - I got

Sorry, Daniel - I got sidetracked. You are on point here regarding Leibniz and Einstein and space. Leibniz was never in one boat or another, a point I have learned reading Garber’s book.

If we were to gift three camping chairs, three fiddles, three cell phones, and a Starlink to Newton, Einstein, and Leibniz, along with a cool summer campfire, all three would agree to the loose concept of relative space by morning.


Leibniz pushed back on absolute space in a different context. That pushback alone might have sparked the idea for Einstein to find, I don’t know. Intellectual history is lost in forgotten moments and found in speculative campfires.

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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, June 14, 2022 -- 1:13 PM

So where does that leave

So where does that leave Poincare's 1870 observation that the speed of light-propagation and the propagation of magnetic waves are roughly equivalent? Would that not support Leibniz's view that no two spaces can be exactly the same, and that even the relations between them become internal properties within them?

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tartarthistle's picture


Tuesday, June 14, 2022 -- 5:41 PM

Yes, there's only one.

Yes, there's only one.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, June 18, 2022 -- 2:41 PM

Poincare is to Einstein as


It is one thing to suggest an idea. No person is an island in that respect, including Leibniz, who suggests he sprang forth without parentage.

It is a different matter to present a new model. In this case, Poincare suggests and Hooke suggests and Leibniz suggests. The real proof and statement happen when suggestion becomes thesis become models that make predictions.

I could be wrong, I don't think Poincare disavowed Newtonian space nor took relativity seriously in that respect. Nor did Poincare make pointed and testable predictions. Einstein himself credits Poincare, but so did Newton credit Hooke. Doing the work, even if theoretical, is the issue. In these two cases, Einstein and Newton, the work is definitively borne by them and not by Poincare or Hooke.

The nature of light and relativity are getting muddled here. Maxwell and Faraday predate Poincare in the unification of light and electromagnetics. Relativity and space weren't a part of that unification, while the relative speed of light was. Einstein made relativity simple so that anyone who can read his work can understand special relativity, light, time, and space.

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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, June 21, 2022 -- 8:42 AM



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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, June 23, 2022 -- 10:59 AM

We would need to agree on

We would need to agree on “classical” here, and we are not.

Einstein was no universal genius, but he was a genius.


Air viewed as a vacuum is as deceptive as that of space as absolute. I would have to read much more about Poincare to understand Einstein’s debt to his insight, and Einstein did this himself in his later years.

I would not understand space, time, and spacetime without Einstein. Whether others would have made those leaps, I don’t know, but it is likely. Did previous thinkers like Poincare? No, they did not, even as they might have suggested it.


Science is prescriptive on the level of theory and law. Describing any science as parsimonious is emblematic of the conflict between Newton and Leibniz. That this conflict never need have been is as regrettable as using parsimony to explain the theory of special relativity.

Intellectual history, science, and philosophy are three different links in the chain of understanding. Leibniz’s time and gifts are links in that chain, while his scholastic upbringing isn’t so vital.

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Daniel's picture


Friday, June 24, 2022 -- 10:40 AM

Poppycock. Occam's razor is

Poppycock. Occam's razor is a scholastic principle, and Leibniz arrived at space-relativity in very large part by reducing the number of elements to explain his position to one. Poincare's famous observation showed that light need not be understood in terms of waves, but could be better described by the motions of particles, and therefore doesn't require a medium of transmission, like an aether which fills space. The notion that the speed of causal transmission can be, in the case of light, constant in all directions without reference to the motion of its source, is understood in the context of movement in a vacuum, and has nothing to do with saying air has to be a vacuum also in order to sufficiently demonstrate the premise under terrestrial conditions. But your remarks which are most pertinent to my point occur in the third paragraph from the end. Let's say Leibniz gets caught in the rain on his way to the office, getting his wig wet so that he has to go back to his residence and get a dry one. Are you asserting that this would be a mistake on Leibniz's part, and that his wig never really got wet, because he hadn't read Dalton?

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, June 27, 2022 -- 7:36 AM

You are welcome and



So now we have to agree on "scholastic" and "classical," we likely will not get to Leibniz at this rate.

What is vital, re: Leibniz, is that he turns from the scholastic to the modern. He doesn't choose a scholastic life. He turns at an early age, and the insights he sets forth and the notation he uses are the vital gifts he bears. Gottfried is not remembered for his defense of Aristotle, faith, or the late scholastic movement. He was capable of pursuing that path, maybe better than anyone in history. Leibniz did defend these views in his only published book in his lifetime, defending God as the creator of the best of all possible mechanisms. But his works in science, math, and logic are what people most cherish. That is what I mean by vital. I mean no slight or underestimation of Leibniz's scholastic upbringing and its influence on his thought. Scholasticism was his lens.


In a blog on Leibniz, discussing the priority of Poincare and Einstein is ironic, given the turns of Gottfried's life. An excellent play or movie could be made of the negativity and wrong done to Leibniz by so many, his tutors, his classmates, his father's school, Voltaire, his mistress - Emilie Du Chatelet, Hooke, and Newton, as well as many others.

I see what you are saying about Poincare. Nonetheless, there is little there to reflect on Leibniz.

I don't want to get sidetracked on phase transitions either (we left out sublimation, no wonder I lose the point.) Let me take that one step elsewhere, that I will regret, and say wetness is not the best example of essential nature. Wetness, too, is an emergent property contingent on perspective, and no consult or divergence to Dalton is required.

I appreciate the points you have made here. Garber's book tells me Leibniz was a constant blaze of thought and change. Saying what Leibniz was need be footnoted to the year and season and can't be captured in a blog post.

You are entitled to your view. I'm not sure about Poincare. The more I read there; it seems like there isn't enough evidence one way or the other. We are back to camping chairs, fiddles, and Starlinked cell phones

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Daniel's picture


Monday, June 27, 2022 -- 11:09 AM

It's a fascinating question,

这是一个令人着迷的问题,在我看来,它在今天和在17世纪一样重要。莱布尼茨的假发是怎么弄湿的?是水分子的湿润性是其内聚力的一种突现性质,而不属于分子本身吗?还是他返回住所时,雨中出现的彩虹?一方面,有一个关于水是什么的理论,但理论不能把任何东西弄湿。另一方面,有一种颜色现象出现在与雨滴收集有关,而彩虹本身没有通过任何方式传播到假发。说雨滴弄湿了它是没有用的,因为这并不能告诉我们为什么或如何发生这样的转变。在我看来,一个莱布尼兹式的解决方案既简单又优雅:假发永远不会完全干燥。它必须已经湿了才会变湿。湿性必须在假发的创作过程中就已经存在,这是一种潜在的无限可能的假发。 The trick is to say that the change in the object occurs not in itself but in the progress of its entry into explicit perceptual contents. By this, the wig was already wet the moment Leibniz put in on. He just didn't notice it until it started raining. Is this plausible?

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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, June 15, 2022 -- 10:34 AM

No. Leibniz's view is that

No. Leibniz's view is that two different things, including parts of space, can not differ, as he puts it, in number only. And this is based on the principle of Identity of Indiscernibles. Just to review, this is the principle that, if two things share every predicate which applies to them, they are the same thing. With regards to parts of space, then, even if they are empty and the of the same size and dimensions, they must differ at least in their relation to each other, with one above it with regards to a particular location, one below it, one to the side, and so on. While this is clearly contrary to Newton's view of space as "absolute", that is, with all its parts identical regardless of what's in them or from where they're observed, how closely it approximates and/or is compatible with Einstein's is still a bit controversial.

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tartarthistle's picture


Wednesday, June 15, 2022 -- 12:20 PM

This sounds like a linguistic

This sounds like a linguistic matter, not a real dispute. "Parts of space" introduces a logical notion of difference that may or may not in fact exist. Einstein's E=mc2 basically translates into Narcissus looking at himself in the water. Are Narcissus and his reflection two different things, two equal things, or the same one thing? We could speak about this subject in all three ways. What's super interesting is the role light plays in this picture scientifically and even symbolically. Light is luminescent energy in science, and it is consciousness in intellectual symbolism. The two things/"things" are intimately related, and yet whenever we try to discuss their interrelation, we stop making logical sense and get into fights (poof gone, sorts of fights). I'll shut up now and be good, so people don't get mad at me and poof me and my naughty words gone...

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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, June 15, 2022 -- 12:36 PM

Not if you take into account


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tartarthistle's picture


Wednesday, June 15, 2022 -- 4:21 PM

So it is the presence of a


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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, June 15, 2022 -- 5:40 PM

An observer is not required


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tartarthistle's picture


Wednesday, June 15, 2022 -- 9:03 PM



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Daniel's picture


Thursday, June 16, 2022 -- 11:19 AM

当然可以。But what follows


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tartarthistle's picture


Thursday, June 16, 2022 -- 9:10 PM

Nothing follows. Nothing is


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Daniel's picture


Friday, June 17, 2022 -- 1:33 PM




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Daniel's picture


Thursday, June 23, 2022 -- 9:00 AM

If nothing exists in the


An example of mind-likeness (or, similarity to what minds do in reality) can be taken from visual experience. When one is deprived of sufficient light to see well, as when walking at night in a forest, optic sensitivity is increased as one's eyes become adjusted to a decreased light source. It seems that along Leibniz's lines of reasoning, inanimate objects can be partly explained by analogy to minds which have very little resources from sense-stimulation, but nevertheless are capable of perception in the sense of being affected by all of what's possible to perceive, even if in this case no clear distinctions can be supposed in this affectation. Rocks therefore may not look like a mind, but they must have to be enough of one to reflect all the others by their own internal predicates by what's possibly perceptible, like the sounds of a brook which is not noticed by some adjacent picnickers, without the picnickers.

但是如何描述感知的可能性呢?根据解释元素的简约原则,如果一个元素的工作做得更好,或等于两个元素可以做的,前者应该优先。因此,如果空间和时间可以用一个术语准确地引用,就像空间/时间一样,它应该具有方法论上的优先权。这同样适用于灵魂和肉体的区别。后者是莱布尼茨对机械论者所提出的问题之一,它引起了机械论者之间的对应关系以及自由意志和预先决定之间的二分法这一不可解决的问题。但我们可以谈论身体是心灵的集合体,而不必否认它们的存在。相反,身体与心灵的关系,或者构成它的心灵的体积,就像彩虹与构成它的水滴的关系(莱布尼茨的比喻)。我们看到的是它的彩色系列,但却是水滴造成了在雨中淋湿的效果,因此构成了对它的更准确的描述。这通过将两者结合到一个单一的本体论帐户而免除了心灵/身体二分法。同样地,时间也被认为是占据空间,特别是自己的空间的表象的内在谓词,但它作为知觉的客观内容仍保持着本体论的地位,因而无须把时间和空间作为单独的对象或不同的直观范畴加以区分。 Might one say, then, that Leibniz has made a similar metaphysical adjustment on methodologically deductive and logical grounds as was required by the objects of Special Relativity and non-Euclidean geometry, pre-dating them by several centuries?

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