Marcus Aurelius

Sunday, January 30, 2022

What Is It

Marcus Aurelius was a 2nd century Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher. He is most famous for hisMeditations这本书是他的私人指南,指导他如何过一种美德为唯一善、邪恶为唯一恶的生活。那么我们如何才能过一种真正禁欲的生活呢?个人的幸福和整个社会的利益之间有什么关系?在面对恐惧、痛苦或痛苦时,我们能从马库斯那里学到什么关于培养心理弹性的东西?Josh and Ray stay calm with Rachana Kamtekar from Cornell University, author ofPlato's Moral Psychology: Intellectualism, the Divided Soul, and the Desire for Good.

Listening Notes

关于如何过好生活,我们能从斯多葛学派学到什么?我们能停止关心痛苦、苦难和死亡吗?雷和乔什考虑了马可·奥勒留(Marcus Aurelius)的著作,一位罗马皇帝写了如何过上更好的生活。雷解释了马库斯的想法,灵魂的健康比身体的健康更重要,这可以帮助我们减少对死亡的恐惧和悲伤。乔什认为,消除悲伤的能力可能也会让我们失去快乐的能力,但雷认为,真正的快乐来自做好事。

The hosts welcome Rachana Kamtekar, Professor of Philosophy at Cornell University, to the show. Rachana explains the core idea of the Stoics, which is that God is the rational principle of the world, and humans are rational in the same way that God is. It is only due to a narrow perspective that things are seen as bad, since a godly perspective would demonstrate something seemingly bad is good for the whole. Ray asks about the Stoic way of life, which prompts Rachana to discuss how we should live as dictated by wisdom and virtue, despite the difficulty of defining what makes an action virtuous. Josh questions how to align ourselves with Providence and whether our world is already ordered for the best outcome. In response, Rachana describes how consequences are co-fated, that is to say, they are determined both by Zeus’s and our own contributions.

In the last segment of the show, Ray, Josh, and Rachana discuss the use of Stoicism in contemporary movements and how Marcus Aurelius’s teachings help us develop mental resilience. Rachana thinks that far-right movements have ignored the communal, anti-individualist sentiments of the ancient Stoics. Josh finds some aspects of Stoicism inhumane, such as their proposed reactions to the deaths of loved ones or children.

  • Roving Philosophical Report (Seek to 4:08) →Shereen Adel seeks out surprising places where Stoicism pops up, including alt-right groups and cognitive behavioral therapy.

  • Sixty-Second Philosopher (Seek to 45:03) →伊恩·肖尔斯研究了马可·奥勒留的《沉思录》中的几句话。



Josh Landy

Ray Briggs
Could we ever stop caring about pain, suffering and death?

Josh Landy


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, January 1, 2022 -- 5:32 PM

Marcus Aurelius (MA) never


Somehow MA avoided the edict that absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is a lesson less easily translated as few people today have absolute power – though there are examples. For most philosophers, however, this has the corollary that MA could focus his thought on his duties as emperor and leader to his community. This is a practical takeaway for the best relationship of individual well-being and the larger community's interest, stay within your role.



"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."- Reinhold Neibuhr.

The tricky part is, not being a Roman emperor, what exactly is possible when changing. Though it would be cool to be emperor of all things (Czar?), our modern standard of living far exceeds that of any Roman emperor. Much of that standard is derivative of technology and privilege that can't be controlled or undone without more courage and hardship than I have been willing to bear so far in my life. Marcus Aurelius never had to face that dilemma. So I can't take his exact path as an example for my own. However, this much I can handle; to live below my means for personal satisfaction, meditate upon my life, and make the most of my opportunities to make those thoughts a reality.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, January 7, 2022 -- 5:01 AM

Presumably, Ms. Kamtekar

Presumably, Ms. Kamtekar knows something of Marcus, in so far as she has written of Plato. And is occupied with philosophy. I suppose many of us are stoics at heart. We pretty much have to be so, in order to weather these tumultuous times. As a pragmatist (at heart), my stance follows the old AA credo. You may know it: changing what one can;leaving the rest alone and knowing the difference. As a practical matter, this old duck's back has been wet before, and, sooner or later, any additional water runs off. Stoicism is really akin to other disciplines, many older, and most aimed at knowing inner peace; keeping one's blood pressure manageable and avoiding avoidable violence. (PT has, admirably, addressed non-violence among many topics.)

Stoicism is not very fashionable in our fast-paced, extreme-laden world. We just can't make time for it

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, January 16, 2022 -- 4:13 AM


参见史密斯在上面的评论re: the serenity prayer. I missed it on first reading. Sorry, Tim.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, January 16, 2022 -- 10:39 AM

Like minds... :-)

Like minds... :-)

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tartarthistle's picture


Saturday, January 29, 2022 -- 11:54 AM

我喜欢# 28。"Neither play

我喜欢# 28。“既不要当国王,也不要当妓女。”


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johnqeniac's picture


Sunday, January 30, 2022 -- 11:20 AM

Did Marcus Aurelius actually

Did Marcus Aurelius actually live his life in any way at all according to Stoic principles? I mean, he engaged in brutal wars trying to maintain or expand the Roman Empire as far as possible, right? He inflicted enormous misery on many people including slaves. And as a dictator, he probably was constantly annoyed and infuriated by his own bureaucrats, the masses, everyone else. He might have been a wannabe Stoic but was probably a miserable Stoic in his actual behavior.
Greg Slater
ps - does any at philtalk actually read these comments?

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johnqeniac's picture


Sunday, January 30, 2022 -- 11:29 AM

...And this leads me to the

...And this leads me to the question: can anyone who actually strives to accomplish anything at all in the real world actually live like a Stoic? I mean, fine for some contemplative philosopher to talk about it, because he's not interacting with the world, has no ambition, accomplishes nothing. But a human actually trying to accomplish something in the real world, interacting with others who he cannot control except by force, I don't think can ever live by Stoic principles. He (or she, they, whatever) can only 'aspire to Stocism', but never in any real way live by it. Meanwhile, they live the horrific, stressful, frustrating, infuriating, angst-ridden world like the rest of us....(by the way, that's called the 'Human Condition' - you can't escape from the Human Condition, no matter how much you try. Sorry.) Show me a true (practicing) Stoic, and I'll show you someone who never accomplished a goddamn thing...
Greg Slater

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johnqeniac's picture


Sunday, January 30, 2022 -- 11:34 AM

Couple questions for the

Couple questions for the philosophers:

2. Name one actually 'practicing' Stoic in the history of the World (who actually thought and acted according to the Stoic principles and mindset)?

3. (most important) - are you guys gonna ever take calls again? If so, when? If not, why not? (by the way, a good Stoic would allow live phone calls from listeners)

Greg Slater

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, January 30, 2022 -- 11:54 AM

I second this call for live

I second this call for live calls... it really changes the show not to have these. It would be nice to return to this.

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admin's picture


Monday, January 31, 2022 -- 12:43 PM

Unfortunately we cannot take

Unfortunately we cannot take calls because our show no longer goes out live from the studio due to Covid restrictions. It is now pre-recorded, which is why we ask listeners to submit their questions ahead of time if they want them to be included in the show.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, January 31, 2022 -- 6:22 PM




There are comments here on this show that are dissonant and not the mainstream. These seem to be cut out of the current production method. These are the minds PT is here to engage, I think.

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admin's picture


Tuesday, February 1, 2022 -- 9:40 AM

Tim, we are hoping we will be

蒂姆,我们希望能在今年的某个时候回到演播室继续直播节目。We miss having live callers too.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, February 1, 2022 -- 10:10 AM

Sounds good. I'm not sure

Sounds good. I'm not sure going back is possible now that we all have become Zoom enabled, but this sounds like a virtuous and noble plan worthy of a Marcus. i will resume my stoic stance and take what I can control.

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johnqeniac's picture


Sunday, January 30, 2022 -- 11:40 AM

Stoic Paradox - Could Hitler

Stoic Paradox - Could Hitler have been a Stoic?

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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, February 2, 2022 -- 6:19 PM

The question is an

这个问题很有趣。这里面有两件事。一是道德领域的标准选择性假设;这与道德相对主义不同(道德相对主义声称根本不存在(客观的)道德标准)。标准可选性并不排斥道德客观性,只是声称如果它们为个人存在,它们必须被定义和自我强加。它不排除这样一个事实,即某些定义可能在道德上是正确的,而另一些则是错误的。另一种则以道德不正确为例,认为道德不正确是显而易见的,并提出这样一个问题:这种明显的道德不正确是否可以与一种被认为是与道德行为一致和有利的态度相容。这是斯多葛主义的一个真正问题。因为似乎没有明确的路径来区分一个人自己的恐惧、痛苦或失去的经历和另一个人的经历所带来的坚韧。上面的问题是这是否可能,而不是是否曾经是这样。 If the stoic theorist is unable to answer that question, is there a way to supplement the model to do so?

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johnqeniac's picture


Sunday, January 30, 2022 -- 11:43 AM

I could be okay with being


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johnqeniac's picture


Sunday, January 30, 2022 -- 11:52 AM

Please compare and contrast

Please compare and contrast Stoicism and Zen Buddhism. Thanks.
Is a Stoic like Zen Buddhist who actually wants to accomplish something in the world?
Greg Slater

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johnqeniac's picture


Sunday, January 30, 2022 -- 11:59 AM

How about this for a synopsis

How about this for a synopsis: "Only rich people or philosophers can afford to be Stoics. The rest of us have to suffer the horrible stress of the rat race and the human condition, the 'being eaten by the lion' on a daily basis.

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johnqeniac's picture


Sunday, January 30, 2022 -- 12:31 PM

This reminds me of the old

This reminds me of the old joke:


...but I can't remember the rest of it. Could you remind me how the rest of it goes?
Greg Slater

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, February 5, 2022 -- 6:24 AM

Just for grins:

Just for grins:
...the lion, being unarmed and pacifist, waited until the smoke cleared and had lunch.

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