
Why Is Math So Useful?

数学是永恒的、普遍的真理吗?或者数学家只是在他们的过程中编出来的?如果方程是编造的,为什么它们如此有用?We’ll be discussing these questions, and more on this week’s episode, “The Mysterious Timelessness of Math.”

Is Facebook Morally Responsible?

If you’ve been following the news, you’re aware that the Delta variant of the Coronavirus is all around us. While it only poses a very minor risk to the vaccinated, it is wreakinghavoc on the unvaccinated.

Cracking Down on Disinformation

In a world of fake news and disinformation, how can anyone make informed political decisions? Is it possible for us all to come together as a nation if we can’t even agree on what’s true? This week, we’re thinking about Disinformation and the Future of Democracy.

When Do False Beliefs Exculpate? (Pt. I)


Say it Enough, They’ll Believe It
