
27 March 2018


Think of it as a sort of Shadow University or academy-in-exile where unpopular truths are told and “dangerous” ideas are freely disseminated. It’s comprised of a loose network of podcasts, blogs, social media feeds, and at least one online magazine. It has stars (for example, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, and Ben Shapiro), talk-show hosts (Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin) and an immense following (an Peterson’s YouTube channel has almost a million subscribers, and his videos have been viewed many millions of times). By any reasonable criterion, IDW is something to be reckoned with.

You might suppose from the description that I’ve just given that the IDW has an expansive remit—that it’s a wide-open intellectual free-for-all addressing anything and everything in a gloriously unconstrained exchange of ideas. But this is far from the truth. In fact, its content revolves around quite a limited number of topics that get addressed in a limited number of ways. These include free speech (and its putative suppression by left-wing ideologues); the culturally noxious influence of the dogmas promulgated by the “regressive left” (right-wing extremism is also occasionally mentioned, but usually only in passing); innate psychological differences between men and women; genetically determined racial differences; the “culture of victimhood”; the victimization of James Damore, Charles Murray and others by illiberal leftists; the oppression of males by purveyors of toxic feminism; the scourge of social constructionism; the heritability of intelligence; rampant intellectual corruption in the humanities and social sciences; the menace of Muslim refugees; and the scientific authority of evolutionary psychology.

Another trademark peculiarity of this intellectual counterculture is that certain slurs and derogatory characterizations are accepted as commonplace and unobjectionable: expressions like “Social Justice Warriors,” “Snowflakes,” and “Castrati.” Other terms, such as “political correctness,” “trigger warnings,” and “safe spaces” are likewise often used mockingly or dismissively.

This is heady stuff, especially (but not exclusively) for young people. There’s something exhilarating about hooking up with a community that advertises itself as subversive. It’s very exciting to think of yourself as someone who dares to open the Book of Forbidden Knowledge (darkknowledge) that the cultural gatekeepers want to keep firmly under lock and key. “For young people in particular,” observes British journalist and dark web enthusiast Douglas Murray, “who have been let down by didactic and cowardly orthodoxies, these newly discovered heroes are providing a path out of the bewildering maze that their age has created for them. It is one of the great good news tales of our time: out from the dark web, into the light.”

The attraction of IDW is much deeper and substantial than the joy of giving the establishment the finger. I think that many young people are drawn to IDW because they’re looking for intellectual stimulation, and IDW it offers them more food for thought than the bland fare that is all too often served up at our increasingly STEM-obsessed, corporate universities.



Suppose I were to give talk on Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of the death of God. To be credible, I couldn’t get away with basing it just on my reading of the relevant portion of Nietzsche’s bookThus Spoke Zarathustra. I wouldn’t be (and shouldn’t be) taken seriously unless I had studied the role of this idea in his broader philosophical framework and the major disputes and interpretive strands in the extensive secondary literature concerning it. I’d have to be prepared to engage with people who are real experts on the subject: people who have devoted a substantial part of their working lives to Nietzsche scholarship. In contrast, suppose I’m sounding off about Nietzsche on the IDW. In that context, I could say pretty much whatever I want about the death of God without having to encounter anyone with the academic horsepower to point out my mistakes, omissions, and outright stupidities. I could disseminate my viewsfreely, because that marketplace of ideas is almost entirely unregulated.

This situation creates what philosophers call anepistemological problem. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that’s concerned with knowledge. Traditional epistemological topics include the question of what exactly knowledge is, the question of how to distinguish knowledge from opinion, and the question of whether we can have knowledge of the world outside our own minds, to name but a few.

Teaching highbrow epistemology through classic texts from the philosophical canon can be immensely valuable, but it’s also important (I think far more important) to help our students address epistemological issues that they’re confronted with right now. Virtually nobody outside academic philosophy is stressed about the possibility that they might really be a brain in a vat. But our students are grappling with real, meaningful epistemological issues every time that they log on to podcasts by the talking heads on the intellectual dark web, and we should get down from our philosophical high horses once in a while and get down to the honorable task of providing our students, and the culture at large, with the intellectual tools to critically evaluate what they are reading and hearing from these sources.

Innext month’s contributionto the中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播blog, I’ll be continuing this discussion by sharing with you some pointers for helping students and others to become discriminating and critical consumers of the ideas that are presented on the intellectual dark web. Stay tuned.


Potiphar S Flagrum's picture

Potiphar S Flagrum

Wednesday, March 28, 2018 -- 10:21 AM

I agree with your viewpoints

I agree with your viewpoints on certain majors in college. Of course, certain degrees have become increasingly useless I have a degree that used to open up my dungeon but by and large, it would be considered a useless degree. Some people think college is really worth something, I say they're stretching the truth like Joseph on Potiphar's rack

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, March 29, 2018 -- 11:12 AM

A place for everything and

A place for everything and everything in its place. I did not know about the IDW. Would not have imagined that Sam Harris is one of its heroes. I am not particularly against such fora, but, they are not for-me. I subsist on good philosophy and enjoy such books as I am physically able to read and absorb. I am not even alarmed by anarchy, as long as it is with a small 'a". You are commended for your interest in such-things-media, and as an educator, it probably behooves you to be up on these matters. Epistemology is fascinating, mostly because we just don't know what we don't know...

The young Pakistani Nobel winner is back in Pakistan. Under 'heavy guard'. She is only twenty now. I hope she lives a long and productive life. I hope, also, she realizes just how lucky she has been. I wonder if she knows about the IDW? Or, is she cares.

pseudonagarjuna's picture


Sunday, April 15, 2018 -- 2:41 AM

"Because it operates outside

"Because it operates outside the academy, IDW’s spokespersons aren’t beholden to the norms and structures that have been developed over centuries to enforce intellectual quality control in the University"

Fair enough, but you could also say that entire humanities disciplines are no longer "beholden to the norms and structures that have been developed over centuries to enforce intellectual quality control in the University." In fact to omit that fact is rather jarring, because it's a key reason for the genesis of the Intellectual Dark Web.

The whole raison d'etre for IDW is as a refuge for exiles from the academy. The academy has not been interested in a good-faith engagement with the ideas of an Eric Weinstein or a Jordan Peterson, which is the entire reason they now find themselves on the outside, the focal points of an emerging internet counterculture. The reason they all share something in common is because they are all heretics who ran afoul of campus political orthodoxy, an orthodoxy that is more interested in censoring than in engaging contrary ideas. It seems rather unfair to criticize them for coalescing into an unsupervised scene when we all know what is the real reason for the season.

pseudonagarjuna's picture


Sunday, April 15, 2018 -- 2:46 AM

At the same time, if

At the same time, if academics such as yourself were to engage the IDW critically without calling them alt-right Nazis or the "stupid man's smart person" or whatever, I think you would find an enthusiastic partner in open discourse. Remember many in the IDW are credentialed academics themselves and would like to see the academy become a less repressive intellectual environment.

rcglinski's picture


Friday, May 11, 2018 -- 8:56 AM

Major focus needs to be on

Major focus needs to be on the failures of the modern Academy. It does nothing to exalt the West, to praise God, to celebrate our ancestors, to revel in their accomplishments and their culture. If anything it's doing quite the opposite. So don't be surprised when a guy like Peterson comes along and makes a rambling and incoherent case for truth and beauty and receives heaps of undeserved praise. If people have had nothing but shit to eat their whole lives they'll line up around the corner for a ham sandwich.