Millennials and Social Media, a Deadly Mix?
Sun Lee

09 February 2018

Millennials are taking part in a dangerous and bizarre activity. The "Tide Pod challenge" has gone viral across social media since January and involves young people filming themselves biting on a Tide Pod. Meanwhile, the numbers don't show a dramatic increase in reported cases of actual consumption.

Perhaps a far more interesting and real hysteria is the moral panic that ensued among the public in reaction to the challenge. The US Consumer Product Safety Commision issued a warning against consuming Tide Pods, Tide recruited football player Rob "Gronk" Gronkowski in their newest advertisement to tell consumers Tide Pods are only used for laundry, and the public decried and lamented the stupidity of millennials.

In hisarticle哈里·戴尔(Harry Dyer)认为,社交媒体引入了一个“全方位视角”(omniopticon)的时代,“普通公众现在与名人竞争,希望被听到和观察到。”全能论背离了边沁的全景论或被观察者与被观察者之间泾渭分明的区别,无论是少数无权者被有权者观察,还是这种关系被逆转,有权者——名人和政治家——被公众审视。

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