Sun Lee

08 May 2018

我们大多数人会认为,直男要求性权利的动机是一种男权意识。事实上,人们有性权利的主张可能是一种危险的意识形态,它被用来为强奸和其他针对女性的仇恨犯罪辩护。一个典型的例子是艾略特·罗杰(Elliot Rodger)在2014年的疯狂杀人事件,当时他射杀了多人,其中大部分是女性,因为他对拒绝和他上床的女性感到愤怒。

As a reaction against this claim and its misogynistic implications, we may naturally argue that nobody is entitled to sex with others. In other words, we may say that people have different preferences for sexual partners, and nobody should claim some injustice simply because they are not other people's preferred sexual partner.

In thisarticlefrom theLondon Review of Books, Amia Srinivasan explores how this counter reaction to the right to sex, one we may think is quite reasonable and feminist-friendly, also can buttress gendered sexual preferences that are extremely problematic. For instance, out of respect for personal preferences, we refuse to confront the prevalence of rape fantasy, the fetishization of East Asian women, and the purported undesirability of black women, asian men, trans people, and the disabled, among others.

我们该如何在捍卫个人卧室偏好和指出由性别、种族、身体形象等问题偏见和观念形成的欲望之间把握好这条微妙的界线?斯里尼瓦桑试图回答这个难题。Read the article here:



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, May 8, 2018 -- 12:41 PM

性权利?That is a

性权利?这是一个棘手的问题,但我会尽量让它简单一些。如果存在这样一种“权利”(我不认为地位功能(参见:John Searle)符合这个概念),那么它只是一种必须赢得的意义上的权利。如果我们希望拥有富裕的生活方式,那么我们必须弄清楚如何赚取足够的收入来实现这种生活方式。如果我们希望获得某人或某群人的信任和/或友谊,同样,我们必须赢得这种信任或友谊。信任、友谊,是的,还有金钱,都可以成为我们能否培养一段性关系的因素(假设我们在身体上有能力这样做)。但性不像权利、义务、授权或Searle在他的书中讨论的许多其他地位功能。再举一个例子:我们有权拥有金钱吗?除非我们赢得它!

UndecideableTheorem's picture


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 -- 1:33 PM

" In the very best cases, the

" In the very best cases, the cases that perhaps ground our best hope, desire can cut against what politics has chosen for us, and choose for itself."

At first blush, this seems like a liberating, even inspiring, idea. But it runs into the same incoherence as contra-causal free will. What does it mean for our desire to choose its own ends? Won't our desire ALWAYS be determined by a constellation of political, biological, psychological factors? What else COULD it determine it? You might reply, "nothing", but that wouldn't be desire *choosing* for itself; it would be desire predicated on a dice roll.

Jmkelly's picture


Thursday, May 10, 2018 -- 4:22 PM

Since Roosevelt we've been

Since Roosevelt we've been fond of asserting "rights" that make some folks grit their teeth: to shelter, food, health care.... Libertarians and Ayn Rand fans argue that asserting such rights legitimates forcing others to satisfy the needs they cover. Most of us reject this interpretation, instead relying on market inducements: the right to health care is (imperfectly) satisfied by Medicare and Medicaid, under which providers are not forced but paid to provide care. (This may mean only that the force is a step or two removed, since a Medicaid-supported paycheck may be the only thing keeping a roof over the provider's head--but let's not add a layer of economics to the debate over free will; that way madness lies.)
Anyway, if a right to sex means I have to right to march up to anyone and demand sex, it's monstrous and absurd. But if it means I can get a government voucher to pay a professional who freely chooses to provide sex (or as freely as a health care provider with a mortgage and a student loan), who could complain?

Gerald Fnord's picture

Gerald Fnord

Sunday, May 13, 2018 -- 11:19 AM

I think that what afflicts

I think that what afflicts most of these men is not the lack of sex but the lack of status and dignity in the rest of their lives. Notice how often the people in the media's reaction to them is, rather than 'What bad ideas!' instead 'What a bunch of total losers unworthy of sex.'. Noöne has a right to sex, but neither should the lack of opportunity to do sex be constructed as a complete and final judgement on a person, and the occasion of their being made to feel worthless.

…and it would be a good idea to achieve a world in which all were treated with respect at work, at school, within the family…so that involuntary celibacy were a problem, not the capstone of a constructed worthlessness.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, September 9, 2021 -- 6:36 PM

This essay was included in

这篇文章被收录在阿米娅·斯里尼瓦桑(Amia Srinivasan) 2021年出版的《性权利》(the Right to Sex)一书的标题文章中。有一个月的时间,Amia似乎也要在PT上做一个节目,但后来取消了。希望她会在某个时候回来。我在埃兹拉·克莱因的播客上听了她的采访,她听起来很有道理。鉴于上述讨论,我对过度扩张的担忧大多是没有根据的。这本书读起来就不那么宽容了。

Dr. Srinivasan is a non-essentialist with regard to gender. Though she harkens back to 2nd wave feminists who share her concerns for patriarchal oppression, she doe not refer to essentialist 2nd wave voices that indulge a different feminine experience. I can't see my way to open a discussion of sexual desire with masculine incel violence. I'm not sure if incel is even a thing worth analysis.

I also take exception to her use of the term f#$k. Louis CK can do this but condemnations of CK or John Hockenberry or even Trump with this term lower the analytical bar. Not that I don't use this term often myself, each time, it is pluperfect imperfection. The only exception might be her first essay in this book in which she excoriates CK and other patriarchal abusers and uses it for its shock value that doesn't really seem to be shocking enough.

The essay following "The Right to Sex" is an answer to many of my and others' criticisms. It is called "Coda The Politics of Desire" (I don't have the book in front of me, I could be wrong on that and other things as usual.)

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