We need your help!

27 February 2006

We at Philosophy Talk are proud to have offered something uniquely valuable to the radio world over the past two and a half years. It's been an incredible adventure. When we started, many people in radio took our ideas with a very large grain of salt. "Philosophy on the Radio?" they asked incredulously. "Two academics as co-hosts? A stream of professional thinkers, rather than journalists or politicians or entertainers as your guests?" "It will never work!" "No one will ever listen!"


To get to where we want to go from where we are now, we need your help. Up until now, Philosophy Talk has mostly been funded by Stanford University. We've also had a few small grants from various sources. But those funding sources have either already run dry or will soon run dry. To be sure, we are currently actively exploring many new avenues for funding, but we need your help too. Think about giving a gift, small or large, to keep this unique programming on the air and on the web. We do a lot with very little. John and Ken, for example, work for nothing more than the love of philosophy and out of a certain missionary zeal that makes them want to help philosophy reach the world.

You can give a gift onlinehere.Or you can mail a check, made out to Stanford University to:

c/o Department of Philosophy
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2155

Make the check out to Stanford University and write "for Philosophy Talk" on the comment line.

If you want to become more actively involved with Philosophy Talk, think about joining our new organization,The Friends of Philosophy Talk.我们的一位忠实听众,杰克·巴里,慷慨地挺身而出,带头推动“哲学之友谈话”的运作。中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播If you are willing to help out in any way, with either a donation of time or of money,,告诉他你有兴趣成为哲学讲座之友。中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播


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Monday, March 6, 2006 -- 4:00 PM

Dear Fellow Hitch Hikers to the Universe, I think

Clearly we are a mass of electrons and subparticles that organize through a series of orgasmic explosions (from the big bang of the cosmos to the coupling of the earthly organisms).
To that end, I always loved Nabakov's question, for some reason we seem to be scared of where we may be going after we are dead. But we never ask where were we before we were born?
Good show, Michael endicott San Francisco, Ca

Guest's picture


Saturday, March 18, 2006 -- 4:00 PM

Sorry, I cannot help you right now, but if it make

Sorry, I cannot help you right now, but if it makes you feel any better, I've linked to you on my blog. Good stuff you got. If you like my blog, a link would be greatly appreciated. Best wishes.

Guest's picture


Sunday, March 19, 2006 -- 4:00 PM

I thoroughly enjoy your website. I am trying to

I thoroughly enjoy your website. I am trying to get in touch with your wonderful artist David Sherrod as I used to be a very good friend of his. Please ask him to contact me atstephanieweidling@hotmail.comand I would be deeply grateful. thanks, Stephanie Weidling

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Sunday, March 19, 2006 -- 4:00 PM

这就跟你问声好!Your site is


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Sunday, January 27, 2008 -- 4:00 PM

ur site is good but there is no search tool by whi

ur site is good but there is no search tool by which we can search our topics