Democracy and The Press

Sunday, April 29, 2012
First Aired:
Sunday, July 4, 2010

What Is It

我们的开国元勋们相信,新闻自由有助于促进不受限制的政治辩论,将政府的行为暴露在知情和参与的民众的严格审查下,从而为民主服务。然而,如今,大型媒体集团已经成为根深蒂固的权力结构的一部分,利润和公共使命感同样重要。我们还能相信新闻界不负我们开国元勋的崇高理想吗?John and Ken are joined by former TV news anchor and investigative journalist Leslie Griffith for a programrecorded liveat the Marsh theatre in Berkeley, California.

Listening Notes


Ken and John are joined by Leslie Griffith to discuss these questions. Leslie, a casualty of the ruthless corporatization of the media, points out that the current press is certainly the worst in our nation’s recent history. John and Ken agree that the first amendment does not seem to have successfully ensured that the press provides independent opinions. The nature of our capitalist press entails that the media only provides the opinions of their parent corporations. But, as philosophers, our question remains to be answered: Should ‘freedom of the press’ be sacrificed to free the press from its corporate masters?

Ken wonders if the press isn’t simply capitalizing on human nature. Lots of current research has shown that confirmation bias, the tendency to favor information which confirms one’s preconceptions, is a prevalent and powerful force in the human psyche. Perhaps the press simply tells people what they want to hear. If so, should the government have the authority to force people to hear something different? Leslie seems to think that it should, that, in her words, “too stupid to be on TV oughta be a standard.” John points out that excellent information is out there to find on the internet, from foreign news agencies, and that, if people were determined to find the truth, they could within our modern, hyper-connected world.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(寻求时间:7:20):佐伊·科内利(Zoe Corneli)调查了旧金山海湾地区的记者们对媒体危机的反应。她采访了旧金山公共出版社的执行董事迈克尔·斯托尔。斯托尔担心未来的媒体可能会变成“一百万个网站相互引用,但没有新的信息出来”。作为回应,他和一群朋友创办了一份新的当地报纸,一份有很棒的当地报道、漫画和填字游戏的实体报纸。
  • 60-Second Philosopher(seek to 49:15): Ian Shoales’ unfettered speech informs us on how the founding fathers did not themselves put much stock in the first amendment. Our second president, John Adams, signed the “Alien and Sedition act,” which made it illegal to insult the government!
