




家长作风发生当有人行为做出决定另一个或行为阻止另一个执行决定的前提,这种行动是人自身的好。在医疗、家长式的措施通常使用在处理那些精神不稳定,有疾病如阿尔茨海默氏症,或者其他伤残为自己做出完全理性的选择。当表演,完全是一副家长式的向一个人的时候,总有需要尊重那个人的自治之间的紧张关系和道德义务去帮助别人。然而,那些我们治疗,完全是一副家长式真的拥有多大的自主权?约翰和肯介绍家长制的话题的讨论我们对待孩子的方式。肯问这个问题:我们对待孩子,完全是一副家长式的,因为他们不理性?约翰认为,我们所做的实际上应该向孩子,完全是一副家长式的决策对他们按照我们认为最适合我们如何思考自己未来的成人自我会批准。我们可以把孩子们分成两组:小学儿童和青少年。真正的儿童或年轻人没有获取信息的能力,推理能力和评价能力自主做决定。青少年,另一方面,理性决策的能力和欲望,他们主张积极的能力。 Still, adults can be justified in acting paternalistically toward teenagers who are in the process of figuring out how best to use their newly- acquired autonomy. Ken makes the point that, just as we decide what's best for children based on the perceived wishes of their future selves, it might be the case that we should decide what's best for a patient with Alzheimer's based on the wishes of her past selves. However John counters that, although this conception would produce symmetry in our thinking about the issue, there is a difference between the past and the future. For an Alzheimer's patient who has lost her memory and with it her reasoning capacity, there is no future self who will understand or make connections with who they were in the past. In such circumstances, why shouldn't the present desires of the person be respected?


在进一步讨论自主权,约翰引用约翰·斯图亚特·密尔从他的书中自由。工厂声称,没有人应该被允许压倒人的会觉得不管别人这样做会是人自身的好,是一个明智的选择,或者在道德上是正确的。唯一的例外是当行动一个人希望进行会伤害他人。约翰是两个关心我们是否能接受这种说法,它的影响是阿尔茨海默氏症患者在疾病的最早期阶段。Jaworska主要解决他的第二个问题。对于普通成年人,目前的理解是,它是错误的干扰一个人的意志。然而,在老年痴呆症患者的情况,目前还不清楚他们是否有十足的理性能力。根据Jaworska,将有几个组件。第一个是good-i.e概念化的能力。的对与错在选择采取行动的欲望。 Then, there is the ability to criticize or critique this conception, the ability to make a decision based on these considerations, and the ability to follow through with a decision. A person can have part of this capacity or will while lacking other necessary components. For example, a person could have the ability to form convictions while lacking the ability to critically evaluate and practically carry out her decisions. People with early-stage Alzheimer's, Jaworska contends, experience these types of limits in their decision-making capacity which is why they are not fully autonomous and, consequently, do not fall in the general category of individuals to which Mill's statement is meant to apply.

  • 粗纱哲学报告(寻求:00:04:27):八年前,多丽丝的丈夫埃迪被诊断出患有老年痴呆症。前一段时间,埃迪和多丽丝从新罕布什尔州开车到加州时,有史以来第一次,埃迪让多丽丝开车。多丽丝解释了,起初,阿尔茨海默氏症的迹象出现几乎不知不觉中特定的变化,她注意到,但非常小,没有人可以看出区别来。然后,随着时间的推移他诊断后,埃迪的情况变得更加糟糕。
  • 中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播哲学讨论去看电影(寻求00:47:51):在电影中《怪物史莱克2》菲奥娜和史莱克都有机会改变自己的外表,把他们变成好看的人类。哲学上说,他们已经决定该怎么办?
