Summer Reading List 2021

Sunday, September 5, 2021
First Aired:
Sunday, June 20, 2021

What Is It

As some parts of our lives return to a kind of normal, Josh and Ray ask authors and philosophers about what's been on their summer reading lists.

  • Cory Doctorow on "Making Hay," his short story inMake Shift: Dispatches from the Post-Pandemic Future
  • Helen De Cruz from Saint Louis University, co-editor ofPhilosophy Through Science Fiction Stories: Exploring the Boundaries of the Possible

Plus a post-pandemic update from Stanford English colleague Michaela Bronstein and her thoughts on Richard Wright's newly-publishedThe Man Who Lived Underground.

Listening Notes

在本集中,乔希和雷将整理他们每年的夏季阅读清单。他们首先与斯坦福大学英语教授米凯拉·布朗斯坦(Michaela Bronstein)交谈。Michaela says that literature is currently helping her measure the inertia of the present, and she recommends Richard Wright’sThe Man Who Lived Underground. Josh compares it to Ralph Ellison’sInvisible Manand brings up the motif of religion. In response to Ray’s question about its relevance this summer, Michaela explains that a novel about police brutality is apt to read at a time when people are looking into the long history of law enforcement abuse against Black Americans.


在节目的最后一个环节,乔什和雷将与圣路易斯大学的哲学教授海伦·德·克鲁兹(Helen De Cruz)见面。海伦解释了为什么科幻小说本质上是哲学的,因为它的未来主义背景往往类似于思想实验。乔希询问小说在探索哲学问题方面与哲学论文有何不同,这促使海伦从她最近共同编辑的文集中的多个短篇故事中抽取例子。雷想知道哲学家和科幻作家在写故事的方式上是否存在差异,但海伦认为他们实际上比我们想象的更相似。

  • Roving Philosophical Report (Seek to 1:01) →Holly J. McDede与诗人谈论他们在过去的一年里是如何阅读、创作和联系的。

  • Sixty-Second Philosopher (Seek to 46:42) →Ian Shoales laments the decline of summer reading and reminisces on the literature of his past year.



Josh Landy
Welcome to Philosophy Talk, the program that questions everything

Ray Briggs


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, April 30, 2021 -- 2:39 PM

Is Consciousness Everywhere?

Is Consciousness Everywhere? Will that one be on your list? Out of MIT Press. Just asking, not 'axing'. You already know my take on this...

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 -- 7:31 AM

Goff and Godfrey-Smith are

Goff and Godfrey-Smith are gaining traction. The first supports something called panpsychism, the latter, not so much. I am with the latter, although not in his intuition of where consciousness lies. I don't dispute the evolution of consciousness, you see. To get HERE, as humans, there had to be a 'where', from whence all this began. Godfrey-Smith's notion of gradualism is, to my mind, another way of saying natural selection: there is a feather's weight of difference. I contend panpsychism is a hoax. And, now, dualism and materialism are archaic modes of looking at things. We need to move on. Think better. Try harder. Where is consciousness? It is where you find it.
This ,will, no doubt, ruffle feathers. good.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 -- 11:10 PM

The last book I read was

我读的上一本书是安迪·威尔的《万福玛利亚计划》。一名宇航员醒来后发现自己失忆了,他的队友都死了,他想找到人生的目标。这是《火星救援》(the Martian)作者的硬科幻小说,这部小说启发了一部电影,也许未来的火星人就在我们中间。

I am no fan of space. We would do better investing in Earth, our failing ecology, and climate than indulging space fantasy. I like Weir's style, however, and share an interest in science, if not fanaticism. The book is a nice romp through Weir's previous tropes where characters science the crap out of their out of this world problems to enact nail-biting rescues and redemption. Very timely.


I'm looking forward to other picks. Happy Summer!

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, June 20, 2021 -- 10:20 PM

Great show...

Great show...

One of the sorrows of the pandemic has been the forbidding sacrifice of future snow days to digital learning. Kids are under attack by electronic separation from nature and each other. The pandemic has made this worse.

One of the reader suggestions in the sidebar was already on my bookshelf, but I hadn’t read it until I came across the mention in the sidebar here. I’m nearly through it now if sleep deprived– if I can get some sleep tonight, I will finish it soon. Here is a section from it as a teaser.

我记得我上八年级时,有一个特殊的下雪天,那是一个人进入童年和成年的分水岭。一夜之间下了将近一英尺的雪,接着是狂风和刺骨的寒冷。早晨,世界一片寂静,明亮得令人眩目。我儿时的伙伴现在都是十几岁的少年,他们对睡觉比雪更感兴趣,但我无法抗拒一个改变了的世界的前景。我裹上羽绒和羊毛,走了出去。我感到肺里的空气很刺鼻。树木发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音,发出一种奇特的呻吟声,表示寒冷刺骨。我吃力地走下山坡,朝我们房子下面的小溪走去,发现树枝上有一点红色:一只雄性红衣主教蜷缩在没有热气的阳光下。我朝那棵树走去,令我吃惊的是,那只鸟似乎没有听到我说话。我继续靠近它,然后又厌恶又着迷地意识到,它已经被固定在它生命的栖木上了,就像自然历史博物馆里的一个玻璃眼标本。 It was as if time had stopped in the woods, allowing me to see things that were normally a blur of motion.

Back inside that afternoon, savoring the gift of unallocated time, I heaved our big world atlas off the shelf and lay sprawled on the floor with it. I’ve always been drawn to maps; good ones are labyrinthine texts that reveal hidden histories. On this day, I happened to open the atlas to a two-page chart showing the boundaries of time zones around the globe—the kind with clocks running across the top, showing the relative hour in Chicago, Cairo, Bangkok. The pastel colors on the map ran in mostly longitudinal stripes except for some elaborate gerrymanders like China (all one time zone) and a few outliers, including Newfoundland, Nepal, and central Australia, where the clocks are set ahead or back relative to Greenwich Mean Time by some odd noninteger amount. There were also a few places—Antarctica, Outer Mongolia, and an Arctic archipelago called Svalbard—that were colored gray, which, according to the map legend, signified “No Official Time.” I was captivated by the idea of places that had resisted being shackled by measures of time—no minutes or hours, wholly exempt from the tyranny of a schedule. Was time there frozen like the cardinal on the branch? Or simply flowing, unmetered and unfettered, according to a wilder natural rhythm?


Prologue – Timefulness - Marcia Bjornerud

I’m not sure who suggested that, but I am glad they did. Thanks for the pointer. So many books on my shelf would go completely unread if I didn’t have an occasional poke. Reading through the night is one of my favorite summer pastimes. All I need is a worthy book like this to do it.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, September 16, 2021 -- 10:38 AM

If no one else will go… I

If no one else will go… I will offer one more in light of the rebroadcast and final week of Summer 2021.

To read is to have been taught. To write is to have learned. A second language is a gift to the student and to the second culture who teaches. No computer will ever be able to decipher language without instruction. No human can figure out their own lives without a bit of nourishment, encouragement, and freedom. This is a story about a boy who attempts to figure out his life from an unlikely start. Fortunately for us, it is in America that he writes.

On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
by Ocean Vuong

Many paragraphs are koanish. Each word is a knife to spread preserves on the brain and to cut misconceptions from your conscious.

Where does identity, sexuality, and liberty spring? Vuong contemplates these philosophical questions in near-contemporary time with his first novel, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous. The book is divided into three unnamed parts that could be summarized as life, love, and loss.

There is violent and sexual content in this book that is not for everyone. It was a challenging read for me and one I would not do twice without the need or good cause.

Recently I read Amia Srinivasan's The Right to Sex in preparation for a Philoso?hy Talk show that has since been canceled. There is much to learn from Ocean's book regarding the issues fleshed out in Srinivasan's work regarding the politics of desire. Novels are perhaps the best for this subject matter as very little scientific information is available.

You could cut up each page of Ocean's book into paragraphs, paste them on your wall and throw a dart to hit on some pithy thought. The first chapter reads as concatenated poetry. This book makes you think.


I found this book on the top shelf parents section in a children's bookstore while a friend shopped for gifts. It is about a boy. It is for grown-ups only. Learning comes from unexpected places every time, even within our own lives and brains.


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