
Superpredators Old and New

In a recent speech, Trump painted a picture of humanoid predatory animals hell-bent on torturing, killing, and raping beautiful, innocent teenage girls. Trump’s speech should not be regarded as the return of the superpredator idea, because the idea that young Black and Latino males are roving, predatory beasts never really disappeared.

Nobel Laureate Angus Deaton on Politics and White Poverty

Are poor white Americans voting in their own best interests? Is it better to be poor in Bangladesh or in the Mississippi Delta? The Atlantic interviews Nobel-prize winning economist Angus Deaton.

A Country is a Country

A bizarre, somewhat tongue-in-cheek meditation byPoint Maganize's迈克尔·科钦谈国家的概念。这篇半历史、半哲学的文章向我们介绍了美国是如何形成的,以及它的意义。这篇文章试图弄清楚谁应该算作美国人,因此触及了当今美国政治中激烈的移民辩论。其核心问题似乎是:美国是为了什么?

Here's the full link:

How to Honor Black History Month

February is Black History Month. But how should we honor the occasion—especially if you're white? In addition to recognizing black artists and intellectuals, is there a more sincere way to honestly reflect on your role in America's dark past? Philosopher George Yancy thinks we can do more.

[LIVE VIDEO] Philosophy Conference on Trump

哲学家能帮助我们应对特朗普和我们当前的政治局势吗?Tune in to the live stream for the Penn conference on "Trump, Philosophy, and American Politics: Philosophical Implications of the 45th Presidency" and find out!
Tune in here: