John Dewey and the Ideal of Democracy

Sunday, October 17, 2021
First Aired:
Sunday, September 25, 2016

What Is It

John Dewey is regarded by some asthe美国哲学家。在20世纪上半叶,他是最杰出的公共知识分子,其影响波及中国、日本和印度的知识运动。虽然我们现在很少听到杜威,但他的实用主义政治哲学影响了理查德·罗蒂等政治思想家。他的民主哲学的基本思想是什么?美国有公共领域吗?如果不能,我们如何重建民主所必需的公众?互联网和社交媒体的崛起符合杜威的理想民主吗?John and Ken idealize a conversation with Melvin Rogers from UCLA, author of未被发现的杜威:宗教、道德和民主精神。

Listening Notes


Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 7:40): JD开始了他的高中教师生涯,在他生命的最后,他取得了一系列令人印象深刻的成就。他是女性选举权和NAACP的早期支持者。他是APA的总统(他们两个)。杜威是一位实用主义者,他认为哲学家应该对世界产生真正的影响。杜威在冷战期间去世后,他的反资本主义思想对他的声誉并没有帮助。

John and Ken invite Melvin Rogers, Professor of Political Science and African American Studies at UCLA and author ofThe Undiscovered Dewey. Rogers felt a lot of joy when he read Dewey, and he found both his religion and his church in Dewey’s philosophy. Dewey was excited about democracy because it provided the best means for people to avoid being dominated and a system through which they could experience the full flowering of their capacities and abilities. Dewey thought that how we actually become distinctly ourselves depends on our interactions with communities to which we belong, because they provide the resources we rely on to become who we are.

The individual cannot be atomistic, because the individual is always social in communities, even when individuals are pursuing individual interests. Democracy as an institution is different from democracy as an ethical ideal. If a minority is constantly a minority, then you don’t really live in a democracy. The international appeal of Dewey’s philosophy is evident in India and China.

Institutional democracy might not be the best institutional structure for Deweyan democracy. Dewey would see black lives matter as the vibrancy of democracy. What counts as real conversation and dialogue? Democracy requires a willingness to bear discomfort in conversation. Are new means of communication good for democratic communication? With all technologies the goodness or badness of them depends on the preexisting habits of those deploying the technologies.

60 Second Philosopher(Seek to 47:00): Ian Shoales looks at how the Hull House was started and John Dewey was friends with Jane Addams. They discussed the Pullman Strike, and Addams felt that people were unproductively antagonistic.



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, May 5, 2019 -- 12:39 PM

Glad to see you are doing

Glad to see you are doing something more on Dewey. I had not read him in 2016, and my overall exposure to American philosophers was limited. I hope to read more of his work, time and energy permitting. In reading his How We Think, I was surprised that his efforts as an educator were probably as important to him as philosophy. That was, to me, significant. It seemed to cement his memory as great American. Was he the impetus for the eventual term, public intellectual? Or was that designation prominent, before his time? Public intellectuals may or may not be philosophers, seems to me, but in the broadest sense of the word (or even the narrowest?), all philosophers are.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, May 28, 2019 -- 12:12 PM

I do not know if Dewey was

我不知道杜威是不是美国哲学家,尽管有些人可能这么认为。还有几家我就不点名了——它们都符合一个基模;他们中的大多数人现在已经去世了,一些还活着的人要么受人尊敬,要么被人鄙视;即驳回或全部驳回。我宁愿“草草了事”,保持开放的心态。我发现实用主义者是最有趣的,因为他们有一种实用的方式来看待“事物”和“连接在一起”如何构成哲学研究的基础,在这个术语的最广泛的意义上。过去一些受人尊敬的哲学家被赋予了过多的赞誉,而其他一些人或多或少被遗忘了,他们有重要的观点和/或支持同时代人不认同的观点。我曾说过,在赞扬或谴责这样或那样的哲学思想时,需要考虑所有的情况。试着跳出太空。你不需要告诉任何人你的意图——这样你就可以随心所欲地进行实验,而不需要向同事或任何人解释。 Have some fun, along the way---you only get to do this once.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 -- 6:58 PM

In 1841, Charles Mackay wrote

In 1841, Charles Mackay wrote his book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, which inspired the most recent Armand Gamache mystery by Louise Penny, published in 2021.

In 1907 Francis Galton published a short article entitled Vox Populi in Nature used by James Surowiecki in his 2004 book The Wisdom of the Crowds.

In between these publications, John Dewey was born.

Dewey’s ideas of the crowd and Democracy, of god and nature, of any dualistic concept, changed in his early works to a holistic vision. I’m totally making this up, but it seems I detect a note of change when he reviews Francis Galton’s book Natural Inheritance in 1889. Maybe it started earlier. There Dewey makes a simple error (that no one seems to catch) reading a table pulled from Galton’s work. That error is excusable as modern statistics was in its first wave – there were three total in Dewey’s lifetime. Dewey spends most of the review talking about what now seem simple concepts of mean and distribution. But he makes a keen insight into the idea that statistics can determine natural kinds.

Galton took this insight into a eugenic social Darwinism that persists. On the other hand, Dewey would transform American politics and economy from a mainly capitalist program to a social democratic view culminating after his death in the civil rights movement.

The basic ideas of Dewey’s philosophy of Democracy were popular in his time. He came down on the wrong side of very few progressive movements in his lifetime. He championed or cheered on every liberal cause that eventually won the day based on the idea that Democracy creates an opportunity for broadspread flourishing.

Dewey’s democratic vision is a holistic and transactional experience (not the Trumpian transactional deal-making or Hobbesian social contract.) Democracy was a fundamental way of living for Dewey. Government is, at best, a tool to this view of everyday engagement.

That people don’t have public spheres today is not a loss because they rarely had them in Dewey’s day. Online social media allows one-to-many and many-to-many forums for Dewey’s ideal Democracy to materialize if we can get this right. Google has already shown the ability to predict flu outbreaks in internet traffic. Terrorist actions are monitored online. Crime can be caught early. The wisdom of the crowds is real.


The most promising solutions I see are the radical market strategies put forth by economic philosophers like Eric Posner and Glen Weyl in the PT show of that name. Ranked voting, engaged focus teams empowered to take action, and multiple publics engaged in deciding issue specifics that today are all but intractable to our current democratic systems.

The wisdom of the crowds is seemingly unharnessable when the public will is multimodal, and the winner takes all politics rule the day. Perhaps in a future setting, this will change. The issues at hand can’t wait for incremental solutions.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, October 7, 2021 -- 7:14 AM

I have admired Dewey's work

我对杜威的作品赞赏已久。还有你博客上关于政府的文章。我住在无处不在的中西部……在这个领域,“世界观”一词几乎被忽略了。这些年来,我就各种问题给当地报纸写信。这是一份重要的日报,在全州范围内发行。我的意见书很有礼貌,偶尔也会批评。有时,我希望是深思熟虑的。但是,几年前,我们停止了订阅。结果不太好。 They tried to offer us discounted rates. We declined because their news had too much spin for our taste. We live here for several reasons. Reading skewed news is not on the list.
Anyway, I still write them, time to time. Just to stir the kettle. They do not respond. I wonder if it is thus everywhere in the heartland. I suspect as much. The paper is aimed at a majority. Non-members need not expect recognition. Particularly those who have a broader 'world view'. We are here. They would 'rather 'not notice.. Doubly so if one does not buy their paper. Or their ideology.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 -- 8:00 AM



I feel you here. I read the Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and our local daily (online only) and weekly papers.

I think what you are referring to is Dewey’s idea of multiple publics. Melvin Rogers is well-spoken on that point (I am very impressed with this guy.) We don’t have public spaces for Democracy or Philosophy, for that matter.

You speak to a need for these publics and falsely to the idea that we ever had them. We all need to budget our media diet. I don’t know what is best.

For years I would also write into the paper of my day, and still do to the ones above, but I find it unrewarding. The back and forth – which is what Philosophy and Democracy are all about, does not happen there. It is highly moderated and timed.


I have taken to writing to myself. That guy listens for the most part. If someone else chimes in, I dispatch them forthwith, but only on their terms. Our terms are too few and meaningless to fret about too much.

This space is one place for that kind of writing. It comes with the benefits of thought and quietude. Few people want to share their philosophy and reading honestly. It is enough.

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