Philosophy Talk Moves to Sunday

25 July 2006

We're back in the studio after our trip to DC. DC was great fun and we had a great time doing our show in the Capitol Building. There wasn't exactly a huge turn-out. Unfortunately, invitations to the event didn't go out until pretty late in the game, and of those who RSVP'ed that they were coming, there were a fair number of no-shows. But still, the audience was quite engaged and engaging. Kathleen Sullivan was a truly dynamite guest. The program will probably air in November, the Sunday before election day. It was an amazingly cool experience. We're very grateful to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo for the opportunity and the platform. We can't wait to go back to DC in September to do ourshow at the Smithsonian.

You'll notice that I said the program would probably be broadcast theSundaybefore election day.Starting on October 1st, Philosophy Talk will become a Sunday Morning talk show. We'll air at 10am on the West Coast. Now for a leisurely Sunday morning, think a nice brunch, the Sunday New York Times, and a live episode of Philosophy Talk. We think it will be a very good move for us.

这一举措的一个原因是试图为我们走向全国性的辛迪加铺平道路。事实证明,要让电视台在周二中午播出每周的现场直播热线节目是非常困难的。I've come to understand that weekday afternoons on many stations are devoted wall-to-wall mostlydaily节目和经常在当地制作的现场电话直播节目。世界杯赛程2022赛程表欧洲区这意味着没有多少——实际上几乎没有——可以在工作日下午安排每周的课程。没有电视台会在周二下午给我们安排一个小时的节目,如果他们已经有五个小时的地方或全国日常节目。

到目前为止,播放该节目的电视台都是在晚上重播,比如俄勒冈公共广播公司(Oregon Public Broadcasting),或者在周六重播。这样做的缺点是,他们的听众没有机会打电话进来。可以理解的是,许多电台不愿意在听众无法拨打电话的时候重新播放现场呼叫节目。因此,除非我们能赶上更多电视台愿意直播这个节目的时代,否则我们的发展就会受到限制。在西海岸,上午10点似乎是个不错的时间。很多人那时还在听广播,而且听的时间更长。下午1点的东海岸有点不同。人们在下午做着各种各样的事情,很少听广播。但是,这似乎是我们最好的机会,把哲学谈话变成一种工具,以推动关于哲学问题的全国性对话。中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播

另外两张照片。我们很快就会达成协议,让每一集都可以在播客上看到。敬请期待我们的公告。我们知道有些人会对我们的播客转向订阅模式感到不满。我们已经收到了一些投诉。我们当然明白。但同样,我们急需现金,真的非常急需。再说一次,我们的预算非常有限。虽然斯坦福大学同意再资助我们一年,但明确的信息是如果我们要继续这项大胆的无线电实验我们就必须找到收支平衡的方法。因为我们打算保持我们的流媒体和运行,任何人谁不愿意订阅我们的播客服务仍然可以访问。 Subscription fees are likely to be quite minimal, but we hope there is enough interest in the podcast to enable us to defray some of our production costs.

我们接下来的两集是在波特兰的现场观众面前预先录制的——一集是在美国哲学协会太平洋分部的年会上录制的,另一集是在俄勒冈公共广播公司的电视演播室录制的。如果你是其中之一,一定要听一听。我不知道这部电视剧是否会在波特兰播出。电视版本应作为OPB特别节目提供按需观看。不知道有没有发生过。波特兰有人知道吗?那趟俄勒冈之行真是太棒了。我们非常喜欢在APA的专业同行面前做这个节目。希望在接下来的一周,至少有一位嘉宾会在这里写博客。而且我们和OPB一起拍电视版的时候也很开心。 Portland we REALLY love you!!

Check out these pictures from those two events.Philosophy Talk in Portland


Guest's picture


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 -- 5:00 PM

I am SO SO SO glad you are moving to Sundays! For

I am SO SO SO glad you are moving to Sundays! For the 10 months I have been unable to listen due to a pesky job (something I was unburdened with prior to that) and in all honesty the thing I have most missed is not being able to listen to Philosophy Talk! Although currently an apprentice electrician, while in college (NYU, film school) I took some amazing philosophy courses (two of them with Tom Nagel, who I found to be a wonderful and engaging teacher) and have sustained an interest in philosophy ever since. Thank you for allowing me to again spend an hour a week listening to you live!