Why we Charge for Downloads

08 September 2007



中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播哲学演讲是一项相当昂贵的努力。尽管约翰·佩里(John Perry)和我一直在做这个节目,主要是出于我们共同的传教士热情,把哲学带给更多的观众,而且没有额外的金钱补偿,甚至没有从我们的日常职责中解放出来。但需要支付制片人、巡回记者、研究人员、工作室工程师和编辑的费用。还有远程工作室、ISDN线路和卫星上行链路可供租用。信不信由你,我们甚至不得不向自己的大学支付相当多的钱来保持我们的“免费”流媒体的运行。随着剧集的增加,我们每个月的费用也在不断上涨。不像约翰和我,其他参与这个项目的人没有免费工作的,甚至没有分文收入的。没有人愿意免费捐赠我们需要租用的技术设备。

So far, our funding has come mostly from various arms of Stanfod University. The Provost, in particular, has, in his great generosity, poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into funding Philosophy Talk over the past several years. Because we are not part of the core academic mission of the University, however, he understandably and reasonably expects that over time we will find a way to be more nearly self-sustaining. Perhaps if you were the Provost of a University like Stanford and you had to choose between, say, an additional professorship for this or that department or more scholarship money for needy students, on the one hand, and funding a public radio program, on the other, you too might insist that although you are willing to provide substantial seed money to get the radio program up and running, eventually the program would have to fend for itself. And that's where we are with Philosophy Talk.

Unfortunately, it's much harder to get funding for a program devoted to philosophy than you might imagine. It's also much much harder to get air time than you might think. And these two facts feed off each other to make life financially more challenging for us.

Most program directors of public radio stations remain highly skeptical that there is a real audience out there for a program as intellectually challenging as ours is. One PD wrote to us that he has seen no market research showing that he ought to devote 52 hours per year of his airtime to a show about philosophy. And that was that. We get that reaction a lot. And that obviously limits our reach and our audience.

Funding agencies, on the other hand, are reluctant to fund something unless they are confident that it will succeed. We've been turned down by the NEH four separate times in our attempts to get a radio production grant -- a grant specifically designed to bring more humanities content to the radio airwaves. Each time, part of the reason seems to have been scepticism that our show could really find a national audience.


I'm not saying we're entirely hopeless. First, we did get a grant from the Templeton Foundation that will help out a bit. And Powell's Books has agreed to underwrite us for a very modest amount for one additional year. But it's not nearly enough to keep the program going.


Nor have we completely abandoned the concept of offering free stuff via the internet. All of our content remains completely accessible, completely without charge, via our online streaming service, at our
website. Anybody who has access to the internet can still listen to philosophy talk completely for free.


Since I hope you want us to survive, I hope you will considering subscribing to our download service. At 69.95 for 52 episodes per year, an annual suscription basically costs you $1.35/episode.



Chris's picture


Sunday, September 9, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

This is a high-quality, stimulating show worthy of

Let's give Ken and John the support they need to keep this intelligent, bold, and innovative program going. Let's make a statement for intelligent public radio.

Guest's picture


Sunday, September 9, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

I am sorry, but I fear that this post does not hav

I am sorry, but I fear that this post does not have the ring of truth about it. First, Stanford University does have a substantial audio web presence that is funded by the university -- I am referring to itunes.stanford.edu -- which was launched with such fanfare. (I note that some Philosophy Talk episodes appear here, but with uncertain frequency.) This was launched with great fanfare, including articles in periodicals ranging from the San Francisco Chronicle to Forbes.
Next, while I can fully appreciate that the costs associated with the show, these are surely a direct result of the insistence that the show take live phone calls (although episodes are regularly recycled, calling into question the claims about ISDN charges and the need for these live phone calls) and have side features such as the "Roving Reporter." While such features may be desirable, they are hardly necessary.
Third, the cost is insanely high. For the cost of a subscription to Philosophy Talk, one could purchase the full contents of 60 back issues of Philosophy Now on CD-ROM. One could purchase 5 volumes of "X and Philosophy" (e.g., Seinfeld and Philosophy, Baseball and Philosophy, etc.) One could buy a used copy of the first edition of the Encyclopedia of Philosophy. One could buy 6 Penguin paperbacks containing major original works by philosophers. One could subscribe for a year to Mind journal and have change. Or one could purchase Offline Explorer Pro and download the "free streams" for playback at one's leisure.
Fourth, while the hosts may not receive teaching relief for their work on this program, I would be most surprised if they did not claim this work on their annual statements describing contributions. After all, faculty do not receive teaching relief for serving as editors of journals, or giving talks at other institutions, or for other "community service" obligations. Still, faculty are expected to do some level of these.
Simply put, I would be surprised if even two hundred people signed up for the subscription service. With such a subscription service, I would normally expect an online forum where the subscribers could interact with the hosts, and more content (such as downloadable content.)
I am sorry that the hosts have encountered difficulty in receiving grants and in gaining airtime online. However, given the wide variety of accessible material aimed at educated lay people in philosophy, I find it a bit hard to believe that the funds raised from these subscriptions will justify the ill will engendered by this experiment. Were the decision mine, I would have simply asked for donations, like the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy does.

Ken Taylor's picture

Ken Taylor

Sunday, September 9, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Dear Mr. Tygar: Your post basically calling me

Dear Mr. Tygar:
First of all Stanford on Itunes is a completely different animal from Philosophy Talk. Much of the content on ITunes is content produced in the course of more or less regular academic business here at Stanford. Many are public lectures and events of various sorts, that happen as part of the ongoing educational activities of the University.
Philosophy Talk is a professionally produced radio program, that lies pretty much outside of the main educational activities of the University. We are not part of some on-going class, speaker series, seminar series, or even on-going public outreach activities of the University like Stanford Lively Arts.
Second, the reference to ISDN lines and the like isn't directly related to live call-ins, but to the fact that almost all of our guests join us from some remote studio. Often we have to rent studio time from such studios, pay for a remote engineer at the remote studio -- especially now that we are live on Sundays -- and pay for the ISDN connection between our home studio and the remote studio.
Doing the show live, by the way, makes the show substantially cheaper than it otherwise would be. If we did a "pre-produced" show, with editing up to the standards of other national public radio programs, the show would be SUBSTANTIALLY more expensive. Shows like Fresh Air, Car Talk, etc. go through eight or more rounds of editing. And editing is one of the most expensive because labor intensive things in all of media. So by doing it live, and having only a few edited segments, we keep it cheap.
Also, by having live call-ins we make the show considerably more democratic than it otherwise would be. I would hate to lose the voice of the caller. And I certainly wouldn't dream of doing that merely in order to cut costs. We are trying to be a national radio program that measures up to the highest standards of public radio across the nation. We do so in an extremely cost-effective way compared to other programs out there. But none of this is free.
Also, about "recycling programs." Because the program is broadcast live and because each show is very time consuming, John and I couldn't possibly afford the time to do 52 live episodes per year. We aim for 36-39 new episodes per year, with an average of 3-4 reruns per 13 week production quarter. We do tend to run more re-runs during the summer quarter in order to give us and our whole team a break from the production schedule and to allow us to think and plan ahead.
As for "side features" though they are in fact costly, I strongly disagree that these are mere frills. In fact, Philosophy Talk recently won a silver medal in an international radio competition for our Roving Reporter segment and for our Sixty-Second philosopher segment. When we try to convince program directors to carry the show, they often want more, not less of this kind of thing. Of course, this kind of thing is very expensive and we don't really want the tail to wag the dog. I think we have just about the right mix myself.
The bottom line is that if you don't want to pay to listen to Philosophy Talk, you're perfectly free to listen without paying. But of course you know that already, I assume. So I'm afraid I don't understand the very harsh character of your remarks.

Guest's picture


Monday, September 10, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Regardless of the fact that I would gladly pay to

Lamento mucho la decisión tomada y espero que en futuro pueda volver a disfrutar de vuestro programa.

Guest's picture


Tuesday, September 11, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Philosophy talk is one of the best ways that your

Philosophy talk is one of the best ways that your kind of philosophy can reach the ears of the public. It seems to me philosophers have had a lesser predominating role in communities and society at large in recent decades compared to the greats like Russell.
Philosophy talk is one such way to spread our acquired knowledge and wisdom to the masses, which is so much needed right now. While I am slightly saddened by the implications of a subscription service; I understand.
Those who feel disappointed about this development should have their beef with the economic organisation of radio and academia, NOT Ken and John. They are going above and beyond their mandate as professional philosophers to do this program and are doing it out of their love for wisdom. More philosophers can learn from them.

Guest's picture


Saturday, September 15, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Dear Mr. Taylor, I've been inquiring about down

Dear Mr. Taylor,
I've been inquiring about downloading podcasts since last year because it's so convenient to listen to shows on the go as opposed to being glued to my laptop. So, it's nice to see that they are available. I've downloaded three episodes so far. I've considered subscribing on a monthly basis or yearly, but I haven't made up my mind because there may occasionally be shows on subjects I don't find interesting.
But, again, I'm happy that the podcast option is available and that I can pick and choose which episodes I want to when and where I want to listen to them.

Guest's picture


Monday, September 17, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

I enjoy your show, and would pay something for the

I enjoy your show, and would pay something for the convenience of being able to download it, but nowhere near $70. Overpricing a service doesn't create a large pool of new donors, it only dissuades potential customers. Consider a non-profit clothing and gift shop, like the AIDS relief shop in the Castro (in San Francisco). They charge competitive prices for their wares, and while you're there you can learn more about their mission and possibly decide to support them in other ways. But if their merchandise was four times the average price, nearly everyone would turn right around and march out the door, benefiting no one.
In any case, thank you for doing the show. It's a pleasure to hear.

Guest's picture


Monday, September 17, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Matt: Basically you're saying that if we sold y


Guest's picture


Saturday, September 22, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

I'd really appreciate access to the past episodes,

I'd really appreciate access to the past episodes, having just got through a long european coach journey by listening to those that were available on itunes, but I share matt's suspicion you'd get more subscribers with a cheaper rate; it's hard to get people to pay for subscription content on the internet (witness the new york times paywall coming down). Personally, I intend to subscribe at the current rate, when I've got the money...

Guest's picture


Tuesday, September 25, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

How about offering just one or two episodes for do

How about offering just one or two episodes for download for free, so potential customers can make up their mind?
While I certainly consider myself sufficiently interested in philosophy to very much appreciate a weekly show on the subject, and sufficiently accustomed to the concept of having to pay for things I like, I consider the current "try the audio stream" approach as a very unclever imposition.
The message I gather is that I have to pay for the comfort, and not for the contents.
This puts me in the slightly paradoxical situation that although I would most probably like the show, I have not (yet) listened to a single episode.
P.S. On a side note, I personally consider charging US$ 5 per episode not really a bargain, but I understand that the fixed transaction cost is significant. The pricing model really depends on the number of subscribers - but I (wishfully?) believe the global market for Philosophy Talk might be quite a bit larger than you seem to assume. Following the DRM argument, it even gets worse as I do not feel I pay for the contents, or for any additional value (assuming the cost of providing plain mp3 files is certainly not greater than that of providing audio streaming), but only for not being coerced to listen infront of my computer.

Guest's picture


Friday, September 28, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

I was afraid that when I click the link to "Contin

I was afraid that when I click the link to "Continue reading 'Why we Charge for Downloads'" I was going to have to pay for that.
Sorry, no dice on paying.
I can't sit and listen to the stream, I'll just have to try and catch what I can from the broadcast on KOPB.

Guest's picture


Saturday, September 29, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

我同意是费用的问题。I was ready


Guest's picture


Monday, October 1, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

I think the show is great and I'd be willing to pa


David's picture


Friday, October 5, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

How can anyone dispute that Philosophy Talk is a g

How can anyone dispute that Philosophy Talk is a great program that deserves our financial support? I have no doubt that the production costs are high and don't doubt that sources of funding are woefully inadequate. No doubt from this perspective the pricing of the downloads is "fair." But is it competitive or is it even optimal from the point of view of generating revenue? I hope there is some possibility of testing or experimenting with alterations of the pricing structure. For example, the difference in the per-episode pricing and the subscription pricing might warrant tinkering with. Even a modest reduction in the per-episode pricing might induce more people to give this a try.

Guest's picture


Sunday, October 7, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Thanks for all the hard work guys- it's a great sh

Thanks for all the hard work guys- it's a great show. As I'm still a student and short on funds, I'll be listening for free online, but I hope this new system works out. If anyone's looking for an additional philosophy podcast, check out The Philosopher's Zone athttp://www.abc.net.au/rn/philosopherszone/default.htm- it's an Australian public radio show that you can download for free.

Guest's picture


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

I'd give every penny I have to Philosophy Talk, as

I'd give every penny I have to Philosophy Talk, as it's part of me too, a manifestation of the mission of philosophical universe.
I have paid the yearly fee and have bought a bunch that I love.

Guest's picture


Thursday, October 11, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

你在开玩笑吧。$4.95 for a single


Guest's picture


Saturday, October 13, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Don't listen to Philosophy Talk ever again if you

Don't listen to Philosophy Talk ever again if you don't support them.

Jason's picture


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Wow. So much animosity. Love the show. Keep doi

Wow. So much animosity. Love the show. Keep doing what you're doing and see if people sign up. In the mean time maybe add a few subscriber features that increase the value and people will come. Heck, even offer some promotions like a free book or something to get people in the door. Just keep trying and you'll hit on something. And if you really need help, then ask for some donations and you'll probably be surprised!

Guest's picture


Wednesday, October 17, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Instead of subscriptions... because what student o

Instead of subscriptions... because what student or adult who are in the humanities field can afford a 60 podcast... you should instead make money by google adds or adds on the website.

Guest's picture


Wednesday, October 24, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

For less than 1/2 the price of a gallon of gasolin

不到1/2加仑汽油的价格,不到1/2加仑牛奶的价格,大约一瓶可乐的价格,你就可以购买一个小时的哲学节目!2022世界杯小组赛分组幽默哲学、想象哲学、科学哲学、心灵哲学等。如果你不想买,你可以不买(很明显,你们2022世界杯小组赛分组中的一些人不想买)。花同样的价钱在blockbuster租几天录像带,你就可以购买3个60分钟的哲学脱口秀,而且永远都不用归还,你们中的一些人会抱怨——哇!2022世界杯小组赛分组世界杯赛程2022赛程表欧洲区你会认为这些人只是提高了你的抵押贷款。我很抱歉,有些人觉得自己一直在用笔记本电脑听哲学节目。世界杯赛程2022赛程表欧洲区当我听哲学演讲的时候,我会在家里做中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播一些事情。跟你说一声,你没必要坐在电脑前一动不动。这就是演讲者的作用。如果你想享受“在路上”听哲学演讲的奢侈,也许你应该开始存钱,用25美分的硬币来支付。中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播 By the way, how did you ever afford a laptop or online access. These luxuries are much more than $1.35.

Guest's picture


Saturday, November 3, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

The subscription price does not trouble me as much

The subscription price does not trouble me as much as the price for past episodes. I would purchase all back episodes if it was not cost prohibitive. That said, the program remains accessible free of charge. Whether that access comes in the form preferred by any particular listener is of course another question. While free,multi- format availability would be ideal, we should all note that no right to such access is present. I remain a whole-hearted supporter of the program, and I trust that Ken and John will do everything possible to extend access to a wider audience. Thus, while the current pricing is questionable, I pay because the show is an enjoyable part of my weekly activities.

Guest's picture


Wednesday, November 7, 2007 -- 4:00 PM

Hi Ken and John, I just wanted to let you know th

Hi Ken and John,
I just wanted to let you know that I accept and agree with the fees of your service that you provide to us, the audience. You seem to have in the past and continue to discuss many different and interesting topics. I am a new student at UC Berkeley and I am majoring in Philosophy, so it is good to become aware of additional views and ideas about a vast number of topics. I also find it very pleasant that the topics are talked about so casually. I plan to listen to every episode (except for the reruns :-P) and I support you. As a college student, I am strapped for cash, so we are to an extent, in the same boat, but regardless, good luck!

Guest's picture


Wednesday, December 12, 2007 -- 4:00 PM

Dear Ken, I have a conundrum. I have paid your

Dear Ken,

Guest's picture


Friday, March 28, 2008 -- 5:00 PM

How about donations? The effect of having all the

How about donations? The effect of having all the music in the world at my fingertips has made me psychologically different in that i feel very annoyed if i have to pay for what i like before instead of after i've enjoyed it. I think many in my generation (80s) may actually be more willing and adapted to donate. (that is, more money (and listeners!) might be gained that way)
我只能代表我自己,也可能代表我在挪威的朋友圈,但对我来说,像你们这样收费可以赚到更多钱,这似乎不是一个先验的明显现象。“海盗一代”已经把在互联网上收费视为一件道德上“不好的”、消极的事情。(as you may have noticed from certain replies, and may not have fully understood the reason for (it's tied up in the whole pirate/freespeech-wars etc))

Guest's picture


Wednesday, April 2, 2008 -- 5:00 PM

Charge what you like, you don't have to justify yo


Guest's picture


Monday, September 29, 2008 -- 5:00 PM

The main reason that I wouldn't pay $70 a year is

It's a bore trying to listen to streamed episodes. Too much clicking around the website! I have a podcast manager that automatically downloads my favorite public radio shows, so they're all in one place and queued up for listening with or without an internet connection. Philosophy Talk used to be in that queue, and I miss it!
For years the podcast of "This American Life" was only available through Audible.com. I stopped listening to the show because I didn't want to buy anything from Audible. Now that TAL is available as a free podcast, I listen regularly and am a substantial donor.