
09 June 2007

On today's show, we'll be talking about books. The sun is out, the surf is up, and it's time to take to the beach, with a few good philosophical books in hand. Wedid a similar episode last yearand it was fun. So we thought as the summer of 2007 approaches, we'd try it again.

Our guest will be Danielle Marshall fromPowell's City of Booksin Portland Oregon. You may or may not have noticed that Powell's is now an official sponsor of Philosophy Talk. We're really pleased about this and are looking forward to along and fruitful partnership with Powells.

By the way, if you are in the Portland area, come and check us out week after next. We're going to be doing two events of there. On Wednesday evening, June 20th at 7:30, we'll being doing a live taping of the show at Powell's downtown store. Our guest will be the poet and philosopherTroy Jollimore, whose first book of poetry,Tom Thompson in Purgatoryjust won the National Book Critics Circle award in poetry. More details about that event arehere.

第二天晚上,周四晚上8点,我们将在俄勒冈公共广播公司的演播室做直播节目。这将给我们俄勒冈地区的听众一个与我们现场互动的机会,而不是获得他们通常的节目重播版本。Our two guests for that epsiode will be Tom Cohart and Daniel Klein, authors ofPlato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy through Humor.一定要收听并召唤俄勒冈!

I have to admit to have slightly subversive intentions with regard to OPB. I very much want them to move us to Sunday's at 10am, so we can be live all over Oregon. They aren't likely to do it, but maybe by coming up and doing the show live just once, that can create a bottom-up groundswell of demand for more live episodes of Philosophy Talk.

In any case, do come and check us out at Powell's on Wednesday the 20th and tune in and call up to our live OPB broadcast on Thursday the 21st.

But back to our summer reading list.


Still, I have thoughts both about what I would like to read myself this summer, if I were to be able to for pure philosophical pleasure and about what I might recommend to others to read who were looking for interesting philosophical reads.



Solomon wasa guest on Philosophy Talkawhile back talking about happines. We tried to get him on again, to talk about love or the emotions or existentialism. But schedules never clicked. Bob was a lucid and passionate writer. You should read something by him. He wrote many fine books, but one I like a lot is his book,About Love: Reinventing Romance for our Time.

Many regard Rorty as one the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. Though not many analtyic philosophers regard him that way, many non-philosophers do. I think the truth probably lies somewhere in between. Rorty was probably over-appreciated by non-philosophers and underappreciated by many philosophers. If you haven't read Rorty or haven't read him recently, you should pick up one of has many books or collections of essays. I just picked up two of them the other day. A collection he published back in 1999 calledPhilosophy and Social Hopewhich is, I think, his first collection of essays aimed at a "popular" audience and a more recent collection calledPhilosophy as Cultural Politics.This last one was published just this year, and is represented as the 4th volume of his philosophical papers. Perhaps the final thing that Rorty wrote, or really co-wrote , isWhat's the use of Truth?这本很短的书,我还没有看过,似乎是法国分析哲学家帕斯卡·恩格尔和罗蒂之间的交流。

If you want to read a reasonably accessible book by an outstandingly good philosopher attacking Rorty's views on truth, see Paul Boghossian's bookFear of Knowledge: Against Relativism and Constructivism

我刚刚抬头看了看钟。不幸的是,我真的得走了。我得去录音棚了。我还有很多建议。我只是快速地输入一些,没有提供很多链接。I'm about three chapters intoThe Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbableby Nassim Nicholas Taleb. It's an intriquing idea, and there's lots of insight there. But the style of the book is a little frustrating. Seems like a book that will be much talked about for awhile.

I'm a good way into Barack Obama'sTale's of my Father-- a really fascinating read about the constituting of a self, espeically a racial self. Obama is a very fine writer and a much more thoughtful than your average politician lets himself appear to be. You could read this book and then read Anthony Appiah'sThe Ethics of Identityand/or Toni Morrison'sSong of Solomonand you would have had a great exploration of the dynamics of identity constitution from many different angles in many different voices.

另一个典型的政治家,他有一些深刻的哲学观点,他就是戈尔。I've just picked up his bookThe Assault on Reason.我还没想那么多。我刚浏览了几章。但乍一看,这本书似乎充满了激情、勇气和清晰。我读过大卫·布鲁克斯的一篇专栏文章,他批评阿尔·戈尔是某种奇怪的外星生物。但在我看来,美国政界需要更多像他这样的人。

I also started Doug Hofstadter'sI am a Strange Loop.This looks like a typical Hofstadter book -- well written and witty, full of insight, but also not likely to satisfy the professional philosopher in me. Of course, that's not quite what he's trying to do with this book about the nature of the self. (Although he does say that he views this book as a "return" to philosophy on his part and he wants it to be convincing to professional philosophers of mind like me. We'll see. I'm only a few chapters into it and I'm reserving judgment.

If you want to read a more philosophically demanding book about the self, readThe Situated Self由Jenann Ismael。聪明的东西——诚然,这将比霍夫施塔特更难,但这将是非常值得的努力。

Anyway, I gotta go. Talk to you soon. Between you, Danielle, John and me, I'm sure we can come up with a dynamite summer reading list for the philosophically inclined.


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Saturday, June 9, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

I recommend Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - pos

To stay in the genre, read Asimov's short story (not the novel by the same name) Nightfall - again, possibly the best sci-fi short story ever written and on a par with The Lottery or The Gift of the Magi.

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Sunday, June 10, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

It was fun to hear about the summer reading. It w

It was fun to hear about the summer reading.
It would be more fun if the summer list (i.e., recommeded books) is published.
Is is possible to get a copy of the list?

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Ken, you've summed up my impression of Strange Loo

Ken, you've summed up my impression of Strange Loop pretty well. Hofstadter is much better at walking you through his thoughts on a matter, almost as if it were in real time, than at making a convincing argument. I don't get the sense that he's out to prove one or another view of the self, more that he wants to sit down and talk about it for a while. This suits me fine, but if you're already doing that full time I can see how this book would leave you a little less than thrilled.
For the lay reader - and I imagine there are plenty of us - it might be a good way to start thinking about minds and brains and selves and such things - lots of stuff to get you started thinking there, but not much by way of conclusions. It's also a nice counterpoint to Dennett (Consciousness Explained). The views harmonize, but the methods are almost inversions of each other. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure some people will find it intolerably fluffy and want to chuck it across the room, so please read a bit before you buy it on my recommendation.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

I agree that it would be great if you'd publish a

I agree that it would be great if you'd publish a list of the books on the web site that were discussed during the June 10 show. I was intrigued by the book in which a baby was born into an old man's body and the old man's body grew younger as the baby aged.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Stephanie-- The book you are intrigued by is The

Stephanie-- The book you are intrigued by is
The Confessions of Max Tivoli. I believe that the entire list of books mentioned will be posted on this site very soon...

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Sunday, June 24, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

A couple of books I am reading now and can recomme

A couple of books I am reading now and can recommend for summer fare are Paul Feyerabend's "Conquest of Abundance," and the novel "My Name Is Red" by Orhan Pamuk.
"My Name Is Red" was written by the Nobel Prize winning Turkish author whose trial for anti-government speech was part of the reason the EU put off Turkey's acceptance into the Union. It is a story about Istanbul in the 1500s and Muslim artists who created beautiful illuminated manuscripts. Some of the themes: what happens when we die; the nature of various types of love (father/daughter, mother/son, lovers, master/student); what happens within when a person commits murder; Islam's confusing, contentious relationship with art. It is a very interesting book beautifully written (great translation!) and offers much to think about.

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Saturday, June 30, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Re: Kitty Corcoran's comment, I would like cite th

Re: Kitty Corcoran's comment, I would like cite the following excerpt (from an interview with Pamuk) from The Guardian:
Pamuk, who has always argued for Turkey's entry into the EU, was troubled that "in Europe, conservative people who do not want to see Turkey in Europe tried to abuse my situation. They wanted to show that this country does not deserve Europe, which put me in an awfully awkward situation." (quoted portions belong to Pamuk)

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Monday, July 2, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Thank you Varol, for that information. And whereve

Thank you Varol, for that information. And wherever you weigh in on that issue, My Name Is Red is still a good read.